
Written by cycleguy on November 1st, 2018

Martin Luther once said,

A Christian man is the most free lord of all, and subject to no one; a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to everyone.

Service should be something every follower of Christ should be willing to do. A servant is what every follower of Christ should be willing to be.  Why? Well…that’s easy. Our role model once said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many.” Hmmmm.

Joel Manby wrote one of the best books on leadership I have ever read. It is called Love Works. The book was loaded with solid advice on leadership, primarily leadership is being a servant to all. He had some quotes I found really good:

Being unselfish doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself-it means thinking of yourself less. (p.88)

A little bit later he wrote:

The difficult journey of life is to move from a selfish heart to a serving heart.(p.88)

This Sunday is our Day of Service where we serve our community. We have asked The Connection Church and the Owen County Chamber of Commerce to join us again in our effort to serve and help others. This Day of Service offers free oil changes and light maintenance for those who can’t afford it and any yard work which needs done. Last year at this time we had a deluge that Sunday. I’m praying for good weather this year. We have about 8-9 oil changes and close to 30 people to help with their yards.

My sermon was chosen for this specific day and this specific topic. Your prayers for both would be appreciated.


3 Comments so far ↓

  1. As I’ve said here before, Bill, I’m so thrilled that your church dedicates a day of service to the community at large. Yes, we should all have the heart of a servant, just like our Lord.

  2. floyd samons says:

    Oh man I love that quote!

    So much wisdom in such a small space!

    To serve is the heart of our Master. How can we bear his namesake without honoring Him?

  3. Linda Stoll says:

    You model servanthood so very well, Pastor Bill. We pick this up from your writing, your sharing of life here in this space.

    I’m guessing your people have learned how to live out this mandate by watching you love and serve from your heart. And doing likewise.

    Sabbath blessings to you all.