
Written by cycleguy on January 12th, 2017

In Numbers 21 there is a story of the people of Israel and a serpent. They had begun to grumble against God and Moses, complaining they brought them out of Egypt into the wilderness to die. Their complaining got so bad God sent fiery serpents among them and when they bit the people they died. Suddenly complaining about being in the wilderness was not such a big thing anymore. The remedy for all of this mayhem was for Moses to make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole. Anyone who looked on it would live. Sounds all well and good.


“He (King Hezekiah) removed the high places and broke the pillars and cut down the Asherah. And he broke pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had made offerings to it (and it was called Nehushtan).”  2 Kings 18:4

That which was for a good purpose turned out to become something bad. The serpent had become an idol.

We may not have those kinds of idols but we do have them. An idol is a representation of what we honor, esteem, pay allegiance to, or worship. Idols tell us we can’t live without them.

My sermon this week is #3 in the series “I Am Fifth.” I’m calling it “Who’s Your Daddy?” because of the subject of idols. It is a tough sermon to preach since it hits all of us (especially me). I’m going to take a post or two next week to cover this subject in a little more detail. Stay tuned!


12 Comments so far ↓

  1. Rodney Olsen says:

    I look forward to reading your posts on the matter.

    I guess the thing that it immediately says to me is that it’s not always the obvious things that become idols.

    Many times we take those things that are good and helpful and make them our focus rather than the God who gave them to us. That means that our idols don’t look like idols. The serpent was God’s method of providing something good but the people focused on the serpent rather than God’s goodness.

  2. floyd says:

    Excellent subject. Anything that we put higher than God falls into this category I think, including fear. If we fear something or someone, or a group of someones, more than we revere our Father, it falls into the idol category in my opinion.

    It is a difficult subject and we’re all in the same boat.

    Praying for you, brother.

  3. Will certainly be looking forward to hearing more details, Bill.
    Blessings and prayers for Sunday!

  4. Ed says:

    Many Christians still don’t understand God even today. They want a genie in a bottle instead of a actual living God. What a shame!

  5. Pam says:

    I always found the Nehushtan story interesting. Looking forward to your posts, Bill.

  6. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I am very familiar with the story of making the seraph serpent, but completely oblivious to it’s fate. Thank you for sharing that!
    I know that plenty of things in my life have become idols at times. It seems to happen so seamlessly, and sometimes it doesn’t even look all that bad. But, if we love things more than we love God. Well. That’s not so wonderful is it.
    Looking forward to your further thoughts,

  7. cycleguy says:

    From Betty: Feel for you brother. We do so much of mission work on our computer it’s major drama when we get a virus.

    But st least we know why you have been missing on Blog world. My daughter suggested I stop blogging to reduce my stress . And I am giving it a thought or two. I will probably go home day after tomorrow after eight days and two bypasse later . Still need a few prayers dropped inHis lap. One nurse said it best for me. You will loses your bruises, get your color back, hopefully drop a pounds but it will take almost a year to heal inside.
    Good to catch up Bill