A Look Back

Written by cycleguy on June 21st, 2010

Several coming to my post have expressed that they hope I had a good Father’s Day.  I had an absolutely phenomenal Father’s Day except for a minor glitch.  This Sunday began like all the others: at the office preparing myself for the message that I had been given to preach.  Then I got to be with people I love to be with-my church family.  The worship music was touching; the fellowship was meaningful; Communion was special; and the sermon was “found wanting.”  😀  Afterwards we went to Texas Roadhouse (my favorite place to get salmon) with one of the young families in the church.  After an errand or two, we headed home where I twisted my arm to go for a bike ride.  It was about 3:15 and the temps were close to 95 but doggone it that arm-twisting did the trick.  (The sad part is that Jo started it all.  Do you think she wanted to get rid of me?)  🙂  I also received a phone call from my oldest daughter earlier in the day wishing me Happy FD and later that evening I answered the phone and heard, “Hi Grandpa!  Happy Father’s Day!  I love you!”  Then just like that…POOF! he was gone.  Janna came on the phone and we chuckled then chatted a  little.   Braden hates talking on the phone but get him in front of you and look out!  There is nothing like family to share your heart with.  The glitch came during my ride when about mile 14 I was unable to get the chain out of the lower chain ring in the front.   I had about 7 left to go and fortunately it was the smaller ring it was stuck in.

I gave a Communion Thought yesterday and during that thought I mentioned that studies have shown that in the U.S. more long distance calls are made on Mother’s Day than on any other day.  On Father’s Day more collect call are made.  I shared about the time I called Jo’s father to ask him if it would be okay to marry his daughter.  He went back to bed laughing.  When Jo’s mom asked him what that was all about he said, “Bill asked if he could have my permission to marry Jo.”  Then she said, “So, what are you laughing about?”  Her dad answered, “He called collect.”   Let me tell you…I never lived that down.  Until he went to be with Jesus in 1998, he always found that to be a source of amusement.  For 25 years he loved my like his own son.

None of us like rejection.  You have heard (I am sure) about the son who wrote his dad and said, “Dear dad: no mon, no fun, your son.”  To which the father wrote back and said, “Dear Son: Too bad, so sad, your dad.”  🙂  That is a humorous rejection but there are some rejections that are not funny in the slightest.  Whether it be a father wound or a mother wound, a sister wound or a brother wound, a wound is a wound.  I am grateful for the people God has brought alongside me to help me through the rejection. I don’t want this to be a post about being rejected so much as I want it to be about this: what are you doing to encourage someone else? It is good for people to know that God is always  by their side but sometimes people need someone with skin on them.   Who are you encouraging these days? Two Sundays ago a young man I was privileged to spend a summer with as a mentor before he headed off to seminary was ordained.  It did my heart good to know that I had some influence (won’t say whether it was bad or good though). 😉  So…tell me.  Who are you encouraging?


20 Comments so far ↓

  1. Zee says:

    hopefully those people with whom i work and serve… although, have to admit, they did a showered a LOT of encouragement upon me today…

    something i have realized about myself, odd as it may sound… whenever one of my friends is in need of encouragement, it’s a way for me to get out of my own bad mood and try to cheer them up. i guess i just forget about my own problems for the time-being. it’s kinda cool 🙂 *shrug*

    but like i said, i am extremely blessed with friends who don’t mind encouraging me when i have my blue times.

  2. cycleguy says:

    Zee: sorry to hear that you are having a down day but glad you got some encouragement from your co-workers. i too have found one of the best ways out of my funk (which I seldom have) is to focus on someone else. Just consider that you also have a friend in Indiana. 🙂

  3. Zee says:

    Bill: heh, my day was bad, but the ending was AMAZING. well, gotta talk to the boss tomorrow, but i think i have figured out the problem with Kids’ Zone (remember i mentioned it on my blog?)… I will be responsible for BOTH Kids’ Zone and the ChamberUnite! 😀 it’s purr-fect. so the day may not have been great, but God still provided a way out 😉

    and thanks for being a friend 😉 i really appreciate it.

  4. Toby says:

    I’m not necessarily around to view results, but if no one else, I hope my kids are encouraged and I pray I’m around to see those results. Great post Bill! And Happy belated Father’s Day!

  5. cycleguy says:

    Great news Zee! I know KidZone was a passion of yours. Love that you found a way to make both work.

  6. cycleguy says:

    Thanks Toby. Good to have you back! Hope you enjoyed your states visit. Hoping we can connect next time in town. Thanks.

  7. michael says:

    A former teen in my old youth group accepted a calling to ministry a few weeks back and another is touring with a Christian rock band as a guitarist.

    As far as encouraging right now. I hope I am encouraging those around me at work.

  8. cycleguy says:

    Always cool Michael to hear of former youth who are making a mark in their world. Glad you were there for them! You are encouraging-not sure about work but you are on your blog. 🙂

  9. Jim F. says:

    I am blessed to have a number of people that are being encouraged. One is a young man who is in Morocco right now on mission trip for college class – he is there by himself. He was in youth group that I led and who I went on 3 mission trips together.

    I have received a couple of emails from someone I went to High School with who is a friend on Facebook who has been encouraged by the blog I write. Been a cool thing.

  10. Kim says:

    hhmmm I dunno. I try to be encouraging to anyone I come in contact with. God has been working on me, reminding me that the words that come out of my mouth do matter. So hopefully I’ve encouraged someone.

  11. michael says:

    Thank you Bill for the kind words. They truly are appreciated. Same goes to you.

    I can remember the first time I stepped on your blog via swerve. I was definitely encouraged & challenged. Thank you for being you.

  12. cycleguy says:

    Jim: that is great news to hear and i am sure you can look back and say, “Hmmm I/we had something to do with changing peoples’ lives.” (By we I mean you and God). Way to go!

  13. cycleguy says:

    Kim: With an openness to God like you have you will continue making a difference and be encouraging. 🙂

  14. cycleguy says:

    Michael: I am truly overcome by your words. Thanks for your kindness.

  15. Robin Rane' says:

    I live in a very small world…I don’t work and am not a social person so I come in contact with a very few people…I try to intentionally encourage everyone I see or talk to (online or in person).

    A simple smile, or a compliment, or a prayer…little things Bill. But I do what I can.
    Lovely giggly post!

  16. cycleguy says:

    Robin: don’t downplay your influence at home, with your kiddos, Emma and your blog friends. You are a constant source of encouragement to me in the latter (except when you write about chocolate which is hard on a chocoholic). 🙂 Glad you giggled.

  17. Cameyg says:

    Who am I encouraging? You.. If you haven’t yet.. read “the Christian Atheist” by Craig..

    Dangerous prayers & much love!!

  18. cycleguy says:

    Camey: as always it is good to hear from you and to know that you continue praying for me. I have read that book. It is a fantastic book! Craig nailed it big time. Dangerous prayers and love back to you.

  19. Cameyg says:

    Did you post on it & I missed it? And if not, why not??? Definitely agree about Craig nailing it big time!

    And just remember.. you, your family and your church are stuck with me. 😉

    Thank ya!

  20. cycleguy says:

    No I didn’t post on it. I think I may have taken some stuff from it but not a specific review. I figured there were enough out there that mine wouldn’t make much difference. 🙂 As Huey Lewis sang; “I’m happy to be stuck with you.” Thanks. LOL