
Written by cycleguy on April 14th, 2011


Okay…so I went a little overboard.  🙂  Truth be known: I am breaking tradition.  I seriously doubt the blogging world will know the difference.  And yes, I can handle it since I like change.  😛

I am breaking with tradition for this post.  Normally on Thursdays, I post about my upcoming message scheduled for Sunday, so I can ask you to pray, and even give some input.  However, I am taking a break and posting that tomorrow so I hope you will tune in then.  I wanted to post something else today.

We hear a lot about our words and their effect.  I am not going to belabor that point.  Negative/ Positive.  Cutting/Encouraging.  Downgrading/Uplifting.  Condescending/Humble.  All kinds.  And I think we are all aware of the power of our words upon the human soul and psyche.  So many hurt hearts and lives could have been avoided and could be salvaged by a simple word.  I am not going to say much more about it.  You know that truth.  Why beat it in the ground?  My cycling buddy, Sean, is part of the church community I pastor.  Yesterday (Wednesday) he sent me the following video.  You may have already seen it.  If so, please watch it again.  If not, please watch it with an open heart.

So…what are your thoughts?  I would sure like to hear what you think.  Just be kind. 😉


28 Comments so far ↓

  1. Joseph says:

    Wow! What a powerful video. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  2. Michael says:

    That really choked me up.

  3. Larry Hughes says:

    Words are the integral part of communication. How you use them determines their effect.

    In my earier years as a leader, I used them to get a point across effectively irregardless whether they hurt or stung the listeners.

    It took a few years to learn to be considerate of others feelings with words that inspire or encourage rather than tear down.

    The aspect of this action revealed better morale and open mindedness in accomplishment of tast I delegated. It only takes a moment to say words of encouragement that will lift up one rather than tear them down.

    I imagine Jesus used this action when he preached to the early believers and His disciples.

  4. Jason says:

    I saw that video a few days ago. Powerful doesn’t quite hit it for me. It’s brilliant filmmaking.

  5. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    My first reaction to the content of the video you linked was that I would probably have financially responded to the plea from this man for help by his sign sooner than I would respond to the statement written by the woman on his sign later. That’s just me.

    The problem for me comes if there are 10 blind men sitting on the sidewalk with their cans. Who would I choose to help?

    At the local college in my area I can vision the professors saying ‘no one, help yourself, the goal is survival and that means the fittest and the strongest have the most value and the most to contribute to help our ‘species’.

    The money bag that Jesus and the disciples carried among them did not provide a coin for every poor person they encounterd, but it did provide a coin of hope for some.

    Hope is a huge thing in our lives.
    talk to you later.

    • cycleguy says:

      Everybody’s reaction is different that’s for sure. The prof, of course, is way off base. He is expressing nothing more than basic, selfish humanism. Hope is huge. Thanks Linda.

  6. quite a blessing. oh that I could see like this all the time. whew.

  7. Wow–amazing way of teaching an important lesson.

  8. awesome video thanks for passing it on. At first I assumed she was writing something malicious – love being wrong.

  9. Jim F says:

    Loved it! Just an excellent film and a powerful point. Words are powerful!

    Thanks for sharing this.

  10. Tom says:

    Powerful Bill thanks! How can we help others see the beauty?

  11. Stan says:

    Wow! I’ll be using that in the future as well. Thanks for posting. Very powerful stuff. I know of a similar story told in a book called, “Guerrilla Lovers.” Words are so powerful.

  12. dustin says:

    Simply powerful. Thanks for sharing this, Bill.

  13. Jon says:

    Wow..words have been on my mind a lot lately. That video gave such a great picture on the power of words. Thanks for sharing.