Leadership Pedestals

Written by cycleguy on December 10th, 2009

It is Thursday afternoon and I an hunkered down because of the 18 degree weather and blowing wind going on outside.  The weather report says it is hovering between the 10s with the wind chill.  I will say it for you: B-r-r-r-r.  But I am not complaining (what good would it do?) except I can’t ride.

Anyway, I am hunkered down and began to think about leadership.  I come from a church background that gave the title “Pastor” or “Reverend” to its leader.  Then when I got into ministry in a different tradition, they eschewed any titles at all.  Not from the “priesthood of all believers” angle but just because the denominational world used them and “we were so unlike them.”  (So the story goes).  I came out pretty strong against being called “Reverend” (I really don’t like that title even today); Pastor or any other title.  I have trouble with someone insisting being called “Dr So-and-so.”  Since I am not Catholic, “Father” rips me wrong.  But as I got older and hopefully wiser, I came to realize that titles really mean nothing.  All they really do is put a bulls-eye on the chest/middle of the forehead.  Someone who takes pleasure in a title is almost setting himself up for arrows from the enemy.   That is not to say it is wrong.  To each his own.  One former church I pastored had some folks who insisted on calling me something.  They asked and since I didn’t like “Reverend” I said, “Bill is fine but since you won’t accept that ‘Pastor Bill’ will be fine.”  It wasn’t a heady thing with me  but it could have been!  I have to admit that I sort of liked hearing “Pastor Bill.”  I know…childish…but I don’t think I am alone. There is a real danger in a title besides the bulls-eye the enemy paints on you.   That title can become an isolation point-for both you and those you serve.

Truth is: leadership is not based on a title anyway.  It is not based on a position.  We may ascribe a leadership position to someone and we may even give them a title but real leadership is based on character and integrity, serving and caring.  Me?  I prefer being called Bill.  If someone has to use a title then Pastor Bill works.  But please just don’t call me late to eat.  🙂

Any thoughts you care to share?  I hesitated even writing a post since the weekends seem to be sort of dead but it was on my mind.  I would love to hear from you if you have a few minutes.  Tell me what you are thinking.


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Toby says:

    Well Bill, you might remember a post awhile back where a individual had a major problem with my username being Pastor_T. I don’t put much stock in a name, but leadership, to me, is the way we live our lives. It can be many other things too, but I would hope all of us involved in ministry are attempting to “lead some flock”….kinda makes all of us pastors :-). The youth here call me Pastor T cuz the youth pastor, as a joke once, called me that….it just sticks. I figure I’ve been called worse, so I leave it alone :D.

  2. cycleguy says:

    I do remember that post Toby and if I recall came to your defense! 🙂 You are right: it is the way we live our lives. You can always look at the Pastor T as “what do youth pastors know anyway?” 🙂 Have a great weekend!!

  3. Jim F. says:

    I am reminded of the Braveheart quote (one of my favorite of all times) – “Men do not follow titles, they follow courage”. This quote has kept leadership in perspective for me.

  4. Jan Frame says:

    Hi BILL!!! Been enjoying your blogs all week. You are BILL to me, but if someone asks who you are, I have to tell them you are my pastor. 🙂 That’s the “title” you get & you wear it very well for God. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  5. cycleguy says:

    Good quote Jim. I have trouble remembering where that one is. Might have to watch the movie again soon. I like the other too: “All men die; few men ever really live.” Have a great weekend.

  6. cycleguy says:

    Hey Jan! I know you know me as bill. Thanks for still considering me your pastor also. I am humbled and honored by that. Hope you & Mike have a great weekend.

  7. JamesBrett says:

    Good call and good post.

    Matthew 23:8-12 Don’t be called rabbi, or call any man father, or be called teacher…

  8. cycleguy says:

    Thanks for the comment james. Appreciate you stopping by.