
Written by cycleguy on June 14th, 2011

I read this quote recently:

God picks the weakest, the smallest, the meanest of men on the face of the earth, and He uses them. St. Francis of Assisi

Another quote I have heard down through the years sticks with me:

It is doubtful that God can use a man greatly, until He has hurt him deeply. A.W. Tozer

The call to follow God, whether we are talking about a “professional” type ministry (like pastor, teacher, missionary, etc), or a ministry among the masses on a daily basis, may sound different, but really shouldn’t be seen that way.  The reason I say that is when you study and digest God’s call upon people in the Bible,  His calls were quite unpredictable.

Gideon’s call (my sermon this Sunday) was while he was hunkered down in fear.

Moses’ call was in the wilderness & came from a bush that wasn’t burning.

Saul’s (Paul’s) call was while on horseback on the road to Damascus.

David’s was as a young boy while out tending sheep.

Jeremiah’s call was while in his mother’s womb. (1:5)

Matthew was collecting taxes and cheating his own people.

Zaccheus was up a tree.

Peter, James and John were fishing.

All different.  I suspect if I was somehow able to take a poll of you all, our stories would differ greatly also.   That is why, in my opinion, no one can claim to be “better than/more called” than anyone else.  If I recall, didn’t Paul have something to say about that whole scenario in 1 Corinthians 4 and 2 Corinthians 10?  Each biblical call is unique.  Some will receive that call at a church camp.  Some will receive that call while sitting in a pew chair.  Some will receive that call while spending time alone.  The point is this: the circumstances, the nature, and the expectations of the call of God are all “made to order.”  Sort of like Moses’ call and subsequent back-and-forth with God.  Some will struggle with God over their call.  Some go willingly.

My own call is sort of a mishmash of times.  My late mother told me once that I have always talked about  being a pastor.  Other than being a professional baseball player (I lacked the hitting skills) or a professional basketball player (I lacked some essential skills), I wanted to be a pastor.  But it wasn’t until the summer between my Freshman/Sophomore year in college, when I worked at a church camp, that I really felt God wanted me to go into full-time “professional” (I hate that word) ministry.   I don’t doubt it even today.

How about you?  First, can I have your thoughts on the whole call of God idea?  Second, can you name a specific time/place/occasion when you felt God’s call on your life (for any type of ministry)?  I hope you will take the time to share because I would like to hear about the different ways of God.  Thanks.


36 Comments so far ↓

  1. Rob Shepherd says:

    For me it was at a church camp. I had never thought about ministry and my first response was “no.” I wrestled with it for a year. I was a junior in high school. I got the chance to speak to my youth group and I told God (I was young and stupid) that if I didn’t bomb then I would know that He called me. I didn’t bomb and I haven’t looked back.

  2. jeff says:

    With God anything is possible. I suppose a person can be called by God to do or be something. I have never experienced it myself.We all have unique aptitudes and I always try to be honest with myself as to what those are and stay within those bounds. I suspect some people would rather believe God is calling them to do something rather than just admit it is what they want to do.
    I think success is tied more to how hard we work, how disciplined we are in our efforts, and how honest we are in self evaluation.

    • cycleguy says:

      you are right Jeff. Anything is possible and I do believe that God gives us aptitudes, etc to fulfill His plan for our life. Unfortunately, personal agendas do sometimes enter into the picture. Thanks for the input.

  3. Jim F says:

    I agree with you in that all who are called have a different story and I do think that is on purpose by God for the very reasons you state.

    My own call came one day while I was at the end of my Senior year of High School. My grandmother lived with us and was upstairs so I had my bible reading in Philippians downstairs after school one day. In the middle of my quiet time I felt this overwhelming sense that I was to go into full time Christian Service – at that time Youth Ministry. I got up out of my chair and walked outside and argued with God about the call. I can still hear the sounds and feel the feelings of that day just like it was right now. I knew that ministry was tough and did not think I could handle it and I argued with God for a few days but I eventually gave in. I was already enrolled at a Christian School and Psychology was my major. When I got to school I promptly changed it to Youth Ministries.

  4. Michael says:

    My story is really long. But I received my calling and salvation at the same time. When I submitted to Him as Savior that is when He told me that I was going to pastor. I was blown away. I felt completely inadequate to do that.

    • cycleguy says:

      I would love to hear your story some day Michael…long or not. I think it will be fascinating. your inadequacy=His completeness. Thanks. (And tell your story sometime)

  5. Moe says:

    I was living with my parents, in my bed, fighting with God, he broke me, and saved me there and gave me His word and told me I was to preach it / teach it. No church setting, no laying of hands, just God and I in a small bedroom in Brooklyn.

    • cycleguy says:

      Seems like He got a hold of you the way He thought was best Moe. Love hearing it and would like to hear your story in its entirety. Thanks

  6. I know I’m called to be His son…that I’m good with. Thanks Bro’!

  7. Randy says:

    For me, it was during my first year of college…in church worship. I was pursuing my dream of becoming an architect, but God had different plans. I struggle for a while, but realized I wouldn’t have peace until I surrendered.

    I view my calling a little differently than some, though. I was called to full-time ministry. However, as God has led, that has taken different forms over the years…youth pastor, worship pastor, counselor and lead pastor…now I serve as discipleship pastor. This is definitely an awesome adventure!

    • cycleguy says:

      Hey Randy! thanks for visiting my blog! i will make my way over to yours after I am done commenting here. amazing, isn’t it, how often our plans are interrupted by God? You are nowhere near where you thought you would be. It is an awesome adventure. Thanks for commenting.

  8. Matt says:

    I definitely believe people are called to be pastors and to do other things. Lately though, I have realized how paralyzing waiting on a ‘calling’ can be, especially when it comes to meeting the needs of the hurting. We often wait for God to give us a shove or feel called, but I love this quote from John R. Mott.
    “The awareness of a need and the ability to meet that need – this constitutes a call.”

    • Zee says:

      for some reason, when you mentioned “shove,” i was reminded of a joke we’ve got over here: “a hedgehog is a proud bird – won’t fly until you throw it into the air…”

      great quote from John R. Mott. the grandma of one of the missionaries here in Ukraine kept saying always “if you can – you must”…

    • cycleguy says:

      Love that quote matt. I have seen people paralyzed waiting, especially for something “big” from God. See a need, move to meet it. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will head over to yours when I am done here.

  9. Jon says:

    To be honest, I’m kind of still figuring this out. I know God has called me for something greater than myself. I know He has called me to help others. What exactly that is, as in a job setting, I’m still figuring out, stepping out in faith, and just believing!

    • cycleguy says:

      Nothing wrong with trying to figure things out jon. Just be aware that God will make Himself known in a real way. Be available and he will use you. Thanks for the comment.

  10. Zee says:

    The second quote (Tozer’s) hit home today… But it gives hope, too 🙂 thanks for sharing that.

    as for my call… i don’t know – i don’t think there was this one moment when i KNEW. it was more of a gradual growing into the role. like with kids’ ministry – i got to be a counsellor at a camp at 14 (11 years ago… scary thought) and every summer since then i’ve been a counsellor (last year i was a director of a camp)… the first time i’ve been a group leader – i couldn’t understand what those lil ones want from me! (especially considering that i had girls team ages 6-8… they put make-up on before evening service!!! i was shocked!)… but a couple of years later, i realized that actually i enjoy being a counsellor (although whenever i had a choice i had boys’ teams – they are usually too young to think about girls – while girls always talk about guys) 😀

    soo… long story short… God has shaped me into this call over the years. dunno where He will lead me next, but should be interesting 😀

    • cycleguy says:

      I bet you are as surprised about your love for kids as you were to see little girls put on make-up. 🙂 but I love what God is doing and going to do in your life. It is going to be awesome to see! Thanks Zee for the story.

  11. Mercy says:

    God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. I love that saying. I think I can apply it to my life. God called me last year, in a dream. I felt very happy knowing that He wanted to use me.

  12. Dan Black says:

    This is a great post. I really enjoyed the quotes and your story of how you where called.

    During my Senior year of High School and while I went to Bible College I had encounters with God about preaching and serving the church. Though I don’t feel like I am called to full time ministry, I know God wants me to serve and preach in my church. (And others)

    I had people who flamed the fire inside me and allowed me to preach and serve as a leader.(In the youth department)

    I now believe God wants me to teach leadership to businesses and churches.


    • cycleguy says:

      Good to hear people fanned the flame Dan. I hope I am not giving the wrong impression because I firmly believe those not in full-time ministry positions are still full-time in ministry. They are still called to do what they are doing. You are one of those people who have received God’s call to be a leader. That is good. 🙂 Thanks for coming by.

  13. Larry Hughes says:

    I really don’t know what I am called to do. I just patiently wait for God to put an opportunity in front of me to act on.

    When I first became a So called Christian,( I am now led by Christ) all I though about was becoming a minister. The more I desired it, the more I believe God told me “No, not yet”. (He knows me better than I do thinking back about it.) I definitely was not ready and still not ready.

    It waasn’t untill I spent the time reading the bible, researching about faith, and earnestly praying did I realize it was all about my desires, not what God desired.

    I still get messages about planting seeds but I think it is more my thoughts than what God wants me to do. If He does want me to do that, I would imagine the signals would be more pronounced.I will leave that up to others that know more about planting those seeds.

    So I guess I will just be an old timer that is fired up for Christ and not afraid to spread his word and love.

    Evangelism has always sparked my interest but I will wait for God to point me in that direction some what patiently.

    • cycleguy says:

      Larry: at this time you have been called to the best park manager around. No job is too small or out of his sight. Thanks for commenting.

  14. Joseph says:

    I don’t think any two people receive their calling the exact same way. As for my calling God is still working with me I think. I get called “preacher” by people at work. People ask me if I will go in to “ministry”. But I don’t believe I’m called to be a preacher but I do believe he has called me to be a teacher. I think their is a difference between the two in a way. I’m in the middle of a season that I think will lead me in to what God wants me to do.

    • cycleguy says:

      You’re right Joseph. No two receive their calling the same way. if God has given you the skill to teach, do it well. that is a ministry. Thanks for coming by.

  15. You will be missed next week Bill!
    My calling- every morning I wake up I have the great privilege of representing His name and exhibiting His love. Truly a High Calling!