Not Just a Number

Written by cycleguy on November 23rd, 2010

Disclaimer: To be honest I am not sure if we are supposed to post about the book The Hole In Our Gospel today or not with so many taking “blog breaks” for Thanksgiving.  But I thought “Oh why not.”  So here is my latest entry into the book discussion of the aforementioned book.

I can remember doing a Bible study that came from the Billy Graham Association when I was young.  One of the things that stuck with me is what they told me to do with John 3:16:  substitute my name for “world” and  “whosoever” as I read it.  Not only do I still do that with people, I still do that with myself.  Why?  Because I don’t want to ever feel, nor do I want anyone else to feel like they are nothing more than a number or a statistic in God’s eyes. It is certainly easy to feel that way.  You look around, see so many people, feel somewhat overwhelmed by it all, then get to feeling like you are nothing more than just a pea in a pod.  “Who me?  Matter to God?”  Yes, as a matter of fact, you do matter to God!  One of the most comforting things (besides God’s faithfulness, His forgiveness, His love…you get the point) is that God does not view the world or people as one giant clump of unredeemed humanity.  He knows each one of us.  The Bible says that He knows the number of  hairs on our head (for some of us that doesn’t take a calculator).  🙂  He knows when we rise and when we fall.  Shoot… Psalm 139 even says He knew me/you while we were in our mother’s womb.

So when Richard, the author of THIOG, uses the illustration of the little boy throwing one starfish at a time back into the ocean, it resonates within us.  That speaks to me, to you, about what we mean to God.  The one major problem with seeing people as numbers is…well, have you tried to count everyone lately?  Try getting an accurate count of your workplace, or your school, or your county, or your church, or your state, or how about your nation!  No census can be perfect…sorry to say that.  People fall through the cracks all the time.  I KNOW they fall through at churches!  If that is the case then that leaves us with left-out people.  I am not ready to say that God leaves people out.  I am not ready to say that God is not Omniscient.  He knows all.  He sees all.  He is all-powerful.  But it is that Omniscience I am pleased about.  God is not surprised by anything or anyone.  And that means that no  one falls through His crack.  For one: because there are no cracks.  Second, His all-knowing-ness would take care of that.

No…you are not a number.  You are a part of His intricate and all-wise plan.  Now that is good news!!!! Any thoughts you care to share today?  I know you may be running here and there but if you get a chance, drop me a line.  I would love to hear from you.

This book discussion on The Hole In Our Gospel is being hosted by Jason and Sarah.  You can read more from Jason here and from Sarah here.  If you want to read more on today’s topic, please go to Sarah’s blog for the link widget to other authors.


15 Comments so far ↓

  1. Michael says:

    I’m glad you posted this. No one falls through.

  2. “And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.” Malachi 3:17

    We are more than a number to God…that’s a great thought to take into this season. Thanks Bro’

  3. Thank you for this Bill. It is good to be reminded of such a beautiful truth from time to time.

  4. This post was so impactful to me that I am posting a related blog post tomorrow morning and pointing back to this post.

    I am so grateful that I matter to God. That thought energizes me. It strengthens me. No matter what I face, I know God knows…and cares about me.

    Thanks for posting, Bill. You’ve helped me tonight.

  5. Jim F. says:

    For the first time this week we are not dovetailing our blogs.

    What a great reminder this this! Thanks for it Bill.

  6. Tom Raines says:

    Reminds me of the intimacy I felt this morning as I read once again:

    You are my people and I am your God.

    Substitute as God says: Bill you are mine and I am your God.

    Just feels so right! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. jasonS says:

    If I weren’t in a cubicle right now, I just may have shouted as I read this! 🙂 Yes, we have cracks in our systems and structures, but not one exists in God’s love and faithfulness. Wonderful thoughts to meditate on. Thank you Bill!

  8. Jan Frame says:

    Great post, a good reminder for me, as I lots of times think I’m just not that important to God in the grand scheme of things. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family.
    Love ya!

  9. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    There is no doubt that each one of us exponentially matters individually to God. The Bible talks about God knowing and seeing when one sparrow hits the ground, and the Bible says we are much more important and valuable to God than a bird! Matthew 10, Luke 12.
    Like you have stated Bill, God sent his only Son to death on a cross in order to try and help us. Our part is to receive what he offers.
    God is very present with us individually in our daily lives. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us! How much more personal can he get than that.

    The Bible says we can even commune with Him when we are in bed! that’s a pretty personal and initmate place. Psalm 63:6
    Some people commune with God in the bathroom! God says its not what goes out from a man into the draft that defiles him. Mark 7:17. He even accepts our prayers from there! What is more intimate and personal than when we are relieving ourselves?

    When we think about it we are an amazing creation. That’s not to puff us up and make us think that we are ‘gods’ here on earth. We do not hold all power and authority unless God gives it to us. We cannot even add one single hour to our life the Bible says. Matthew 6:27

    Should we be fatalistic about life because we are not able to control God? God said to Moses. ‘I am going to completely destroy this stubborn people and make another nation from you.’ Moses prayed, and God changed his mind as a direct result of the prayer of Moses for the life of the Israelities. This happened in the desert wilderness. Deut 9:13 to 29.

    Can we pray? Can we change some of the plan of God in a circumstance through our prayer? Absolutely. Is prayer useless? Absolutely not. Prayer is the way we have been given by God to commune with him, to receive from him, and to be a partner with him in the plan for the Universe. Why wouldn’t we pray? is the better question.