
Written by cycleguy on December 10th, 2018

It is not uncommon this time of the year to hear or see or be given some type of reminder:


To be honest? I’ve had trouble with that phrase for quite a long time. Yes, I know what the slogan is supposed to be saying. And yes, I know people are well-intentioned (at least most of them) when they say it or display it. But that still doesn’t stop me from having trouble with it. Why?

Simple. Jesus is not the reason for the season. Now…before you brand me as a heretic or a scrooge of some sort, please hear me out.

Jesus is not the reason for the season…we are. That’s right. You cannot read the Scripture without seeing that it wasn’t Jesus who needed Christmas. We did. Bear with me here please. Don’t shoot me because I said Jesus didn’t need Christmas. I’m not talking about the trappings of the season. It would be sort of like I said, “Jesus is behind Easter.” I obviously don’t mean Jesus is responsible for eggs, rabbits, etc.

So, I’m not saying Jesus is behind the trees, lights, decorations, or even gifts. We are told: “Who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Jesus came as God in the flesh because we needed it to happen. The ultimate act of love of dying on the cross was why Jesus came. He came for us. We were the reason.

So my thinking is this: I am the reason; He is the meaning.  Any thoughts?


13 Comments so far ↓

  1. Bill, I absolutely love your take on this. So true! We are the very reason Jesus had to come to earth, and we should ever be grateful for His great love.

  2. Lisa notes says:

    Ah, I see! This is very insightful, Bill. I wasn’t sure how you were going to pull this off, but you did quite brilliantly. We are the reason; He is the meaning. I agree with you!

  3. Pam says:

    Though I never really thought about it this way, I agree, Bill. If we could have somehow overcome sin on our own, Jesus wouldn’t have had to humble himself and be born here on Earth; He wouldn’t have had to sacrifice himself to take away our sin. We really ARE the reason for the season.

  4. Linda Stoll says:

    Thanks for the recalibration here, Bill, a fresh interpretation. I’m appreciating it this morning.

    How incredibly gracious and generous He’s been to us all …

  5. Ed says:

    Jesus is God’s gift to us. So yeah, you’re on point Brother!

  6. Great point Bill, we are the reason. In fact there is a song titles that, always loved the message in it.

    Like the thought, we are the reason, he is the meaning…yes, yes, yes.

  7. floyd samons says:

    I like the way you can think outside the box. It is a clever line and anything in this world that acknowledges Jesus as our Savior I get, but you’re right; He didn’t need His sacrifice… we did…