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Burning Hearts – January 19

Thursday, January 16th, 2025


One of the most beloved OT characters is Joseph. His life challenges seem daunting, even to us in 2025. But the lessons we can learn! Oh WOW!!

The coach has reached the point of exasperation: “Losing five games in a row is bad enough. But what really frustrates me is that we keep making the same mistakes over and over. We just aren’t learning anything!” Been there done that! 🙂  I read of a man who had been at a company 25 years but was passed over for a promotion. When he went to see his boss he asked why after 25 years of experience he could be passed over. The boss looked at him and said, “You haven’t had 25 years of experience. You have had one year experience 25 times.”

The story of Joseph is a story of highs and lows, love and hate, conviction and punishment, forgotten but not alone, then rewarded far beyond his wildest dreams. All in God’s stunning plan. The lessons we can learn are unforgettable and monumental. In direct line of sight is God’s sovereign leading and ability to take ugly events and turn them into good.

I will be preaching on Joseph’s life this week (Genesis 38-Exodus 3) as we continue our study from the Everyday Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp. Starting with the foundation Jacob laid with making and showing Joseph as his favorite to Joseph’s death, it will be a fun and interesting ride. (Exodus 1-3 will introduce next week’s message).  The second part of the message will see Joseph’s life like a play in 4 acts:

  1. Treachery (37:18-36
  2. Temptation (39:1-18)
  3. Disappointment (39:19-40:23
  4. Forgiveness or Bitterness?  (41:1-45:15)

Please join us in person if you are able. I  will see you at 9:00 and 10:45. If you can’t be here is person, you can watch our live stream. You can send a request to join our Facebook Group at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship or view our public page at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship-Spencer, In. Or you watch via YouTube at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship.

Here’s to hoping there is NO SNOW! 🙂


Thursday, May 9th, 2024

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! And that begs a question: “How is it that Pastor Bill is preaching on mothers and well…he is a not a mother?”  That is a very fair question to ask. 🙂 The past several years I have taken the “easy” way out and had several women contribute to the service. I gave serious thought about doing that again this year but decided to give it a rest for a year. 

Women, especially Christian women, are told to follow the examples of other women. For the Christian women they are encouraged to be like so and so (you fill in the blank) in the Bible.  Or they are told to be like the Proverbs 31 woman. Talk about an impossible task! Yikes!  Ask a woman who is her favorite woman in the Bible and you will hear Ruth or Sarah or Deborah or Esther or perhaps other well-known ones.  This whole month I am preaching on different women in the Bible. Last week I preached on Rahab and the woman caught in adultery in John 8. I was surprised with the positive response from it. (And I’m still getting it). 

This week, Mother’s Day, I decided to take one we often hear about (Ruth) and two who are mentioned often in the same breath (Mary & Martha). Simply put Ruth is a story of redemption and Mary and Martha (with special emphasis on Martha) is on being a servant. Not a slave but a servant. I look forward to sharing Mother’s Day with the ladies-and one in particular 🙂 – but also talking about how Ruth and Mary and Martha serve as examples for us.  Please join us in person if possible. If not, I would love to welcome you to our live stream. If you do watch, I would love to read any feedback you may have. Our services are at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.

Sober Cycle

Monday, May 6th, 2024


First things first. I confess I have never had a drink of any type of alcohol. None. So it is a legitimate question for you to ask, “Why then are you reading this book and now doing a review of it?” Fair enough. That was the first question I asked myself when I read the original version. (This is a second edition of that book and I’ll mention at the end what is different). Here is my answer: As a pastor, even though I have never had any issue with alcohol (the first sentence tells you why), I know there are people in the churches I have pastored in the past and even now in this current one, who have had struggles with alcohol. The cold, hard truth that also comes into play is that there are other addictions besides alcohol-porn, tobacco, meth, cocaine, sex, lying, etc.- that are just as treacherous and just as gripping on a soul.

Sherry and I share a kinship-we both love cycling. That is what drew me to the first book to begin with. When I heard she was coming out with this second edition, I immediately pre-ordered it (then waited). I’m going to be honest…I have no clue if any of the print/story part of it is new. It has been a couple of years since I first read it. But that was a good thing. When I picked up this second edition it was like reading it for the first time and I HAD TROUBLE PUTTING IT DOWN…for the second time. I remembered how it started and obviously know how it ended, but all the material in between was like reading it for the first time. What I really appreciate about Sober Cycle is the brutal honesty and transparency Sherry showed. That shows the transformation which has taken place in her heart because she certainly had no transparency or honesty while in the throes of her alcoholism. From the people I have spoken with about their addiction that is a big part of it-hiding and lying.

Sherry is very upfront, not only about her struggle with alcoholism, but also how she finally broke that chain. She calls her ministry She Surrenders for a reason. It was the moment she surrendered her struggle to the Chainbreaker (Jesus) that she finally began to experience victory on a permanent basis. No more binging. No more alcohol-free day(s)/month(s) only to revert back to what she was.

I’m proud to know Sherry, even though we have never met face-to-face. My guess is if that ever happens there will be big smiles, lots of laughter, and maybe even a bike ride in the picture. I have given away a number of her books to alcoholics as well as their families. I don’t see that changing in the future. This will be my go-to book to encourage and help anyone I know who is struggling or loves someone who is. I recommend you buy a copy, read it, and then find someone to pass it on to, especially if they are a struggler with this, or any, addiction for that matter.  

What’s new?  There is a book club study guide to work through. There is a short Q & A section. But perhaps more importantly, there is a short blurb (page and a half) about Selah House Recovery, a place for women to go who need help recovering. I’m a firm believer that our experiences were never meant to be kept to ourselves. Selah House is Sherry’s effort to give back and help other women who are chained to this insidious monster.


Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Have you ever wondered if you have gone too far? Even worse, have you ever wondered what you would ever do with the skeletons in your closet?  Skeletons don’t have to be about immorality. While it is true that something “big” like an affair, addiction to pornography, an abortion, or addiction to drugs or alcohol get the headlines, there are other skeletons. Lying. Plagiarism. An issue with anger. An event from the past not involving immorality.  But here is what is so important to hear and believe: no closet is covered so deeply that God’s grace can’t reach it and clean it out and rearrange it.

The two ladies in this week’s message have messy closets. One is a prostitute. One is caught in the act of adultery. The story of Rahab is found in Joshua 2 and 6 and Matthew 1. The story of the woman caught in the act of adultery is found in John 8.  Both are discussed freely and fairly. From the Pit to a Future (Rahab). From the Pit to Forgiveness (John 8).  Some might wonder why? Why in the world would you talk about these women? Simple. God’s grace run deep. It reached them and set them free and on the right path.

We all need that encouragement. We all need that reassurance. Please join us this Sunday in person at 9:00 and 10:45. If you unable to, please join us online. I look forward to hearing from you.


Thursday, January 4th, 2024

I’m not a runner. Never have been; never will be.  The only running I have done is while playing baseball or basketball; running to the bathroom; or running after my girls when they wanted to play. I tried running once. ONCE. I didn’t have the right shoes to start with. I didn’t have the right technique.  I didn’t have the right clothes. And I had balky calf muscles that didn’t like running outside on uneven surfaces or on hard surfaces. So that lasted all of about one week. 🙂 But call me for supper, pizza, or ice cream and I was all there! In fact, I was there as quick as you can say, “Roadrunner.”

My theme for 2024, as you can see, is Run with the Horses. I “borrowed” it from a book by that title authored by Eugene Peterson. A book I have not read to be honest. It is a play on Jeremiah 12:5. The whole idea was that if Jeremiah was tired from daily life, how can he expect to run with the horses when the going gets tough?  Truthfully, I believe life in 2024 is only going to get tougher for those of us who call ourselves followers of Christ. My desire this year is to prepare us as well as I can to life with all its muck and mire, so that we won’t get bogged down and be unable to run with the horses.

Please join me/us each week as we pursue this goal.  We have two services every Sunday (unless it is changed for a reason). One at 9:00 and the other at 10:45. Both are live streamed. If you desire to and are able to join us in person, we would love to have you visit.

The Role of a Lifetime

Thursday, December 14th, 2023

 Aspiring actors and actresses are everywhere. I went to high school with Jeff Goldblum. My senior picture is on the same page in our yearbook as his. I had no clue Jeff would leave our high school and head to New York for the stage and ultimately to a TV show named TenSpeed and Brownshoe, and then on to Jurassic Park, Independence Day, multiple other movies, and finally back to TV with Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

For every successful actor there are hundreds, maybe thousands who never make it. At best, they are two-bit players. Truthfully, some people are looked at that way. Many overlooked. Many seen as hacks. It happens all the time, in every profession. Sunday’s sermon will be dealing with two groups of people. One, is seen as little people. The others are seen as big people. Well…at least as the world looks at them that way. But in God’s eyes, there are no little people and there are no big people.

Shepherds and Wise men. The have’s and the have not’s.  The clean and the unclean.  The “welcome-to-my-world” versus those who are “not welcome anywhere.” The stories are familiar but I will be praying we all might learn something new this week. I look forward to seeing you in person at 9:00 and 10:45 or via live stream.


Thursday, December 7th, 2023

We are rapidly coming to the close of 2023, but before that happens the focus must be on Christ and what Christmas means. One of my favorite subjects to talk about is GRACE and the lineage of Jesus is GRACE IN SPADES. My sermon Sunday is from Matthew 1.  You know…that boring lineage you, me, and thousands of others pass over. Let me rephrase that: USED TO PASS OVER until I studied it in depth and realized that it is filled with phenomenal people. All of them are important, obviously, but there are a few who stand out. Before I tell you who, I thought I would give you a fun fact: My original sermon title but5 Women and a Man. I received word that might not be a too appropriate of a title. So…being the humble man I am (AHEM) I changed it to the title you will see at the end of this post.

Now…back to the originally scheduled post.  Five Women and a Man. Here they are:

Tamar- a Gentile who dressed as a prostitute to seduce her father-in-law Judah.

Rahab- a Gentile from Jericho who saved two spies but then was saved from Jericho’s destruction. She married Salmon and they had Boaz.

Ruth- a Moabitess (mortal enemies of the Israelites) who followed her widowed mother-in-law back to her hometown. Ruth met and married Boaz.

Bathsheba- described as the “wife of Uriah” in the lineage. Committed adultery with David (she may have not had a choice).

Mary- a teenager (probably) engaged to be married to Joseph, pregnant out of wedlock. It was sort of like the scarlet letter.  But WOW! The mother of Jesus impregnated by the Holy Spirit.

Joseph- a godly man who was going to do the “right thing” by silently divorcing Mary to avoid scandal for her.  But his heart is seen in his decision to stay with Mary and being the earthly father to Jesus.

That is the sermon. I’ve entitled it What a Heritage! I hope to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45 in person or listen via live stream.


Memory Loss

Monday, December 4th, 2023


By Karen Martin

Copyright 2023


Ask different people what they would say is the scourge on our society these days when it pertains to health, some will say cancer; some will say Parkinson’s; some will say MS or one of a thousand others. Having firsthand experience with the subject of this book, I might be inclined to name this one.

Over four+ years ago my sister-in-law began experiencing “being lost.” Forgetting to take her insulin. Not buying food to eat. Being a diabetic, both are incredibly important. The last incident of 500+ sugar and being on the floor for-we-don’t- know-how-long, precipitated admitting her to the hospital and then a nursing care facility. It was not long after that when she really began exhibiting signs which, were very vague to start with, but then escalated quicker than anyone realized. Compounding the issue was diabetes and kidney dialysis. Over time her Dementia went into full bore Alzheimer’s.

This book by Karen Martin, entitled Memorable Loss, is a story of friendship in the face of Dementia/Alzheimer’s. Mrs. Martin (Karen) has written a very touching, but very informative account of her more than a decade journey with Kathleen, a very “stately” woman whom she met at church. As their friendship developed, Karen began to spend more and more time with Kathleen and then watched the heartbreaking entrance of Dementia into her life. To her credit, Kathleen stayed as active as possible thanks to Karen, even though they both saw evidence that things were changing.

Mrs. Martin lives and writes in the UK so the following statistic refers to that part of the world. The Alzheimer’s Society estimated there are about 850,000 diagnosed cases in the UK, many more are affected by the detriments associated with the disease. It is a disease that steals families with consequences for everyone (p.15). One consequence Karen was sure to show was the surrender of Kathleen’s independence and ultimate reliance on Karen. Fortunately, Kathleen had made provision for her future needs in both providing a will and also the adequate funds to be cared for if needed. The “Bluebell House” (not the real name due to confidentiality) became their choice. She had Karen to take care of her and visit full-time, but she also had two nephews whom she trusted and one guided her affairs. Tragically, many are not prepared and often watch their world fall to pieces as a result.

I could write more, but I think it would be much more meaningful if you allowed Mrs. Martin to tell you in her own words. If you work with an organization or a nursing facility who takes care of Dementia/Alzheimer’s patients, I would suggest you read this book. If you know of someone who has exhibited symptoms or have family members who have been or will probably be diagnosed with this disease, I would suggest you most definitely read it. Warning: it is an easy read, in that it flows well and Karen’s experience with Kathleen (and love for her) shine brightly; but it is also a hard read because of the obvious heartbreak you know of or may soon experience. It is published by Christian Focus and you may order it from them, or you may order it from Amazon like I did.

I personally think it will be worth your time to read and learn from Memory Loss.


Thursday, June 8th, 2023

TV shows are inundated with commercials hawking this-or-that (purpose of them to begin with) telling us our life will  be better if we do this or take this supplement. You get the idea.  “I was once where you were but since I started using (____) my life is changed.” They want to let us know that our life will improve drastically.

Don’t you wish getting control of fear and anxiety were that easy? “Here, take this magic pill or do this simple thing and all your anxiety will disappear.” While no commercial can promise a 100% success rate, neither can I claim to solve the issue of fear and anxiety with a simple formula. As I said in last week’s message, the solution to worry is not a plan, but a Person.

The 4:8 Principle (Philippians 4:8) will work well, but we still have to remember the Person behind it all.  There is another verse that plays into this: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion…and take every thought captive to obey Christ. The Bible reminds us that we choose what we focus on. We can focus on our problems or we can focus on Jesus who will help us deal with those problems.  The key is remembering all the amazing things God has already done in our lives. Remembering what God has done for us is a massive weapon for defeating anxiety and depression.

Joshua is the poster child for this scenario. Remember what God has brought you through and remember what God has promised you. Go back to go forward. That is my sermon this Sunday. Please join us in person or via live stream at 9:00 and 10:45.



Thursday, May 18th, 2023

After a one-Sunday hiatus due to Mother’s Day, I will be back this week continuing the series I’ve entitled Faith Over Fear. This will be sermon #2 in the series and as you can see by the title of this post it is called “Who Me? Worry?” My Scripture is Matthew 6:25-34.

In Googling the “Top 10 Anxieties for 2023” the most recent statistic came from December of 2022. According to Ipsos, the top vote getter was inflation. It was followed by poverty and social inequality, crime and violence, unemployment, and financial and political corruption. Climate change tied with worry about taxes. Coronavirus is still at one of the lowest levels since it was added in April 2020. That is quite a change from the list I found from 1990: AIDS, drug abuse, nuclear waste, the ozone layer, famine, homelessness, the federal deficit, air pollution, water pollution, and garbage. Added to all lists is since 9/11 global terrorism has been one of the leading causes of anxiety.

I realize a list is just that…a list. All lives are different and our stressors and stress levels are different. But we are all human and one commonality is stress and anxiety. Different levels to be sure, but it is there nonetheless. This passage in Matthew is quite a treatise on Jesus’ ideas on worry. My hope Sunday is to enlighten us all to the truth and hope Jesus gives us when it comes to worry.

I hope to see you this Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45. If not in person then via live stream.