
Written by cycleguy on January 24th, 2017

In my last post I mentioned 3 things which can become idols to us.

Keep in mind: an idol is a representation of what we honor, esteem, pay allegiance to, or worship. Idols tell us we can’t live without them.

The first three were:

  1. Stuff
  2. Money
  3. Sex

The three I’d like to mention in this post are not listed as 4-6 because they are less prominent or because they are less of an issue.  We all struggle with things that want preeminence in our lives. The following three should also be included in the list:

Idol #4: Technology. It has been interesting to me to listen to all the “talk” about the political garbage (I could use another word for it) on FB and other media venues and I breathe a sigh of relief that I am not on any of them. I have chosen ON PURPOSE to not be on any site. I know people who can’t live without their phone, iPad or tablet, or some form of technology in their hand.  Technology can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse.

Idol #5: Beauty. I will be the first to admit I see nothing wrong with taking care of yourself or seeing a nice-looking male of female walking toward me. But there is no denying it has become an idol in our culture. How much more subjective can it be than to have an Annual “Sexiest Man Alive” issue or “Beautiful People Issue?”

Idol #6: Entertainment. I will acknowledge the need for diversion. But sometimes we spend entirely too much time in front of the TV or computer screen. I’m thrilled that one of the things Jo & I have never done is have a TV in our bedroom, nor does her iPad make it there. TV. Music. Playing games. None wrong in and of themselves, but when they begin to take over common sensibilities “Houston, we have a problem.”

There are the 6 I used this past Sunday. There are, obviously, more. But hopefully, you get the point.  🙂


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. floyd says:

    Good ones. I hadn’t really thought of technology, but it’s real and can be as distracting as any of the others.

    • cycleguy says:

      Thanks Floyd. I’d be interested in hearing the one you mentioned in the last post comments.

      • floyd says:

        Fear. Since an idol is anything we put before the power and sovereignty of God, then to fear the world or anyone in it more than we revere our Father should be considered and idol. It’s one of the most powerful idols I can think of.

  2. Jeff says:

    I guess I miss the point. Maybe it is just the religious legalism angle that I’ll never understand. None of these things are bad. The point is maybe we all need to exercise some self-control and get a handle on excessive impulses. Some people may find help in appealing to a supernatural supervisor or set of dogma. I don’t think it is necessary or particularly effective. Common sense seems enough for most people.

  3. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! This is a great list. I guess anything that is good can be turned into an idol if I decide to make it more important than it should be. It’s all about priorities.

    I think I can certainly improve in the are of technology. I peruse my phone when I’m bored, or play games on my iPAD. Why not read a good book instead? Always a work in progress for me.
    Very thought provoking.

  4. Idols 4 – 6 are spot on, Bill, and they can wreck havoc in our lives if we don’t put them in their place. And I think our society’s obsession with exterior beauty has ruined or maimed the lives of so many people, especially women. They mistakenly believe they are not worth being loved unless they measure up to a particular standard, when they should stand on the promise that God loves us no matter how we look. It’s the inner beauty that counts!

  5. Pam says:

    For me technology is the easiest trap to fall into. Hours can be by in a flash while I putz around on Facebook or the Internet. Then I could kick myself. Thankfully, I catch myself quicker than I used to.

  6. Ed says:

    The computers of today really make me yearn for the days of yesterday…when there was no Myspace, Facebook, Smart Phones, or even PCs. Thankfully I only have access to a dumb phone, not a smart phone. 🙂