
Written by cycleguy on January 7th, 2013

If you are like me (which I know is dangerous) you like variety.  You dislike sameness.  You want to do things differently, if not all, then a good part of the time.  You like change.


That would be totally not-a-good thing.  Like very bad idea.  As I was studying for my message I preached this past weekend, I ran across a really cool poem/writing/musing.  It is by Judson Edwards.

If everybody was just like me…

The world would sure be a better place to be.

There would be no murder, for I’m not violent.

No stealing, for I’m not a thief.

No adultery, for I’m happily wed.

No atheism, for I believe in God.

No ignorance, for I’ve been to school.

If only the world was more like me…Surely it would be a better place to be.

Or would it?

For if everybody was just like me…

There would be no merry-go-rounds, for I get dizzy.

No clowns, for I’m self-conscious.

No doctors, for I hate blood.

No painters, for I’m color blind.

No mechanics, for I can’t fix anything.

No elevator operators, for I’m claustrophobic.

No home run kings, for I can’t hit a curve.

No balloon rides, for I’m afraid of heights.

Come to think of it,

if the world was just like me

It would be an awfully boring place to be!

That about sums it up don’t you think?  Many of us think we are pretty cool.  The term we could use is “we are the cat’s meow.”   I know an old term us older folks would remember, but the sentiment still rings true.  We show it in so many ways.  I don’t need to go into them right now.

In keeping with my theme for the last two posts (here and here), we are a never-ending project.  And what we need must keep in mind is God works on each of us in the manner He deems best.   Those who “eat meat” should be ready to handle God’s project better than the one who is still “drinking milk.”   Just as we don’t want to be clone of someone else (and someone should not want to be a clone of us), God doesn’t work on any two of us the same.

So be glad you are not like anyone else. And be glad no one else is just like you.  Be glad God works in each of differently.  That way we are becoming “clones” of Jesus and not of some person (especially me).   Any thoughts you would like to add? 


28 Comments so far ↓

  1. Steve Martin says:

    I’m glad there’s none other than me.

    For I am the chief of sinners. (along with some others that I know)

  2. Daniel says:

    The words of the poem certainly ring true. I have many faults and imperfections. I would not want a world of other “me”s. I do not make this statement out of weakness, but out of a certain perspective. I would not have made this kind of statement 20 years ago when I thought I had it all. I think that I had to be broken down all the way by life so that I could start to be made back up in a better way.

    • cycleguy says:

      I love your words Daniel. They show maturity in many ways, especially in the ways of God. Sadly, being broken is often the way we have to find things out.

  3. I would say that a recent phenomenon in my life is that I actually like people being different. I have, I hope, matured to the point where I can celebrate the varieties of people I come in contact with.

  4. Eileen says:

    Great post, Bill. Yes, very glad not everyone is like me…there’s not enough coffee in the world to go around. 😉

    • cycleguy says:

      There is one of the men here who I have accused of having an IV drip filled with coffee connected to his arm. He would give you a run for your money. 🙂

  5. Well, if everyone was like me they would feel less wind resistance (I’m bald) but that may not work for them.

  6. floyd says:

    The truly amazing thing is that of all the people that have lived, live now, and the ones that will live, all of them are similar, but unique. It boggles the mind that the lost world can’t see the miraculous hand of the God who designed and sustains all things.

    All of us do our unique part in our worlds to honor the One who created us in His image.

  7. Rob Shepherd says:

    This is my favorite post of yours yet! Well played.

  8. I am so glad that God doesn’t treat us all the same! He has an individual focus and view for our health, life, and destiny for us. It looks unfair sometimes from the outside, but we can trust in His goodness and love. Good stuff. Thanks Bill.

  9. God made us to need each other. God made us so that being around each other sanctifies us (sometimes by having to put up with one another). God made us for community. But how often we forget that!

  10. Tom says:

    Fresh reminder and poem Bill thanks. I am also glad for differences. It is not always easy in the flesh to accept the differences of other but glad God is in control and can use every person and every season. Blessings!

    • cycleguy says:

      You are right Tom, it isn’t always easy to accept the differences. But that also means they have trouble accepting ours. 🙂 Good to hear from you.

  11. Jan says:

    THANK YOU Bill! This is such an encouragement to me! Often I see someone & think, I wish I could look like that or I wish I could act like that, etc, etc….thank you, thank you and I’m so thankful God made me the way I am, I just have to keep reminding myself of this. Awesome post!

    • cycleguy says:

      I think many of us tend to get into that trap of wishing, Jan. I know I have and sometimes still struggle with it. Glad the post “reached” you. Thanks.

  12. Mike says:

    I would say one of me is plenty enough. My wife and children would agree. I’m a methodical, ducks all in a row kind of guy. My wife and children our total opposites. I gave up long ago on being anywhere on time, or knowing where “their shoes or keys are”. 🙂 I’m glad for the differences in people as it does make this world a more interesting place to be.

    • cycleguy says:

      You made me chuckle Mike with “one of me is plenty enough.” My wife and I are totally different in so many ways. We both do like to be on time. 🙂

  13. Debbie says:

    Loved the encouragement in this, Pastor Bill. You help us not feel bad for being different. 🙂 And to recognize how good it is that someone else isn’t just like us too! God bless you!

    • cycleguy says:

      I don’t think anyone should feel bad for being different Deb. Tall. short. Fat. Skinny. Handicapped. Not. We have been made by the Master Designer. I like the variety.