I mentioned in another post in another life (just kidding. I have no clue where I wrote it) that when I became a youth pastor after college the Senior Pastor once told me to “never get close to anyone in ministry.” He was not talking about colleagues, especially since his son is my long-time best male friend (over 46 years). He was talking about people within the church I was serving. I understand his words, but I was just never able to do that. Reason? As I matured I was able to see that I was a very social creature. I score multi-high on the extrovert scale.
Friends are important to me on various levels. I have had cycling friends who have come and gone. Jim is now about the only one close enough in distance. I count Dave (3 Feet Please) a friend but he lives in Arizona. Sort of hard to get together to ride. 🙂 After years of legalism, I have ministry friends outside my “camp.” I’m richer for it. I have “Y”/lifting friends whom I have not seen over the past 10 weeks or so because of some crazy virus. But the most friends I have are church friends. Males whom I love to get together with. Granted, there are some “guards” I have to put up, but I know if I need them for anything they will come.
The final sermon from Colossians is like a “Who’s Who” in Paul’s life. Starting in 4:7 Paul gives a list of very dear and close friends. I’ve categorized them as such:
- Close friends
- Praying friends
- Loyal friends
We need all of them in some way in our life. I’ve titled the sermon A Little Help from My Friends. And yes, you can cue the Beatles song. I did. “No man is an island” it has been said. My sermon this morning will show the importance of friends to Paul…and to us. I’d love to have you pray for me and for those listening online. In fact, I’d love to have you join me!
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