
Written by cycleguy on July 19th, 2010

A perfect game in baseball is a pitcher’s milestone.  A milestone might be getting your first book published or having your first song recorded.  For a pastor a milestone might be an ordination or reaching a certain year in the ministry (10 or 25 for example).  For a church, celebrating its 10th year or 100th year may be a milestone.  For a blogger it might be reaching a certain amount of readers or countries.  I have reached a milestone of sorts.  I honestly have no idea how many readers I have.  I have never kept any sort of counter for that.  I know I have readers from other countries-UK, Tanzania, and…I think that is it.  😀 I have young and old.   I have family and some friends who read my blog.  I have gained some new friends via this blog and I am eternally grateful for the sharing of ideas and thoughts.

My milestone?  My counter tells me this is post #1000.

My first post was on February 20, 2008 with this thing. Hopefully, it has progressed to be something worthwhile to read.  I have had readers come and go.  Some visited for a little while and then have disappeared.  Others were here for quite some time and then have quit blogging, gone on to FaceBook or Twitter, or have just chosen to vacate the premises.  🙁 I have done the same so I reckon that is fair.  I know some blogs are closed to comments but I have chosen to leave mine open for the sharing of ideas-agree or disagree.  I was once “accused” of using my blog to do an end-run around the leaders of the church I pastor and get other ideas so I can “browbeat” the leaders into accepting my way of thinking.  I have one thing to say to that: Hogwash!  Some of my leaders read it, some don’t.  Shoot, except for a very few, most of my readers are from outside the church I pastor!

All that to say this: thanks for coming by my blog.  I hope when you leave here you are challenged, enriched, encouraged, disturbed (not mentally), loved, made to laugh at times, and made to cry at times, but always…always… challenged to seek Jesus and His desire for your life.  I reckon the blog will continue until I feel I have nothing else to say that enriches lives or God says, “Enough.” (I think that would be a pretty strong motivation don’t you?)  Until then…thanks from the bottom of my heart for making my world richer and brighter and a whole lot of fun.


29 Comments so far ↓

  1. michael says:

    Bill, thank you for doing what you do. You have no idea how much you have challenged and ministered to me. I plan on being around for a while 🙂


  2. cycleguy says:

    Michael: thanks for the encouraging words. Glad to hear you will be sticking around. 🙂

  3. I appreciate your posts, your transparency, and your friendship.

    Praying for you and OVCF daily.

    Keep on!

  4. Desert Jim says:

    I certainly hope you have more to say. I get a great deal of encouragement from your blog daily.

    Thanks for keeping on writing.

  5. jasonS says:

    I know I’m pretty new here, but I love the way you present things! It’s fresh and refreshing. 🙂

    Congrats on post #1000! That’s huge. I’m getting close to 500 and I’m pretty excited.

  6. Kim says:

    Congrats Bill!

    So glad you do what you do. I have learned so much from you. And I feel like I’ve gained a Christian mentor – which is something I was seeking. So instead of someone I knew, God led me to you 🙂

  7. So glad the Lord had our paths cross via this blog! You have a sincere heart and an enjoyable blog that always challenges me. ( I often wonder how you get all these ideas..1000 posts! Wow!)
    Thanks Bill appreciate you too!!

  8. Phil Hoover says:

    I LOVE your blog, friend. I want to make sure I read it more often. You always have something great to share. Keep it up!

  9. cycleguy says:

    Dusty: Thanks for the kind words and especially the prayers.

  10. cycleguy says:

    DJ; Man, you have been one of my longest readers…from way back when you were in AZ. Thanks for sticking with this train.

  11. cycleguy says:

    Jason: Thanks. You are one of the newer ones I have also come to enjoy reading. Let us know when #500 comes.

  12. cycleguy says:

    Kim: Honored that you feel that way. Hope I never disappoint you in that.

  13. cycleguy says:

    Julie: your take on grace is right up the alley of my heart. So glad you know about grace. thanks for enriching me.

  14. cycleguy says:

    Phil: thanks. I am grateful you have stayed with me. I am still blown away by your love for your friend in giving your kidney over a year ago. Blessings.

  15. Jim F. says:

    Been with you much of the way and it has been a cool ride. We have been able to pray for one another and know some of the struggles each other has gone through.

    Thanks for your thoughts, friendship, and encouragement!

  16. cycleguy says:

    Jim: it has been a good ride and I am grateful for your spirit and insights. Your prayers mean a whole lot more than words can say.

  17. I know I’m glad I’ve found your musings on the web. I’m new that’s true, but I have been blessed reading! Congrats and keep on blogging bro’

  18. Tony York says:

    Congrats on reaching 1000!! Blogging can be a blessing and a curse when we put words out there for others to read.

    Especially when we are sharing our own struggles.

    Glad you are here!

  19. cycleguy says:

    Jay: thanks. You are new but one I cherish with your insight. In fact, I hope people will read my next post as I link to yours. 🙂

  20. cycleguy says:

    Tony: thanks man. You have been in this for a long ride also. Always have appreciated your thoughts and take on things. And I agree: a blessing and a curse. 😀

  21. Rick Boyne says:

    Congrats on the first 1K!

  22. randy morgan says:

    happy birthday/anniversary/milestone, bill.

    i was startled to see your “start date.” as it happens, my first blog post was february 20, 2008! is that simply happenstance or should i look for some deeper meaning?

    one other note…

    after starting on the same day, i have posted 390 times compared for 1000 for you. you are prolific (or i am lazy, or some combination of both) and i am proud to be one of your faithful readers.

  23. Jaycee (E.A) says:

    You’ve made my world richer and brighter and a whole lot of fun. Cheers to another #1000 posts, and even more.

    ps: Glad for the first day I visited your blog. I clicked on one of your comments on Michael Perkins’ blog, and voila I got here 🙂

  24. cycleguy says:

    Thanks Rick.

  25. cycleguy says:

    Randy: that is ironic about the starting date. thanks for your kind words but I have truly come to enjoy your posts. I look forward to reading more. Glad tony told me about yours.

  26. cycleguy says:

    Jaycee: it should go without saying how I feel about your blog friendship. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and learned from it. I remember seeing yours on Michael’s as well. I reckon he deserves a big yahoo! I look forward to reading and commenting more.

  27. Linda M says:

    Hi Cycleguy,
    I say congratulations too!! for 1,000 blogs!! I had tried a couple of times to find christian blogging on the Internet before I was led to your blogging site. Thank you for encouraging me in your gifted way to help me express my thoughts. You definitely have a gift for that. Thank you for using your gift to the Glory of God.

  28. Stan says:

    Congrats, cycleguy! That’s fantastic. 1000 is a great milestone for sure. Thanks for being such an encouragement on my blog and posting your comments and thoughts. I really appreciate it. I’ll try to be better at returning the favor. =) Looking forward to reading more. Grace & Peace.

  29. cycleguy says:

    Thanks Stan. Appreciate you coming by.