
Written by cycleguy on August 17th, 2011

Growing up I loved challenges.  I learned how to play baseball.  I learned how to ride a bike.  I taught my brother, Rob, how to ride a  bike.  😛  I learned how to play basketball.  Challenges are part and parcel, I think, of everyday life.


We have been through a gamut of approaches.  The “Jesus Movement” started in trying to reach burned-out hippies and a “lost” generation with the transforming message of Christ.  Pastor Chuck Smith started Calvary Chapel at a storefront attempting to do just that.  As time moved on a Bus Ministry was seen as the way to go.  Herd ’em on buses and then force feed them the Gospel.  Give enticements to get them in and keep them coming.  We moved on.  Seeker-sensitive. Purpose-Driven. (No judgment intended) You name it, we have probably tried it.  All in an attempt to answer the one burning question: How do we reach this generation with the Good News of Jesus?

In case you are new to this blog, or have a hankering for review, I have been spending the past few Wednesdays blogging about “The Secret to Reaching the Next Generation,” a chapter from the book Don’t Call It a Comeback by Kevin DeYoung.   If you care to read the others you can go here and here and here and here.   I have learned many things but one thing stands out: for those who say there is a secret to reaching this generation-the secret is there is no secret.  Today’s may shock the socks off you, especially given that we have come through, and in many ways are still in, the whole “let’s-make-the-gospel-palatable-to-them-so-they-won’t-be-offended” mentality.  If you are at all curious about my thoughts on that, then please check out that first post of this series.  The fourth suggestion Kevin makes seems “strange”:


Yep, you read that right.  The famous phrase that used to be used was “dumbing down God.”  The opponents of the “relevant” way always feared the dumbing down of God.  The challenge comes to us today to NOT do that.  Tell them the truth.  Challenge them with good Bible teaching.  Sermonettes for Christianettes is not where its at!  People want to learn doctrine.  Sounds strange writing that, you know?  Ironically, in this age of multi-culturalism, people want to know where Christians stand and what they believe and why they believe it.  IMHO I think people are smarter than we give them credit for and read right through our ploys for acceptance.  When it comes to reaching this generation, I don’t think entertainment-laden worship experiences are what they are looking for.  In the long run, I think they are looking for meat.


This generation believes in being a good moral person; that religion should make this world a better place; and that God exists (for the most part).  What they DO want to know is how it works and how it all fits together.  That can’t be done  by pandering to the masses.

CHALLENGE THEM WITH THE TRUTH.  DO IT IN LOVE, BUT CHALLENGE THEM ANYWAY!!   Now it is time to hear from you.  Have any thoughts you care to share?  I am all ears.


33 Comments so far ↓

  1. Craig says:

    This lands in so many places.

    1) christians must have a perspective that lets them see beyond themselves. The church is not there to serve them and meet their needs. The church is a place for healing the wounded. I envision the medic tents from MASH (loved that show). Until christians focus on the lost and not themselves, then reaching the lost with the truth will be watered down.

    2) The truth can’t be watered down in order to placate the world. One of the things that runs all over me is how over-sensitive this nation has become…church included. We don’t want to offend anyone. Truth hurts though. It isn’t fun to be called out or held accountable.

    3) when the world yells and screams at the church it must mean we are doing something right. Jesus told us that the world hated Him…and it will hate us. Why does the church care what someone thinks or feels about the gospel? The truth is that people are going to hell. The truth is Jesus can save them from hell. Period. Will folks get their feathers ruffled? Yep. Pharisees did. The world does today too.

    You mentioned that people want to know where christians stand…that is huge. The church today needs a backbone. To stand for the truth and not back down. Why would someone want to come to church with a bunch of wishy washy people?

    ok…stepping off the podium.
    great post bill!

    • cycleguy says:

      WOW Craig! I should have had you write this post. 🙂 You put it so well. Thanks for a thoughtful comment.

      • Craig says:

        thanks bill – I get a little carried away sometimes…but a lot of what I’m reading/listening too is crossing over so I’m getting a lot of confirmation…and then it leaks out onto a blog response 🙂

  2. Jim F says:

    I am going to say you are this………..DEAD……RIGHT! I have seen it time after time – truth draws people and the truth sets everyone free.

  3. Desert Jim says:

    “…I don’t think entertainment-laden worship experiences are what they are looking for. In the long run, I think they are looking for meat.”

    Is it wrong to want both?

    • cycleguy says:

      You raise a good question DJ. The answer is NO…as long as the entertainment does not take the place of the meat. Least that is my opinion (for what its worth). 🙂 I think well-thought out worship music is a good prelude to a biblical message. Does that help? Thanks for asking.

      • Desert Jim says:

        I agree. I just really get excited when the church gets creative AND still speaks the truth.

        I think we can do it but sometimes get lazy or think the world should come to us. However, challenging people with the truth should be attractive.

        • cycleguy says:

          Creativity and speaking truth can go hand in hand. But i do think you have put your finger on the tough part-getting lazy. We tend to think that if we make it “fun” or “entertaining” they will come. Good point DJ. Thanks for getting back.

  4. Truth sets us free- true Biblical preaching sets us free because it is steeped in God’s Truth and love. Anything that promotes bondage is not truth- it is important to know Truth so you can distinguish between the lies. My struggle was that I believed all that preached, preached truth- I didn’t study for myself but swallowed everything being taught and preached. It is so important for people to search Truth not just in preaching but personal study too. Great thought provoking post Bill.

    • cycleguy says:

      You are right Julie and I hope that it is not taken as me saying, “Here is the biblical truth. Take it or leave it!” without any thought given to what is said. I know what you came out of and I used to preach that way myself so I reject that. You bring up a good point about personal study. That cannot be left out. Thanks for your thoughts.

  5. Moe says:

    Today more than ever, the church tries to bring young people to church with entertainment. But even they themselves admit that what they want is a challenge. They want to know why God makes sense. They want to wet their appetites with truth. This is a generation like the greeks. They thrive on wisdom and knowledge. In days like Wikipedia and Google, they have all the answers in front of their noses. And we are giving them… music? video game challenges? We need to step up to the plate today. We are loosing young people to the “wisdom” of the internet. Shame!

  6. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    I think the challenge we have today is what is truth? Doctrinal truth? Is what we have the truth? Do we as believers want to teach people to live like we do? To experience God the way we do? Or do we want to say to them do as I say and not as I do?

    I have an African friend who told me one time that in Africa it is not uncommon to see preachers with several different women hanging onto their arms in the camps. And it is not uncommon to hear these preachers say on meeting days do as I say and not as I do. With all the other stuff that goes on in Africa can we really wonder why that continent is on the verge of being destroyed by violence, disease, famine, corruption, and intrinsic evil?

    The Scriptures teach that people only get saved when the Spirit of God draws them. We can do nothing without God working with us. We can’t even bring somebody to salvation in Christ. We can teach them about Christ but that’s about all.

    • cycleguy says:

      Unfortunately Linda, what you describe in Africa is true. but it is also true in America and everywhere else. The truth is the Bible not to live as we do unless we can say with Paul, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” Thanks for the comment.

  7. Mercy says:

    There are some of these people that know the truth but do not want to accept it. I agree with you when you say the people of this generation should be challenged with the truth and more importantly in love. I think more of their time should be spent on dwelling in the word of God – where the truth is.
    I love this post Bill.

  8. Jason says:

    We’re getting to the point that my generation (gen X) and the one after us are starting to reach positions of power and we were brought up to “fit in” and “get along” and “have people like you.” That runs counter to the gospel because if we stand on truth, it will conflict with the world and you will have people who flat out hate you for it.

    We need to get Christians to somehow overcome the training of their worldly generations and take a stand for the truth of the Bible regardless of the names you get called for doing it.

    • cycleguy says:

      You may have hit on the soft spot Jason. What we have learned vs. what should be. Stand firm is the right thing to do. Thanks. Glad you made it back home.

  9. I’m reading a book right now called Made to Stick about what makes certain ideas sticky and others disappear. I’m just a couple chapters in, but they talk about being simple but not taking that to mean dumbed down. It’s about getting the core message and essence of what you’re trying to say. We have complicated some things for sure, but dumbing it down doesn’t help either. We need to challenge and disciple and not back down. He’ll give us creativity to share these things if we ask Him and take the time to listen. Good stuff, Bill. Thanks.

    • cycleguy says:

      Some good stuff here Jason. I totally agree that we have complicated some things but dumbing down doesn’t help either. There has to be a line we can find. Thanks for the comment my friend.

  10. Jon says:

    Don’t know if I could add any more to what you said. I completely believe this wholeheartedly–it’s about the Truth. It’s not about catering, or dumbing down, or being safe. This generation is curious, and really wants to go beyond the surface.

  11. Zee says:

    I got a bit confused about the part:
    The famous phrase that used to be used was “dumbing down God.” The opponents of the “relevant” way always feared the dumbing down of God. The challenge comes to us today to NOT do that. – are we supposed to be the opponents of the “relevant” way or should we embrace the “relevant” way? (Maybe I just need to get some sleep – my mind ain’t working properly)

    Regarding the “Truth Challenge” – amen to that. It works – it worked for me. The way God led me was weird – by sending me a Bible teacher who did not (and still doesn’t) believe in existence of Satan, yet who mixed up eastern religions with a Christian bit. Therefore, my “Truth Challenge” was when the teacher had tried to destroy everything I believed in and yet I knew that what I believed was right – so I had to actually re-think completely what I believe. It was HARD, but I am stronger now than I was before those Bible classes.

    And “new generation” needs the Truth. They can sense the lies and there are way too many as it is. Truth is the way 🙂

    Great post, big bro.

    • cycleguy says:

      That does read sort of muddy somewhat. The “relevant” way are those who are going after the shallow. The opponents would be those who want meat. So they would be opposed to dumbing down God. 🙂 Interesting way you came to a more solid faith. And you are right: they can sense the lies. Thanks for the comment lil sis.

      • Zee says:

        Ah, okay. That’s what I thought you meant, but I wasn’t 100% sure… 🙂 Yes, dumbing God down is quite dumb 😀

        Heh, yeah – talk about God’s sense of humor. I sometimes re-read my blog posts from those years and I am simply amazed how God has worked. I ended up being friends with that teacher. He was a good teacher… just REALLY mistaken. Wish he’d hear the voice of Truth one of these days. However, I somewhat doubt it. His dad was a Baptist minister and obviously that affected my teacher – so he went the opposite way. *Sigh*

        • cycleguy says:

          That is good news that you reconnected with your teacher but bad news about going the opposite way. so much of that happens. it is sad. 🙁 Glad I made sense. 🙂

  12. Lori Devine says:

    I haven’t yet taken the time to read all of the comments, so I don’t know if someone mentioned this. We had a seriously smart guy come to our church a few years back that talked about the values of the modern generation and the post-moderns. He said that one of the biggest things that this generation of post-moderns values is community. That makes sense to me. I sometimes struggle being in what I consider to be a large church community because I can’t feel close to everyone. But in the last year or so, I have made it a point to reach out to people in my life that I don’t know so well. (This scares me-I fear rejection) But I have been surprised with such a warm reception from people. We have to shake the “us vs. them” attitude. Even if it isn’t intentional. I have loved the online community of Facebook and it has given me a few opportunities to share the gospel and have friendly debates (with willing participants 🙂 I am learning to move past this fear and reach out. Great post! I enjoy reading your blog!

    • cycleguy says:

      So glad to hear that you are taking the initiative to reach out Lori. So many get wrapped up in their own world and then wonder why they are alone. And thanks for reading my blog. I am waiting for a new entry from you! 🙂

  13. Dan Black says:

    I beleive one of the best ways to reach people with the gospel is to show them through example of who Jesus is.

    I have to be honest and say sharing the Gospel is an area I have a hard time with. I try and set a good example so many people know I’m a good guy but how many people know I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. So I have made it a point to focus on setting the example and sharing the gospel.

    Great post Bill

    • cycleguy says:

      Believe it or not I have difficulty also Dan. I can talk just about anything but that gives me trouble. I think I keep waiting for the perfect scenario. And you know how that is! Thanks for the comment.