
Written by cycleguy on March 15th, 2012

One of my favorite scenes in all of the Indiana Jones movies is the test Indy has to pass to pick the cup of Christ.  The final one is the one of faith- he has to step out into a seemingly deep chasm where he cannot see any rational solution to his “step of faith.”   If you haven’t seen the movie (we are out of the Dark Ages folks), I don’t want to spoil what happens.  I suggest you watch Indiana Jones 3.

People have been told to take a “leap of faith” for ages.  In some instances it is a much-needed prod.  Far too many are content to sit on their…aaaahh…haunches and refuse to get involved because they can’t “see the end.”  They lack faith.  Others have used the “leap of faith” concept to do (how do I say this kindly?) really dumb things.  Instead of a step of faith it is a test of God.  Please understand, I am not opposed to stepping out in faith if God leads a person that way.  But to presume upon God is taking it a bit too far.  That however is a discussion for another time.

My message Sunday is on faith, on stepping out.  Using Luke 5:1-11, I am hoping to challenge myself and the people to do two things:




What Jesus asked the disciples to do was to have audacious faith.  “I know you have  been fishing all night and haven’t caught a thing.  Go out into the deep water.  When you get there, put down your nets.”  It is never easy to take risks.  It is never easy to go against what makes you comfortable.  It is never easy to move out and step out on faith.  It is never easy to go beyond what makes us feel like we have a security blanket.

If you have ever played Euchre there is an expression used: “Go big or stay at home.”  Maybe we ought to start adopting that for our Christian walk.

What about you?  Do you feel like you are a risk-taker?  Do you feel like you are one who is willing to step out in faith?  Do you feel like you play it too safe?  I would like to hear your thoughts. 

Today is my day off but part of the morning will be spent at the hospital while Dan has surgery.  I am sure he will appreciate your prayers for his surgery and recovery.  And I would appreciate your prayers for our Sunday.


28 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    I am in a study of Luke right now (Swindoll’s New Testament Insights). I just studied through Luke 5 earlier this week. One thing that can strengthen faith is obedience to the Spirit’s direction. Even small steps of obedience can bolster us when we start to separate the Spirit’s direction from our own inner voice. I have had moments where I have that “Oh, so that wasn’t me after all.” Cool!

  2. Eileen says:

    Goodness, I have been seeing this verse all over lately!! I am not a risk taker on my own. And yet, God has called me out of my comfort zone so many times. He certainly does the equipping!

  3. Jim F says:

    I have a natural tendency to lean more toward the risk taking than not. All those in the Bible who are my favorites are ones who took great risks of faith – (Jonathan in 1 Sam. 14 and Ezekiel throughout his life).

    God calls us to a life of adventure and faith not a life of boredom and being stagnant.

    Praying for a great weekend at OVCF!

  4. That Indian Jones scene always confused me. Like wouldn’t it totally not work if he were to change his perspective by a few inches to the left, right, up, or down? But I guess I’m just a spoiled sport with movies. 🙂
    I think we need to have a better understanding of risk. I’m not really sure how I feel about it, to be honest. I’ve seen people justify the silliest of things by saying that they were taking a leap of faith, but at the same time – God does work miracles. I’d probably benefit from more of your thoughts on it 🙂

    • cycleguy says:

      There is a fine line, I think, between risk-taking and being foolish. Some are foolish and call it “God.” I would love to talk more about it. Hmmm a blog idea. 🙂

  5. Susan says:

    I don’t see myself as a risk taker, Bill. But. When Jesus says to step out, He gives me the grace, wisdom, and strength to do it. I already shared on your blog about “my borrowed boy” awhile back. God told me to get ready a couple of weeks before the crisis came. I thought that surely it was my imagination, and what about… infinitum. When the crisis reached critical mass, my husband and I found that God had given us the strength and grace to just say yes.

    That doesn’t mean that it is all hunky dory every moment of every day. But this is also teaching us that He does give us grace as our labors grow greater. I don’t in any wise want to paint this picture as smooth water and sunshine. Just that His strength is sufficient.

    • cycleguy says:

      You may not see yourself as a risk-taker in the normal sense of the word, Susan, but taking in the “borrowed boy” has put you in that category. 🙂 Love that you and Harry are doing that. He gives grace.

  6. floyd says:

    I’ve been a risk taker my entire life. I’m the guy that leaps before he looks. It has caused me much grief in my life.
    I also usually believe big for the things of God.

    A little moderation would be good.

    Praying for Dan and for you.

  7. Ed says:

    I’m definitely not an extreme rish taker. I like to play it safe way too often, but sometimes I do take on a mischievious streak. But I think that’s pretty much the norm for all of us.

    However, just as Jim F says “God calls us to a life of adventure and faith not a life of boredom and being stagnant.” Crossing over into the promised land takes a boldness in extreme faith.

  8. Tom says:

    Praying for Dan! I am challenged to take that leap of faith and need to discern God’s leading clearly. Is He not clear or am I not listening right? Trusting He will be very clear…blessings Bill.

  9. Bill, my friend asked me to start helping him speak to the youth. I am much more comfortable with adults.

  10. Praying for you this Sunday, and your message to “step out.” Awesome scene in Indian Jones, by the way. That movie pretty much shaped my childhood 🙂

    • cycleguy says:

      Thanks for your prayers Stephen. Amazingly, God had His hand because after the sermon i also announced a Building Team update that will require people stepping out and forward.

  11. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    You said “It is never easy to go beyond what makes us feel like we have a security blanket”.

    I think the key word here is ‘feel’. We feel secure. This doesn’t mean that we are secure. We gage this feeling of security largely on what the world interprets and tells us is security. If we own our house, have a good job, have some money in the bank.
    Of course, these things do provide a measure of security for people. What we don’t realize is that these things can be gone in a moments’ time.

    If we take the great flood of Noah as an example, people were buying and selling, getting married, right up to the day that Noah and his family entered the ark. In a time of great calamity what would be our security? A shelter deep underground?

    God is our security. In life or in death. This kind of perspective (which perspective is reality) can change the way we do things and how much risk we can tolerate well.

    Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
    Matthew 8:19-21

  12. Dan Black says:

    My wife and in-laws are big Indiana Jones fans and I also really enjoy them. So I have seen them all many times over.

    I feel like I do take risks depending on what it is. If its a God risk then I try my best to step out of my comfort zone to accoplish or do it.

    Praying for you and the service this Sunday.

  13. Zee says:

    I play safe. Often too safe.
