
Written by cycleguy on May 4th, 2011

If you have listened to Dave Ramsey at all, one of his favorite quotes is


In January of 2005 (after I had purchased a prized Chevy Colorado Crew Cab in December after trading in a “lemon” Pontiac Aztek), I heard about Dave Ramsey.  Yeah, you heard me right…AFTER.  By then it was too late to say, “I made a mistake.  I would like to return this truck and take back my *choke* lemon Aztek. ”  The sad part is that just a couple years before I had traded in a perfectly good-running Aztek for that one.  Again…yeah…I had a disease.  The car disease.  It was the old “I-am-tired-of-this-vehicle-so-it-is-time-to-trade-for-another-one.”   I’m not really sure when that philosophy began to dominate my life.  I mean, I have now been married to a fantastic woman for almost 38 years (June 16…money gladly accepted! 🙂 ) so I didn’t trade her in.  I rode a Bianchi bike for over 11 years before I was convinced by several people that I needed one that fit me better.  Even then, I saved for over 3 years but then it was given as a gift from a friend.   No, I had a disease.  But in 2005 I determined, with God’s help, we were going to get out of debt.  First step…cut up all credit cards.  Around $20k on those things dictated that.   I think the only thing I didn’t sell was my wife.  But it has  been a long haul with some missteps along the way.  (Having a car hit by a train didn’t help any).  But we are getting there (by God’s grace), now owing only on my Outlander and the house.  Why am I saying this?


I am tired of normal.  It translates into other areas of my life as well.  I just finished reading Craig Groeschel’s new book, Weird, last night.  His whole theme is “Normal isn’t working.”  I plan to review it soon and post it here, but I have had something else hit me.


I have got to rethink this thing.  Take this blog, for example.  I have often written about how important it is NOT to be a people-pleaser.   Normally, I try to have a post written so it will hit the blog around 3:00 in the afternoon.  They say to be consistent if you want a “successful” blog.  I figured I could catch the late readers, the late-night readers, and then the next-day readers.  But what I found out about myself as I was driving yesterday was that I was “fretting” about not getting a post ready to go for 3:00 yesterday.  I had to make an emergency run to the hospital an hour away and it took my blog-writing time to do so.  What bothered me wasn’t the fact that I didn’t write a post, but that I realized I was getting up in the morning and the first thing I was doing when I got to the office was checking my blog to see who commented and how I can respond.  You know…first things first!! 🙁  I am not proud of that…at all.   The victim of this mentality has been my time with God.  It has been squeezed between the blog and sermon prep.  One took time and the other requires time.  Not a good combo.  So…


Do you feel like your life has become normal?  Do you find yourself in a rut?  I challenge you to join me in being ABNORMAL for a change.  Any takers?  How have you found your life becoming normal?   I’d like to ask your prayers for me this morning. I have a very important meeting scheduled for 8:30 that could possibly go all morning.  I am not at liberty to divulge the purpose of the meeting but please trust me when I say it is important.  Thanks.


If you would like to know a little more about me (and I bet you do!!!), drop over to Scott’s blog and check it out.  Feel free to comment there or here if you like.


46 Comments so far ↓

  1. Michael says:

    Praying for the meeting my friend.

  2. Jim F says:

    First thing is you got my prayers for the meeting today.

    Second – my life is not normal at all and that is one of the things that I love about being a pastor. I love knowing that every day a phone call or visit or email could take my day in a direction.

    Third – blog when you want. Sometimes I have a post written and I will set it to post early in the morning and sometimes I will just post it when I am done. I have also had free blocks where I have written 4 or 5 and just scheduled them to post throughout the week and did not worry about having to write throughout the week. You do what you want and I will read.

    Fourth – Good post and making the jump to Scott’s site.

  3. I second Bill’s comment. He has some tremendous insight into how to stay strong in ministry leadership that everyone can benefit from.

    Thanks for contributing, Bill!

  4. Jan Frame says:

    Praying for your meeting right now.(It’s 8:28) How’s that for timing???

  5. Tom says:

    LOVE this one Bill. Normal robs us of amazing God things doesn’t it. We need time with the Father over all. I know God will honor your abnormal behavior and meet you there and then feed your blog like never before. For Himself. Thanks, Bill!

    • cycleguy says:

      Absolutely true Tom. Normal robs us of many of God’s blessings. Praying that what you state will be true. Thank YOU Tom.

  6. dustin says:

    Praying that everything went okay for you Bill (sorry a little late!).

  7. Mercy says:

    Hi Bill,

    I was expecting to see a post from you yesterday and I was thinking: “What’s he planning?” Well, I think my question has been answered.
    I hope my prayer is not too late. I think I like the the whole abnormal thing, so I will be joining you.

  8. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    I’ve been going on an emotionally intense rollercoaster ride in my own life the past few weeks. Not normal for me. I’m usually pretty steady.

    I’ve been trying to analyze it and figure out what happened. My flesh just seemed to take over for awhile. It’s been the craziest, stupidist, thing.

    I’m not sure where Craig Groeschel’s book Weird is going, but I have been thinking some thoughts lately about ‘the glory of God’. The Bible indicates that the people of God are going to demonstrate some of this Glory. Nations are going to be amazed at the wisdom of God. They are going to submit to Him because of what they wittness on the earth.

    Being normal in the world is possibly a dangerous thing for a Christian. What that means is ‘no real impact’,’no standing out from the crowd’,’no demonstration in our lives of the power of God’ etc.

    I’m ok with you posting in the mornings. Works for me. I understand how blogging can move into a priority position in our lives.

    I appreciate you Bill. You’re mind is always thinking and thinking. That’s a gift that you have. It serves you well in your ministry.

    • cycleguy says:

      Don’t you wish you could just kick normal to the curb Linda? Normal is a dangerous place for the Christian to be. Thanks for your kind words Linda. Nice to know a person is being impacted.

  9. Desert Jim says:

    I think I’ve been weird most of my life – some in good ways and some in “weird” ways.

    My prayer for my kids is that they are weird too.

    I’m praying for your meeting today. I hope it’s not still going and you are out riding right now.

    • cycleguy says:

      First, the meeting was from 8:30-12:30 and it was a long one. I left it to go for a ride. Only got in 17 but that was all the time I had. Thanks for your prayers Jim. And I am glad you are weird. Makes life interesting. After reading Craig’s book, I want to be abnormal a whole lot more.

  10. jasonS says:

    Well, I missed praying for your meeting, but I hope it was amazing. I don’t want normal either and I definitely want out of debt. Need a lot of help and prayer and wisdom.

    Great post, Bill. I appreciate it.

  11. Jon says:

    I ready to be abnormal too. 🙂

    Also, I totally know what you mean with the whole blogging thing.Sometimes, I get frustrated when I don’t get a blog up at a certain time, or I break away from my blogging routine. But, at the end of the day, a blog is a blog, and there much more important things. So, don’t get to hung up on that…I’m pretty sure your readers would understand :).

    Praying your meeting went well!

    • cycleguy says:

      Welcome to the club Jon! I suspect I needed to clarify my blog stance. I am not stressed about it. I was allowing it to take priority over more important things. Meeting went well. Thanks.

  12. I raise a glass to all us wierdo’s *clinking glass*

    (note: a glass of grape juice) 🙂

  13. Zee says:

    yay 😀 now i’ll be actually up and around when you post things instead of being the “latecomer” 😀 hehehe.

    normal is overrated… and besides, show me one person who can define “normal”?

    here’s to “beyond normal” and “extraordinary” 🙂

  14. I don’t think I was ever normal…you can ask my wife and kids!

  15. Tami Grandi says:

    and that right there is why I blog when I have something I feel like I REALLY need to say- no pressure 🙂 Love you.

  16. Larry Hughes says:

    Missed your meeting prayer but I am glad it worked out.

    I can’t say I am normal or abnormal. Just jumping from one challenge to another challenge all the time now. I took the normal route when I took an early retirement but that didn’t work out, as I became stir crazy so I sought out new challenges to keep me abnormally busy.I must be been abnormally crazy.


    Never subscribed to Dave Ramsey’s program.He makes good sense though.

    Doesn’t every body have them? Yeah! I got some. Just bought two new fuel efficient cars to cut the cost of the abnormally rising gas prices. Should have waited and modified two uses electric golf carts for around town driving. Now that would be abnormal.

  17. Susan says:

    Oy. You’re not a first-born, are you?

    • cycleguy says:

      Actually, I am…in a way. My older brother died a day after he was born so in birth order no…but in family life, yes. My next brother is actually the harder driver than me. I am much more relaxed and laid back. He sometimes has his collar too tight. BUT I LOVE HIM ANYWAY. (That is just in case he were to read this-which I doubt he does).

      • robin grandi says:

        interesting statement big brother. i could give you a discussion about thqt someday.

        • cycleguy says:

          Yeah I imagine you could. (Of all the times you were to read my blog…sheesh!) Our approach to ministry is different. I suspect that is tied somewhat to where we minister. 🙂

          • robin grandi says:

            I will forgive because the Bible tells me so, oh, and because I love you. You get points for using the word “sometimes”.

  18. Bill,

    Dave Ramsey has a piercing message, to be sure. The debtor is mastered by the lender. Ouch.

    Abnormal, when compared to what is considered “normal” these days, works for me and for many of us. I have heard that in the late 60’s and early 70’s, a popular slogan amongst the hippies was to “let your freak flag fly”. (I was born in ’68, so I can’t really confirm this.)

    I would like very much to fly my “freak flag” today in the Name of Jesus, but without it being construed as being some kind of smelly, unwashed hippie action. LOL!

    • cycleguy says:

      Let it fly, my friend, let it fly! 🙂 I don’t think you are a smelly hippy at all. 🙂 btw: i don’t mind being abnormal either.

  19. before I was married I traveled a bunch. And when you are off doing all these fun and unusual things, climbing mountains and going on long backpacking trips and surfing for days on end and thumbing around islands you begin to get prideful about how unnormal and COOL your life is. Now I live a super normal life – homeowner trying to get his lawn in order, playing with my daughter, etc but I love it.

  20. robin grandi says:

    Remember the old translation of Christians being a “peculiar” people. Weird would work there.
    Just finished a sermon series where I stole Chan’s title “Crazy Love”, so of course everyone thought I was going to preach a book about the Book. No way, after all, my collar is on too tight and that would be too easy.
    I actually chose the infamous “wedding verses” of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, and we followed the theme of how crazy we would seem in this world if we lived that type of godly Jesus love. Finished last week with “Crazy Disciples”, meaning that we can only live that type of crazy love if we have crazy disciple love for Jesus that sacrifices anything to follow Him. (Insert Bonhoeffer quote here.)Now that really makes us look and act weird! or crazy, or peculiar or as we were labeled growing up, Jesus freaks. Crazy love makes freaks of us all in the eyes of the spiritually blind.(Help me, I am choking!)

    • cycleguy says:

      Can I borrow that series idea? Sounds like a good one. 🙂 I like the way you “fooled” the people by looking at a very familiar passage and took them in a totally different direction. BTW: liked that book.