Facing Your Fear

Written by cycleguy on October 1st, 2009

I have always been told that when a horse rider gets thrown it is essential that he get back up on his horse-for himself and for the horse.  I remember a number of years ago watching several young people compete in the barrel races and showmanship at contests and fairs.  Several times he had to take his horse back through the barrels after he messed up.  Once or twice I have seen a thrown rider get back up almost immediately so he would not have fear and the horse would also know either whose “boss” or for his education. I rode my bike today and as I rode past a new log home being built Annie decided to come out of the yard.  The owner called to her but he might as well have been calling to himself.  Annie paid no attention and ran alongside me, then behind me, then in front of me for almost 1/2 mile.  It was on a slight hill so I shifted into another gear to see if I could leave Annie behind.  I did but when I slowed to turn around there she was.  But instead of fighting and yelling at Annie up the hill and then as I went down I used it as a challenge to climb faster and  to descend quicker and make it a race. As I made the turn I called to Annie: “Come on Annie.  Let’s  go!”  I quickly left her and told her owner as I rode by “She coming!”

I started thinking about that.  Ever since my bike accident on July 11th, I have been jumpy whenever I hear or see a dog.  Sort of takes the fun out of riding for a moment or two or three.  🙂  This time though I used it as a challenge and was able to leave my fear and jumpiness behind.  Granted Annie was not a Rottweiler or Pit Bull but I was happy I crossed that “fear barrier.”  Now, I’m not saying I won’t have the heeby-jeebies next time a really big dog comes a callin’ but then again, maybe I won’t.

Have you been limited by your fears?  Have you found yourself paralyzed by them?  God doesn’t want that for you.  He wants you to have victory over your fears.  I don’t know how He will accomplish it but I do hope that you will allow Him to help you.  You will be glad you did.  Any thoughts?


7 Comments so far ↓

  1. selahV says:

    yes. sometimes it is hard to climb on the bike and roll again when you’re met with a ferocious animal. I want to go walking but don’t. Don’t like the vehicles blowing horns at me. So I walk in the mall. I guess I’m an avoider. I avoid the uncomfortable and seek another way to do the same thing with less risk. selahV

  2. Jan Frame says:

    Wow! I am always intrigued by how you can take an everyday story like you did with the bike ride, the accident & dogs and show the God part of it! So far that’s my only thought because it’s very early & my brain is not at peak performance(haha) just yet! Something to definitely think about though. Have a great day Bill!

  3. cycleguy says:

    Nothing wrong with walking in the mall selahv. At least you are walkng. I don’t consider that being an avoider at all. Some look for safer places to walk. I do that riding. I prefer the country road to the well-traveled state road. I am sure you know this but just make sure if you walk outside that you are walking against traffic. Thanks again for your thoughts. As always, they are appreciated.

  4. cycleguy says:

    Jan: I am flattered Jan that you thought so well of me so early in the morning. 🙂 Hope you have a great day also.

  5. Ivan says:

    Your last para is nice to read, … but, …

    Fear is an inhibitor, keeping us from doing something. Does God want us to have victory over our fear when that fear is keeping us from doing something bad? We want to rob the corner shop but fear the law. Some people say Christians are only good for “fear” of going to hell (I don’t agree with them). Is there good fear (keeping us from sin) and bad fear?

    Or is fear a bad inhibitor? If fear is the only thing keeping us from sin should we still have victory over the fear, and embrace the sin … to understand and oversome it?

    Questions, questions, …

    (btw I remember you in my prayers every day 😀 )

  6. Ivan says:

    ps sorry that comment was so late. I shall endeavour to be more prompt.

  7. cycleguy says:

    Ivan: I think the fear of obstacles that hinder our function in life and the fear of things are wrong are two different things (for the most part). I do agree that there are time that God does not want us to push ahead when if we do it will lead us into sin or trouble. A healthy fear is good for that. My point is the fear that hinders us from functioning and “winning” over those obstacles. Thanks for the comment. Please come by any time…late or not.