
Written by cycleguy on February 19th, 2019

In yesterday’s post I told of the opportunity to pray at the Indiana State House of Representatives and I asked for prayer. I thought I would share an update with you since I know some of you prayed. It will also save me from responding to each comment (even though I normally do).  First, a picture.

That is me with Representative Bob Heaton. I’m the one in the tie. Oops…the one without a jacket. 🙂 Yeah…that tie is an anomaly. When I asked about apparel the lady I spoke to bust out laughing when my comment to me wearing a tie was “Bummer! I don’t even wear one of those on Sunday morning.”  When I was joking with Rep Heaton on Saturday morning about the tie, he said, “Yeah. They are kind of sticklers about that.” No way was I going to be a rebel. However, it is a cycling tie!  Bob is a super nice guy, one who truly cares for his constituents. He played ball at Indiana State University as a teammate to Larry Bird.  He is 6’5″ so I guess my doctor was right about my height. In college I was listed as 6’3″.

They wanted it brief (3 minutes or less) and even without knowing that, I was already there.  I thought I would let you see what I said and prayed:

“In the OT book of I Kings there is a story told of Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. Two woman had a baby and came to him because one of the babies died and was switched with the other. They came to Solomon and his test was to divide the baby in half. The one mother said, “Oh no don’t do that!” while the other said, “Go ahead. He shall be neither of ours.” Solomon wisely knew who the real mother was. My prayer for you is a prayer for wisdom. On that note, let’s pray.

“Father, you are the giver of wisdom. We thank you for this day you have given us. We thank you for the opportunity to meet on this day which honors two of our greatest presidents. I thank you for each man and woman present in this room today. I pray for wisdom in their conversations which must take place. And I pray for wisdom for the decisions which must be made today. Give each of these men and women a heart of discernment for right and wrong. And help them to make decisions which will benefit the citizens of this great state of Indiana. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.”

There you have it. Why not take a moment and pray for your legislators and senators and the leaders of our country right now?

Two insider pictures of the “floor.”



11 Comments so far ↓

  1. Glynn says:

    Great photos, Bill! And a great prayer!

  2. Linda Stoll says:

    Amen! What an honor!

  3. Wonderful prayer, Bill! Yes, it’s a good idea to pray often for those who hold public office.

  4. cycleguy says:

    From Betty: Woo Hoo brother.

  5. Ryan S says:

    Very well done. I did not see your post ahead of time, however, I went back an looked at my journal for Monday morning…

    This was my prayer, simple and to the point…
    “I pray for Leadership and Wisdom for my pastors”

    I trust my prayer was answered.

  6. floyd samons says:

    Well done, brother. What an honor. Thanks for the update and for being obedient.