
Written by cycleguy on July 17th, 2012

I AM A GUY (in case you didn’t know).  🙂  Most (operative word) guys are made for adventure.

Over 10 years ago I read a book that revolutionized my thinking.  I know it was and still is controversial.   For the Open Theism it supposedly touted.  Pfft!  I think it garnered more controversy because it dared to challenge the norm that many men had fallen into:


Okay, so some think it was controversial in its approach of calling men to a life of adventure. But maybe some men needed that kick in the…aaaah…pants.  I did.  For all my cycling and love of being outdoors, I had settled for bland.  Know what I mean?  With the clarion call of “Every man has a battle to fight; an adventure to live; and a beauty to rescue”  Wild at Heart called men to be men.  

Then I read another book a couple of years ago that stirred something inside me.  It was called Surrendered and Untamed by Jason Clark.  Was God trying to tell me something…again?  I decided to have a constant reminder so when I had a new RoadID made I put the phrase “Live the Adventure” on it.

Now this:

I used to think knowing God was like going on a business trip with Him, but now I know He’s inviting me on an adventure instead.

As you might have guessed that is from Love Does by Bob Goff.  Then on Tuesday someone from OVCF (one of the two or three who read my blog) 🙂 sent me this.   Frankly, Bob nails it when he talks about Bible doing vs. Bible study.  Living life with Jesus is supposed to be an adventure…not an adventure in babysitting, but an adventure in a life beyond compare!  I absolutely love what Bob says:

Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure.  It’s not a trip where He sends a rigid itinerary, He simply invites us.  God asks what it is He’s made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that deep indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made. And then, leaning over us, He whispers, ‘Let’s go do that together.’  A little later he goes on to say, ‘When Jesus invites us on an adventure, He shapes who we become with what happens along the way.’

So…let me cut my part short by asking you a question: How do you see your life right now?  Have you settled for or do you see yourself living an adventure?  How would you classify your walk with Jesus right now? 

This is part of my ongoing series of posts inspired by Love Does.  Bet you can’t tell I like it and recommend it!  😀


37 Comments so far ↓

  1. Steve Martin says:

    Some days it’s an adventure.

    And some days it’s just ho-hum.

    Some days I am a ball o’ fire for the Lord. And some days I just want to watch some ballgames on the tube, or spend a lot of time on the computer.

  2. Life is constantly an adventure. Right now, my kids are heavily involved in the adventure. It will change shortly and it will be different.

  3. Daniel says:

    Right now life is not so much an adventure for me as it is something that I endure. I just kind of feel flat and unable to rouse myself. In fact, I am not even sure what to do or where to start. Pooh.

    • cycleguy says:

      This is honesty Daniel. Wish i could be there to spend some time helping each other find the adventure.

    • lindaM says:

      Hi Daniel,
      My thinking to get started at life again is to do some volunteering at the local foodbank, soup kitchen, etc. Many of these places have Christian people who do ministering and work there.

      If you go to church, look for people who are shunned a bit by others. These are people that you can start a conversation with. I’ve made 2 friends at church so far by doing this. This tactic also challenges others at the church to be more accepting as well.

      You have some social standing as a scientist and you can challenge the status quo at church on its’ respect of persons behavior. Live the adventure!!

  4. lindaM says:

    Hi Bill,
    I just finished getting over a 2 day migraine headache. I had to sleep most of each day. My son is getting married on Saturday. I may have 2 boarders coming in August for the next school year. I’m not nearly ready for them to come and stay here. (I’ve never done anything like this before, I like staying alone in my 1/2 duplex). I looked after my neighbor’s dog for two days on the weekend while they went to a family wedding anniversay. I couldn’t make a move in my house for two days without the dog at my heels. Even to go from the livingroom to the kitchen! I failed to get fully into the appeal court. They put a 30,000 security deposit requirement that I was to pay before I could continue my case. I couldn’t get the money without giving my house away to the TD bank. I’m seriously considering contacting Canada Finance about such an unconscionable HELOC contract. I’m apprehensive about my son’s wedding because I will be seeing my former husband’s family that I have not seen for about 10 years. I have to get my hair done on Friday, and then sleep on it, because the wedding is at 11:30am on Saturday and I have to travel to Edmonton.
    My lawn is so tall that I will have to sythe it down first before I can cut it tomorrow. It’s been raining quite a bit. I have my friend calling three or four times a day to go for coffee at Mcdonalds. My neighbor came for coffee on Saturday with her kids and wants to come again soon. My house is a messy disaster. I was out on Friday shaping a front yard bush in my yard in a heat wave with no hat. I couln’t find it anywhere. I’m trying to get pension money transfered into my bank account. So far I’m not sure what is going to happen there. My former husband won’t communicate with me about anything. Did I mention that my boarders are 2 young black men? One’s 21 years old and the other is about 23? I don’t even know how to contact them? We have not signed an agreement yet, but they’re moving in soon? I haven’t met the second young man yet? The good news is that they’re both Christians going to a secondary school in my area. My Christian neighbor thinks that I’m crazy? TWO BLACK MEN???

    Talk about adventure!
    Where am I with God right now? Lax is the word. I’m trying to make some adjustments in my life right now. I’ve been attending church the last few weeks. This is also something that’s
    been new in my life. My prayer life has been pitiful. I’ve been reading the bible like a zombie. I’m not sure that I like what has been happening. My plan is to get up tomorrow morning and pray for a 1/2 hour.

    • cycleguy says:

      I believe adventure is a good word for your life right now Linda. You are honest about your walk with God. Praying you find what is missing.

  5. Tom says:

    I have too many areas I have settled…my walk is great but I need to run to where He prompts. Great thing to be listening for is Jesus’ adventures! Thanks Bill!

  6. Eileen says:

    Live is definitely an adventure with Christ. If we let Him in, He takes us to the most uncomfortable, challenging, beautiful, life changing places.

  7. Jim F says:

    Just read this quote this morning by Lou Holtz – “I can’t believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary.”

    I believe that living for Jesus day in and day out is an adventure and that be need not be ordinary but extraordinary in our lives.

    I love books like Wild at Heart and the Barbarian Way that push us out into the world to live full out for Jesus in a way that exemplifies the true adventure that life with Jesus is.

    Thanks Bill!

  8. Desert Jim says:

    Life seems like it is always an adventure. Last night I used a jackhammer to open up our foundation so our sewer can be repaired. We have a big hole in our bathroom floor right now. If that isn’t an adventure I don’t know what is.

    I constantly seem to have some big home repair or car repair to tackle and since I don’t usually have the resources to pay someone to do it, I end up figuring out how to do it myself.

    A month ago I replaced the springs in my garage door which people say can kill you. But I stared death in the face and replaced them anyway! HA!

    I know it doesn’t sound very spiritual but this is the adventure God has called me to.

    • cycleguy says:

      I love it Jim! Staring death in the face and winning. That is great!! 😛 Some adventures are not spiritual all the time. Obviously, you are facing that right now.

  9. floyd says:

    I agree, it’s an adventure. I’ve always been one of those who seem to push the envelope so to speak, as I get older I’m kinda wanting off the “E” ticket ride that I so desperately wanted to create.

    It seems I’m getting to stroll through my own “valleys” and I’m looking for a rest… But it is an adventure to be sure.

  10. tcavey says:

    I read once that God doesn’t call us on errands, He calls us on an adventure. We know the end result of errands, but we don’t know what an adventure holds!

    My life is changing daily, I am growing daily, I am stretched daily, I am on the ride of my life!

  11. Ed says:

    Man this convicts me. You know I find that I am strolling through life right now, and I’m kinda entering a very long dark tunnel, with the adventure being on the other end of that tunnel.

  12. Arny says:

    it varies…sometimes its a great adventure…
    and sometimes…i hate it…
    but most of time it’s interesting…

  13. His compassion and love leading put us in the path of opportunity every day. It is an adventure we’re called to, not bland, tame faith (can there really be such a thing?). I too loved Wild at Heart. Some objections I heard was that it made men feel inadequate, but I never thought that my adventure had to look like the author’s or anyone else’s. I just felt the stirring to live mine and take risks and encourage my sons in the same. Lots more I could preach on, but I’ll save it. 🙂

    Great post, Bill. Thanks.

    • cycleguy says:

      I like your thought on the book Jason. Some missed that. Each of us are called to our own adventure. Thanks for coming by.

  14. I would say most days are an adventure where God leads me to plenty of challenges. There are a few days where I seem the wander aimlessly looking for direction. I would love to be on an adventure everyday of my life, but sometimes I am just worn out.

    Walk daily with God at your side!


  15. jeff says:

    I don’t think dealing with the everyday happenings of life qualifies as an adventure. An adventure to me is an escape from that. A canoe trip, a balloon ride, a poker game on a river boat, a date with an interesting person, whatever. Walking with Jesus? Now that would be an adventure if he showed up for the walk.

    • cycleguy says:

      Interesting thought Jeff with some truth. As for the last? I believe He does, but not physically.

    • I feel His presence everyday on my walk. I don’t see Him, but know He is there, but then again He may be there and I don’t recognize Him. I do know He is there though.

      Walk daily with God at your side!


  16. Jan says:

    I feel God is definitely taking me on an adventure right now, taking me out of my comfort zone, finding that I say to myself, “who are you?” quite often. My answer is a joyful, “a child of God!” He is walking right beside me and I know He is preparing me for something…for what? That remains to be a part of our adventure! 🙂

  17. Susan says:

    A year ago, I would have told you, no Adventures, please. I prefer for life to be predictable. 😀

    After taking in a middle school boy for three months, and never really knowing what the next day would bring, something changed. I told a friend, after I took him back to his parents, “I am waiting for the next adventure that Aslan will bring.”

    Yes, big change. It became more so when I actually understood what it means that Christ lives in me, and I can live my life through Him.

    Some days…I’d like it a little quieter, but I wouldn’t go back to safe and boring ever again. This isn’t my blog, so I will leave it at I don’t believe my Abba will send me anywhere He will not be with me. If He sends me an adventure, He will be right there with me. Doesn’t mean there aren’t some tough days. Just means He’s teaching me I can trust Him.

    • cycleguy says:

      Safe and boring is not the place I want to be either Susan. I totally agree with you that Abba will not take me anywhere He is not going with me.