Where do I start? My mind is full. So full I am having trouble putting words to my fingers. How does a person respond when he is sad a series has ended? I felt that way after watching Back to the Future 3 (which meant the end of the Back to the Future trilogy) or the Lord of the Rings trilogy. That is how I felt when I closed the book on Dancing Prince, the final book in a 5 book series by my blogging friend, Glynn Young.
The series started with Dancing Priest, where aspiring Olympic cyclist Michael Kent was introduced. But as you find out he was more than a cyclist, much more. A devastating wreck in the cycling event changed Michael’s life forever. He was eventually to move to the states where he met up again with Sarah, his love in England, but one he had wiped off his map. Through the next 3 novels- A Light Shining, Dancing King, and Dancing Prophet- Glynn moves Michael and Sarah into new challenges until he finally becomes the King of England and she the Queen.
I’m going to let fellow blogger, Martha Orlando, take it from here. She did a masterful job of reviewing Dancing Prince, and like her I am hesitant to say much more lest I give the book away. Please take a few moments to read her review.
What I want to say deals more with my personal emotions. I found myself twisting and turning with each turn of the plot. Unexpected twists. Unprepared-for turns. I simply had trouble putting the book down. If it hadn’t been for Glynn I might have gotten more stuff done at home. I might have decided to cut the grass instead of saying, “It’s too hot to do much of anything.” And doggone it if he didn’t make it hard to put the book down and go to bed! And I agree with Martha: make sure you have some kleenex handy. I was thoroughly captivated by this story-by all 5 books in the series to be honest. I can see me picking them up again and rereading them (I’ve already read the earlier 2 at least twice trying to prepare for the next one). I have already passed Dancing Priest on to a fellow reader and I suspect she will want to read the rest.
I highly recommend you start with the first and then read the rest in order. And Glynn: thanks for a much-loved series of books. I don’t know how I could recommend a series more highly than this one. By the way: you can read more about the series at Glynn’s website. You can also order them through Amazon. You can read more of Glynn’s writing at his blog, Faith, Fiction, Friends.
Bill, thank you so much. It’s simultaneously humbling and gratifying to see a response like this.
You’re more than welcome Glynn. I repeat: you did a wonderful job with these stories.
Thanks so much, Bill, for referring readers to my review of Glynn’s latest book – I am flattered and honored! You have given a great review of the series here, too, so don’t sell yourself short, my friend. 🙂 They are books that are worth the reread, and like you, I’m sad that this series has ended.
More than welcome Martha. You did a masterful review…much better than I could have done. Thanks for commenting.