
Written by cycleguy on April 11th, 2018

I’ve said here before in my blog that I lack some things. One of those is “super intelligence.” I am not a deep-thinker by nature and often get bored when the subject goes deeper than a) I want to go and b) I am able to understand. People will ask me questions which “go beyond my pay grade” i.e. beyond my ability to understand and explain. There are certain mysteries I accept without feeling like I have to have a PhD to “sign off” on.

One of those is God. I am often asked hard questions, at least hard ones for me. I can’t say I have ever had one of those “dark nights of the soul” where I questioned everything I have ever been taught and came out on the other side more convinced than ever of what I believe. My “dark night” (no not Batman) is more related to having questions about suffering, and why things happen that I don’t have an answer to or see no sense in.

I’m currently reading a book by J.D.Greear called Not God Enough. While it is different from my normal fare, it has been a great book. An understandable book (for me). I’m almost 100 pages into this 200+ page book and I’m finding some good, thought-provoking stuff. Perhaps the best way to describe its approach is to use his opening statement of Chapter 1:

A god small enough to be understood is not big enough to be worshiped. Evelyn Underhill

There is no way “under God’s green earth” that I can or will ever understand God, what makes Him tick (except His love for me), or how He operates.  But the good thing is I don’t have to!! I often tell people it is okay to have doubts. True, doubt can drive you backward into disbelief, but it can also drive you forward into real faith. 

I will never understand all there is to know about God (nobody can). All I know is I believe He is who He said He is. He is the great I AM (as He told Moses). And for that, I make no apologies, nor do I need any letters after my name.


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Betty Draper says:

    Love the quotes…put it on my facebook wall…

  2. Love that quote by Underhill! Thanks for reminding us that we don’t need to have a PhD to have faith.
    Blessings, Bill!

  3. Lisa notes says:

    Yes, yes, and yes. “I will never understand all there is to know about God (nobody can). All I know is I believe He is who He said He is.” I must look into that book, too. Thanks for your honesty, Bill.

  4. Ed says:

    All I need to know about God, right now anyways is that He is a merciful, loving, but strict God whose wrath you and I don’t want stir.

    But of course, my understanding should grow…if not day by day, then however He sees fit.