
Written by cycleguy on January 8th, 2012


I do not have ADD or ADHD.  But as my headline says “Ramblings from a guy whose mind is always spinning and spinning.”   Sometimes the spinning makes me dizzy.  Sometimes I even have trouble sleeping at night if I wake up.  So, bear with me today as I try to bring some order to my random world (and you become a victim).

One of my readers, Dan Black, and his wife, Ashley, were blessed with a son, Logan.  Logan was very premature so he was put on a vent and into a NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit. I asked for prayer for all three of them.  I cannot even begin to fathom the pain of going home from the hospital with your child still there.  Dan has kept me updated on Logan and his most recent was this: “Logan is breathing on his own.  He is beginning to bottle feed. We should get to take him home in 2-3 weeks.”  He also asked me to tell all who have prayed, “Thanks.”  So thanks for your prayers.  Ultimate thanks to the Father in heaven.

I recently made an emergency trip to the Indy hospital for preemie birth of twins. The little girl lived for 20 minutes.  Her brother weighed in at 4#1 oz.  He will be in the hospital on a vent for up to 7 weeks they suspect.  Pray for Joe & Erin.

If anyone would have told me that I would be enjoying sunny 40-50 degree weather and riding my bike in January, I would have told them they were nuts.  I would also have been eating my words.   I have this sneaking suspicion winter will hit with a vengeance.  However, I am not complaining.  🙂

Been reading Living on the Edge by Chip Ingram.  He tells the story of the documentary of a man who decided to test the quality of food in one of America’s most famous fast food restaurants.  The 30 day plan was to eat nothing but fast food morning, noon, and night.  Tests were done prior to the experiment for evaluation.  Unfortunately, the experiment did not last 30 days.  After 20 days or so of a steady diet of only fast food, the man’s body began to shut down.  The high-sugar, high-fat, fried, and processed food began to build up toxins to such a degree that he had to be hospitalized.  Ironically the food tasted great; tragically it almost killed him.   Hmmmm.  What does that say about our penchant for fast foods and what it is doing to us?  Does pizza count as fast food since it takes some time to make?   😛

Finally, this song has been on my playlist.  I have not historically been a fan of theirs, and never really listened to much of their music.  But I recently bought their “The Best Yet” CD.  I have become a fan.  izvlfeVTNv0

Thanks for reading my random thoughts. Anything random happening in your life you care to share?  What are you listening to that is having an impact? 


35 Comments so far ↓

  1. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    Thank you for being available and present for the couple who lost their little girl. I am thankful that the boy will live.

    I am glad to hear that Dan and Ashley will take Logan home with them soon. Praise Jesus.

    I did a bit of research on the Internet this weekend to find out what is upcoming regarding technology and what is the postmodern worldview of values, beliefs, desires, etc. It seems that melding or combining thinking, values, etc in a pluralistic society is the goal in order to ‘make a better world’ going into the future. Supposedly there is more enhanced thinking and ability of people by these being melded together. In this way our differnces with one another are minimized in our minds.
    We understand as Christians that we cannot compromise on the basics of our faith. We Chrisitans may become a square peg trying to be forced into a round hole by the world. We need to make preparations for some conflict, as time goes on, maybe quite a bit of conflict with the world’s views.

    Technology is moving quickly towards artificial intelligence, avatars, and the ‘creation’ of enhanced human beings through gene manipulation. Creating humans who have the ability to handle profound and fast changes, putting to disadvantage those babies who will be born naturally to couples in the future.
    Also defence departments in developed countries using technology, data, information etc along with psycological technics to influence the minds of people for war efforts or for avoiding war. This would include these being used to gain one upness against leaders of other countries in conversations and talks etc. To try and get an edge or advantage in the information age.

    It seems that social media such as facebook, gaming, twitter, etc. is of concern because it is replacing serious reading for the average person. The language and thinking of some people is down to Harry Potter, wizards, gaming characters, media, etc. The concern here is that the information needed by people to encourage original thinking and decision making will be diminished as time goes on. Serious reading material such as the bible and other good articles containing information combats this mental decline.

    Score another reason for Christians to be consistent in reading the Bible. God knows what he is doing when he asks us to read his word.

    • cycleguy says:

      I am glad I was available for them also Linda and certainly glad Logan is on the mend and will soon be home. Agreed about reading the Word. thanks for the comment.

    • Susan says:

      Linda, I tend to agree with you on the social media thing. That, and other things, have made us as a nation very ADHD.

      A number of years ago, I remember being very impatient with how long it was taking for my email to send, and for my microwave to warm up something. I had to laugh at myself. For awhile I got caught up in “keeping busy for the Lord” that made me ADHD. I simply could not sit down and watch a movie or read a good book. And that was before I was involved in social media.

      Please know that I think it is important to serve the Lord, not doing what I think He wants, but listening to Him and being obedient. More recently, I have begun to understand how important it is to “be still and know that He is God.”

      I think you might like reading Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman Most people are informed by the media. Political candidates often sway people simply by being “prettier” than other candidates.

      I hope you day is going well.

  2. Praise God and we will continue to pray.

  3. Rob Shepherd says:

    Praise God. Prayed for both couples. Love Switchfoot and I love the lyrics to that song.

  4. Jim F says:

    Bill – you should watch the documentary “Super Size Me” – which is what Ingram is talking about – quite eye opening!

    Random thought – I am being hit with a number of friends and church people who are going through terrible marriage issues. Please pray them!

    Praising God for Dan’s son Logan doing better!

    Have a great day!

    • cycleguy says:

      When I mentioned that during my communion thought yesterday, the folks knew what I was talking about and the fast food place. 🙂 I will be glad to pray for those families. Thanks Jim.

  5. tom says:

    Praying randomly and specifically.

  6. floyd says:

    My wife was a RN in a newborn ICU for 15 years, I’m familiar with much of what happens in the lives of people with primis. Dealing with lives in that fashion I think is a gift from God, I know the technology that keeps them alive is for sure. Many miracle happen in those places. Praying for the families.

  7. Moe says:

    I’m so happy to hear that baby will be coming home soon. That’s exciting. Praise our Lord!!

    Funny thing today. After writing my post on being more personal, I had a lady sit next to me in the subway and she started a conversation. It was so good. We talked the whole way to my stop (about 20 minutes). Now, I’ll begin to pray for her so that God will reach her.

    That’s my random. 🙂

    • cycleguy says:

      It is exciting to read about Logan. That is so cool to hear about your conversation in the subway. Gives meaning to “having a heart for people.” Way to go Moe!

  8. Craig says:

    I’ve listened to Chip Ingram – good stuff.

    I recently listend to the Passion live feeds last week. Amazing! The worship, speaking, and experience was awesome…and I wasn’t even there! But I had a chance to listen to Beth Moore and Francis Chan – that was a blessing.

    • cycleguy says:

      I have heard of him but this is the first book I have read of his. I used to listen to all of Passion music but have gotten lost along the way. 🙂 Always good to keep learning.

  9. I just sent my daughter to pick up some biscuits from Bojangles for breakfast. After reading this I’m almost scared to eat.

    Praise God for the blessings. I love reading about how God is answering our prayers.

  10. Ed says:

    Thank you Jesus for All Your Miracles!

    I’ve had so many random thoughts lately, it’s almost scary that I’ve become so aware of them. Seems my mind is always rolling downhill.

  11. dustin says:

    Random is okay.

    Random for me today? I wore mis-matched socks to work today. Ouch!

  12. Jon says:

    Glad to hear for Dan and his wife, Ashley!

    I’m a big fan of Switchfoot, I think Jon Foreman is a very gifted lyricist that writes from the heart.

    We’re also having awfully odd weather for January over here, but I’m not complaining either. I’ll gladly take it! 🙂

  13. Been loving my new Kindle Touch. That’s about all that’s really been going on here. 🙂

  14. Hmmm….last night I woke hearing somebody crying. Check each bedroom…nope, everybody asleep and fine. Went back to sleep myself and had a dream about a friend of mine crying out of desperation. Woke up and began to pray for him.
    How’s that for “random”?

  15. Michael says:

    I will be praying for Logan & his parents, and for Joe, Erin & their surviving baby. I know they are thankful to have you there with them when you can be.
    I actually got myself out of this house today & took a walk, which was very nice, I just thanked God for my surroundings & that I’m healthy enough to go out for a walk. (and you know I am a winter person!) 🙂
    In other random thoughts after church yesterday, the Preaching Pastor(this church has an Executive Pastor & a Preaching Pastor, which I don’t understand but…) he was shaking hands & telling people to have a good week, he shook Michael’s hand & said that, then he shook my hand & asked me my name, I told him, he said, ok, & to have a good week. I said to Michael, why did he ask what my name is & not yours? He didn’t know, and I said, well, hopefully he is going to remember my name & pray for me this week. I was having a difficult weekend & maybe I didn’t look happy, I don’t know. I guess it made me feel good to think that God laid it on the pastor’s heart to ask my name & to think that someone I don’t know is praying for me. Maybe that sounds ridiculous. That’s why I told myself anyway.
    Nice random thoughts post!

    • cycleguy says:

      Thanks for your prayers jan. Glad to hear you got out. We certainly can’t complain about Indiana’s weather right now. As for the PP: don’t know what to say. 🙂

  16. Jason says:

    Continuing to pray!

  17. Dan Black says:

    Thank you Bill and everyone for your prayers and kind words.

    The pastor(Mark Foreman) of the church we attend is the father of Jon Foreman. I also was just listening to that CD the other day Bill.