
Written by cycleguy on February 12th, 2020

Quite honestly I have never been one to listen to sermons or podcasts while I drive. I don’t know if you would say I am a typical male or whether it is just me, but I have trouble doing two things at one time.  Even reading more than one book at a time is hard, especially if I find one of them more interesting than the other. So I tend to be a “one-tasker” (as opposed to multi-tasker).  Driving and listening to a sermon is not on my radar for obvious reasons. Hint: you have to think while listening.

But lately I have found a couple podcasts I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to. One is Carey Nieuwhof’s leadership podcast, as well as Craig Groeschel’s. Another is Hole in my Heart with Laurie Krieg. Her husband, Matt, and friend, Steve, often join her. I have personally met Matt & Laurie and had them as our weekend guests here at OVCF. Laurie has what she calls “broken sexuality” (Same Sex Attraction). But her podcast has not focused on that alone. She did have one guest whom I really enjoyed listening to concerning his SSA but also his conversion to Christ. A recent guest, Sheridan Voysey, talked about the struggle he and his wife had with infertility.  It was during a “side road” Laurie took Sheridan on that he said something I wrote down (after I got back to the office).

This very darkness you are going through and your waiting and hungering and hoping for that new birth or rebirth, God can be doing things under the surface without you even realizing it, which is all part of Him making you who He called you to be.

I sent that to someone I know who is going through a really tough time right now. Short thought: nothing is ever wasted in God’s economy. His plan is sometimes curvy; sometimes uncomfortable; sometimes painful; but always with purpose.

I leave this quote with you for your perusal. If you care to comment, I’d love to hear what you think.


10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Yes, I agree. At our darkest hour, when we’re perhaps despairing and ready to give up, God is always there, working for us and ready to help. But beware – also in our weakest time, the devil is working hard to lead us astray.

    Coincidentally, I am right now writing my latest book about a priest at his weakest hour being tempted away from God by the devil.

    God bless.

  2. Ryan S says:

    Some of my deepest and most substantial growth times have come off the back of some of my hardest times…
    I don’t think God necessarily orchestrates those times, but allows them, knowing that in the end, we will be stronger (in Him) as a result of them.

    • cycleguy says:

      First, I agree with growth often happening during some of our hardest times. Second, I don’t want to give the idea God orchestrated those hard times. Not by a long shot. But allowing them? Yes.

      • Ryan S. says:

        Hopefully my response was not taken as if I thought you had stated that…
        That was not the case at all, just my observation. Great post that will continue to provide comfort to many i am sure.

  3. This quote gave me tremendous comfort today, Bill. Thank you, and blessings!

  4. Ed says:

    That’s a strong quote. I’ve forwarded to someone who needs it also. It reminds me of a woman in labor… it also reminds me that my stomach has grown about 2 inches! 😮

  5. Good post Bill. I get ask that question a lot, does God cause hard time to grow us? I usually answer no, life gives you hard time, Jesus said, in this world you will have trouble. But I know this God does direct in hard times, open and shuts doors. Trouble comes to the saved and the lost, but the lost have no where to go for comfort. Next question I get is, well, can’t He stop the trouble. I always say, He sure can, He control the wind, the ocean, but just like His people He gives free reign to nature. He gives us the power of choice which the wind does not have, it must blow, the ocean must roll, the sun must shine but we get to make choices. Through all the trials, storm of life we will grow if we want to. Talk to anyone who has been through a hard time, if they have grown through it, they are more tender toward others, have wisdom that was never there before, insight to make better choices. But can our God stop trouble. Yes, yes, yes and has in my life through ways I could never explain. Ace always says if you can explain it, it’s not a miracle. I love the fact He did not make us puppets on strings, but put us on this ball of earth that has an order laided down from the beginning of time. I don’t have to worry about that order, ,He keeps it in place. I don’t even have to worry about trouble, even though I do when I try to fix a problem. Trials will come and go, then come again and go again until the Father is ready to end this world and send down our new earth. I pray that God not let me waste anything that comes my way , good or bad. Sorry, I am a little wordy today, hope I did not confuse anyone.

  6. One thing I learned from the last 7 years of my life is that Abba definitely works “under the surface”. Then SUDDENLY…!

  7. floyd says:

    Amen, Bill. Anything can be used be The Creator for His perfect and sovereign purpose.