“Lord, Lord”

Written by cycleguy on June 28th, 2010

Here is one for you that falls somewhere in between the “Oh dear” and “Oh Wow!” spectrum.  It also falls under the “Can You Imagine” section of any story-telling library.

During one summer in which President George Bush Sr. was in the White House, he and Mrs. Bush decided to vacation on St. Simon’s Island.  They had honeymooned there and so arrangements were made at a five star hotel.  They, of course, arrived with a full entourage.

Mrs. Bush asked if the quaint little historic Christ’s Church was still in operation on the island, and she was reassured that it had not missed a Sunday service in more than 225 years.  The Wesley’s had visited the island and preached under a tree that still stands on the grounds.

When word got out that they were going to attend, you can only imagine the buzz.  When that Sunday morning dawned it found people standing in line waiting to get in.  It was a security detail’s nightmare.  There was no way to run clearance checks for all the people.  Soon though, the President’s limo would arrive and something had to be done…and fast!  So the chief of security knocked on the pastor’s door and took him to the front and said, “Here is what we are going to do.  You step outside and scan the crowd.  Whenever you see the faces of people you recognize as faithful members of this church-the folks who show up every week-we’ll have you point them out and we will escort those folks through the crowd and into the church building.”

You can imagine the look of amusement that came on the pastor’s face as he thought about that and then began with “Those are the Johnsons and the Smiths and the O’Brians…”  As he identified the members,  people began yelling, “Pick me!  I’ve been a resident of this island all my life. Choose me!”  “Sorry,” the pastor said.  “I can’t ever remember seeing you before.”

After the doors closed,  the bodyguards remained immovable.  And the doors behind them stayed locked. {Story edited by me.  Source: “More Than Meets the Eye” by Dennis E. Hensely}

See what I mean by being between “Oh dear” and “Oh Wow”? I have to admit that I chuckled…hard.  Can you imagine if that happened where you worship?  How would you react?  I am reminded of the Scripture in Matthew 7:21 that says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” There is also a very obvious reference that could be made to the “Enter in” or “Depart from me” that we must all face.  Have any thoughts about this story or in some type of application?  I would like to hear your thoughts.


20 Comments so far ↓

  1. Desert Jim says:

    I wonder if the pastor didn’t “recognize” any deacons or elders that day? Reason #632 why I should never be a pastor.

  2. cycleguy says:

    Yeah DJ does sort of make you wonder doesn’t it? Some of the churches I have pastored I would have not have.

  3. Robin Rane' says:

    What a story Bill! I love it!

  4. Ike says:

    It’s interesting that He is not talking about those of other religions, or athiests, or hollywood. He is talking about those who emphatically call Him Lord, Lord…..of these people only a few are genuine. Back in verse 14 He states that the gate is small,(Jesus only), but He also says the “way is narrow” that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

  5. JamesBrett says:

    i wonder why they allowed word to “get out” that they were going to attend. seems strange.

    i always keep it a secret when i’m going to visit a church somewhere — but not to keep extra people from coming. rather to keep people from leaving…

  6. cycleguy says:

    Robin: thanks. Thought it would be enjoyed. 🙂

  7. cycleguy says:

    Ike: Scripture is true. You, of course, hit on the point of the story.

  8. Zee says:

    what a story…

    if our president were to visit our Church, i think most people would be instead telling the pastor “you haven’t seen me here.”

    thanks for sharing, Bill… makes me think of the ultimate “pastor” who would say my name (hopefully) when we all get there…

  9. cycleguy says:

    Zee: I have no doubt your name would be called. Aren’t you there every time the church doors open? 😀

  10. Jim F. says:

    Interesting story and tough choices to make for the pastor.

    Thanks for sharing it and I am tucking it away for maybe and illustration later.

  11. Jaycee (E.A) says:

    I have to say I chuckled hard while reading this as well. LOL.

  12. Linda M says:

    Hi Cycleguy,
    I’ve been having thoughts lately that we are in an age of the ‘grace of the Lord’. I think this ‘grace’ will continue until the return of Jesus Christ. This is not a time for believers to condemn themselves but to ‘work out their salvation with fear and trembling’. I think that some believers may not be doing this very well because the ‘church’ has taught them that they are safe. They have nothing to worry about. ‘Peace and Safety’ the church says as long as you say that Jesus is Lord.

    I heard a message online from a local pastor here in Central Alberta where I live. He was talking and teaching about the nation of Israel. He travels to Israel 2x a year. His teaching was that the Jewish people of today are still God’s chosen people. That Christians have been grafted into them. The inference that I got from his message was that Christins were a second thought a second choice but the Jews were the real deal.
    Someone help us with some true doctrine in these times. Believers are being undermined and belitted by their own pastor.

  13. Tony York says:

    Hey, Bill.. we thought about you guys as we passed through Indianapolis yesterday.

    I am sure we will catch up with each other in the future.

    Loved the story above… makes for a great anecdote to lead into a conversation on the passage of scripture you mentioned. I had the pleasure of meeting Sr in the Rose Garden of the White House when I was 18 years old. It was a special invitation event and I only met him in passing so I have no idea as to what he is like or anything about his character.

    There is another special invitation event where I will know the Host more intimately that I am looking forward to.

  14. cycleguy says:

    Jim: I think it does make a good illustration. Sure you will use it well. 🙂

  15. cycleguy says:

    Jaycee: glad you chuckled along with me.

  16. cycleguy says:

    Linda: I am not one who believes that Christians were an afterthought of God. We are not second class. I look at I Peter 2:9 as referring to christians. Saying that: I am not up on prophecy. I know some swamp themselves in it but I never have. I believe jesus is coming back and we will see Him. But I don’t study the timetable stuff. But I do disagree with that pastor and do agree too much breaking down is taking place.

  17. cycleguy says:

    Tony: Jo & I were disappointed we could not meet with you guys. We would have probably tried to catch you guys at the Greencastle exit (if you went on I-70. But we got done what we needed to get done and I also had a chance to look at a building and prepare for a leadership meeting. Glad you enjoyed the story. I too look forward to THE SPECIAL INVITATION. Thanks for taking time out of your busy catch-up-from-vacation schedule to comment.

  18. Michelle says:

    Great story. I like how you tied it in. I was thinking of that same verse as I was reading the story. Very cool.

  19. cycleguy says:

    Thanks Michelle. Great minds think alike! 🙂