
Written by cycleguy on June 9th, 2011

Growing up there was a song that for some (very) strange reason received gold record status.

The year: 1968.

The group:  The O’Kaysions. (one hit wonders)

The song: “Girl Watcher” and it had the lyrics, “I’m a girl watcher, I’m a girl watcher, Watchin’ girls go by, my, my, my.”  Yeah, they were really heavy duty lyrics.  🙂  And for the record, while I didn’t mind watching girls, I disliked that song immensely.  I was 16 at the time, but that is why songs are called Oldies.  Source:  here.

Although it is frowned upon by certain members of my family to be a girl watcher these days, I have to admit to one thing (here it is public confession time): I love watching people!!  I am at the age now (58 for you math majors), where going to an amusement park and riding all the rides my stomach can take is out of the question. I get as much enjoyment out of watching people as anything.  Too bad you have to pay just to watch people.  They ought to have a stamp or a bracelet that says, “No ride. Just watch.”   I was always at a disadvantage anyway since my stomach could not do rides that went in circles.  Have you ever seen pasty-white-sweating-profusely-trying-not-to-lose-its-lunch-and-every-meal-for-the-previous-2-days?  That would be me. Funny, I could do roller coasters out the yazoo but nothing that went in a circle.  Not even…get this…a merry-go-round!!  How much of my ManCard did I lose with that statement?  😛

So, the inability to ride most of the rides at the amusement park leaves me plenty of time for a much more fun sport than upchucking…watching people.  I don’t need to say this, but I am anyway: there are so many different kinds of people.  I would run out of words and space on this blog if I tried to delineate all of them.


Just as there are tall, short, fat, skinny, well-toned, not-so-well-toned, white, black, etc people…there are also happy, sad, joyful, miserable, hurting, lonely, misguided, lost, etc people.  Simply put: there are tons of people out there just like you and me.  There are those of us who like to be critical, even hyper-critical of someone else’s struggles.  {Check out this post please}  Julie is one who puts her heart out there and NO ONE deserves to hear religious-speak garbage like she did.  That is the kind of asinine stuff that turns people off quicker than a flash.  Not everyone’s life is like mine; nor yours.  Not everyone is going to agree with me (they are wrong, but that is okay  🙂 ); nor you.   I don’t want to belabor this point anymore, so I just want to say this:  one of my daily prayers  is should be, “Lord, give me YOUR eyes to see people as you see them.” That changes the playing field drastically.

So…how do you see people?  Do you find yourself getting snarky with people when a bit more grace is needed?  What do you do when you find yourself getting that way?  I’d like to hear your thoughts if you care to share them.


47 Comments so far ↓

  1. Mercy says:

    Sometimes, I pray to God to help me see people and things the way he sees them. That’s one of the reasons why I love Brandon Heath’s Give Me Your Eyes. It’s a very important prayer. I have come to learn that grace is what God gives us when we don’t deserve it and so, when we look at people, a thought that should come to mind is: “Is this how God would view this person?”. I think that’s how we need to start watching and having the eyesight of God.
    That’s my thought.

    • cycleguy says:

      Great comment Mercy. I had given some thought to including the song but when i finished I had forgotten. you show some good wisdom in your view of people. thanks.

  2. cycleguy says:

    To all: Here is the link for that song by Brandon Heath: Please take a moment to watch.

  3. jeff says:

    I think I see people as just people. Innocent until they prove otherwise.I enjoy a good conversation whether they agree or disagree. I tend to avoid the gossipers, whiners and drama queens.I have little empathy for people that shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly and a lot of empathy for those who get a bad deal via social injustice or just bad luck.
    I think a lot of people have problems in how they see themselves. They either beat themselves up for shortcomings we all have or overestimate themselves and get on an ego trip.

    • cycleguy says:

      i would say you things pretty clearly Jeff. You certainly have a list of those you avoid and like to be with. Can’t say I blame you. I tend to do that also. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Glynn Young says:

    Oh, boy, do I remember “I’m A Girl Watcher.” (I just aged myself.)

    I have an exercise I put myself through, every time I start to judge someone by looks or appearance or all the other ways we judge people. I tell myself, “That person is made in God’s image.” It shuts down a lot of stupid thoughts in my head.

    • cycleguy says:

      Yes you have Glynn! 🙂 Glad to know I am not the only old guy on the block. What a great exercise with fantastic results. Thanks for coming by.

  5. Jim F says:

    Man Bill – I too have never been able to ride things that go in circles but have not had a problem with Roller Coasters. This is just getting too weird! 😀 (BTW Nothing off the Man Card for this one)

    I often pray that I would see people through the eyes of God and from His perspective. I do not always see things that way but it is how I want to see people and it is how I want people to see me too.

    Good thoughts.

    • cycleguy says:

      Somewhere back in time Jim they will have to find we are brothers in some way. This is getting weird. 🙂 But you got the hair. I didn’t. As for the ManCard: it was the merry-go-round thing. I like your prayer. Thanks for coming by.

  6. Moe says:

    I just wish we spent more time looking within us then looking outside of us. We are too easy to carry our stones in one pocket and our sins in the other.

  7. Man…do we ever need grace. Thanks Bill!

  8. Bill,
    I love your righteous indignation- you are passionate about extending grace and it is a valuable and priceless gift you offer people. I find myself reacting too quickly and out of the spirit when I feel afraid, attacked or condemned. I am learning to sit back and give Jesus the reigns. I must confess when I first got the email from the commenter I lashed back in a parody of his own words- then realized how wrong it was. ( Its the impetuous part of me- ugh) This guy had been regularly harassing me with his emails until finally i said ENOUGH- except my lash because of his lash ignited him and I ended up having to call the police it got so bad…all that to say- we can defuse a situation if we firmly and lovingly speka truth in love and set boundaries…much love to you Bill, I appreciate your friendship.

    • cycleguy says:

      WOW Julie! hard to believe it escalated into that. Hope you are okay though. You are right though. Heaping coals of fire on a head defuses it much better than picking up the stone and throwing it back. Thanks for your kind words and sorry if my comment ignited things further. Much love back at you. Keep up the grace-giving.

    • Jim F says:

      Wow – that is some serious escalation! Praying that things have calmed greatly.

  9. jenn says:

    I’ve loved watching people since I was a child. I can remember being probably 8-years-old and sitting on a bench at the fair and just watching people. Of course in Seattle you’re going to see some interesting people. 🙂

    I try, but I probably don’t always show grace as much as I need to. I do try to pray that I will see people the way God sees them.

    • cycleguy says:

      Isn’t it funny how even at a young age we can see what we can enjoy as adults? Seattle has interesting people. Been there several times…down to the Market. 🙂 I can still taste the crab that was consumed and salmon that was grilled. (My taste buds are going crazy!) Like you, I don’t always show the grace I should. thanks for the thoughtful comment.

  10. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    I think I’m seeing people less in divisional lines so to speak and more as a whole group. I’m not seeing people as Baptist or Charismatic, straight or gay, etc.etc. (unknown to me until recently, is that I have a casual friend who is gay)

    You said,
    “Not everyone’s life is like mine; nor yours”.

    We cannot minimize the doctrine of eternal salvation and new birth that is only available to people through beief and faith in who Jesus Christ was and is and IS TO COME. I think that we have to take a look at the scriptures to see who Jesus Christ will be in the future! The scriptures make this indisputable to the believer. And our own experience of new birth in Jesus Christ witnesses to the Truth of this as well.

    I’m not sure that this fact is even a divisional line but rather a ‘Truth’. Are lines now being drawn between Truth vs Falsehood? Jon indicated in his comment yesterday that ‘authenticity’ is something that the new generations of people are looking for.

    • cycleguy says:

      I had to learn several years ago to stop seeing people in divisional lines Linda, starting with my own mother. On the comment: I realize the new birth has made us new but our lives are still different in so many ways. You do raise a good question at the end. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  11. Jon says:

    I always pray that I too would see people the way God does. I honestly try to avoid all gossip/”talk”. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. I know that’s thrown around a lot, but it needs to be practiced way more.

    There’s a quote that I really like: be kinder than necessary,
    for everyone you speak with
    is fighting some kind of battle
    . I like that a lot.

  12. I am generally a gracious person. Seems the people I have the hardest times with are people who are ungracious. And when I am ungracious to people who are ungracious I become what I say I don’t like. Remembering that we all have the same root problem (sin) helps me tremendously.

    • cycleguy says:

      Man, you speak a mouthful Matt. I have a hard time understanding people who won’t show grace when they have been shown it. (Shades of Matthew 18) Thanks for coming by.

  13. cycleguy says:

    i apologize to all of you for being so late in approving and responding. I left the office at 9 for another town for a counseling appt, a visit, and several other stops and just got back at 3:00.

  14. Joseph says:

    I also like to people watch. I do it all the time. Even while in line at Wat-Mart. I think your prayer is excellent. To see people has Jesus sees them. Powerful. Great post.

    Also, we received your personal letter this week. Thank you for sending it. I like how your gravatar of you on your bike is on it. :)… We’re glad we could partner with your church.

    • cycleguy says:

      Glad you like to watch people Joseph. It is a good skill to hone. You are more than welcome. It was my pleasure to partner with you both. Glad you liked the stationary. 🙂 Thanks for everything Joseph.

  15. Jason says:

    I people watch all the time. I think it’s a by-product of my years in broadcasting because I was always looking for things to talk about on the air. So I’d watch people, their mannerisms, the things they would say, etc. Now I use those things for characters in fiction stories I write. 🙂

    As for getting snarky…I do what you do. Pray to see them through God’s eyes.

    • cycleguy says:

      I bet you were a good dj Jason. Nothing like speaking truth. Can’t wait to see what you write. Praying is the one thing to do. Thanks for you comment.

  16. Larry Hughes says:

    Basically I am reciprical ( Did I spell that right?).

    Any way, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and do not try to judge them. However, their negative actions do give me a way to judge them if my patience is stretched.

    No matter what, some people can’t be dealt with and it is best to avoid them if possible lest you stoop to their level.

  17. Rob Shepherd says:

    Is that the same song that Wheel of Fortune used for their commercials…I’m a wheel watcher? I love people watching. If it was a pro sport I’d be an All-Star. I feel like I do a good job of showing people grace. I have lots of weak areas of my life but I do pretty decent in that area.

    • cycleguy says:

      Yeah it is Rob. When I was researching the song it specifically mentioned that. I had to take their word for it since I don’t watch WOF. Thanks for coming by.

  18. Dan Black says:

    I love to watch the behavior of people. My wife and I both enjoy going to the mall and watching people. It is interesting what some people do and say.

    I try not to be critical toward people. Even though its hard some times. Thanks for the great post.


    • cycleguy says:

      I think it would be interesting to watch people with you and your wife Dan. Sort of wonder what would pass between two leaders as they observe people. 🙂 Thanks.