
Written by cycleguy on July 24th, 2020

Over the past year or so we seem to be reading more-than-we-like-to-read articles of people who are walking away from their faith. Some of them have been very prominent people. One well-known author was known for his dating stance and became a very popular author and pastor.  He announced his separation and divorce and proclaimed himself apostate. One worship leader with Hillsong came out as did a recent member of a very prominent Christian music group. (Names are withheld on purpose).  On a much lesser scale, i.e. not being very well-known, are pastors and youth pastors who are defecting.

It happens with common people as well.  We might all know someone who has turned his/her back on their faith and embraced nothing but emptiness or vain philosophy.

The whole idea is nothing new. It happened in the OT. It happened in the NT (just ask Paul about Demas). It happens today as I have stated. The prophet Jeremiah was familiar with the history of Israel and their propensity for falling away. The book of Judges is a chronicle of that very problem. After the judge died it says, “They did what was right in their own eyes.” That about sums it up.

My sermon this Sunday touches on defection, but my point is really the importance of endurance. Jeremiah 2:1-9 deals with the defection of Israel and Hebrews 12: 1-3 shows us the importance of endurance and how to make it happen. My challenge is to stand strong and not quit.  That is for me. That is for you. That is for the folks who will be listening this week in-person or online.

Your prayers would be much appreciated.


2 Comments so far ↓

  1. I’ll be praying as always, Bill!

  2. i think you summed it up perfectly, they did what was right in their own eyes. It’s such an easy thing to do too. I wonder sometimes if I don’t read too many different books by different authors. It’s a little scary because right now with churches closed a lot we are left to follow ourselves and human wisdom. Good post Bill and an appropriate sermon for now.