July 17th, 2009

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Changing Plans

Friday, July 17th, 2009

We all have to change plans a time or two on the road called life.  Some more than others.  Some make changes easily and rapidly while others go into it kicking and screaming.  I have to make a change of plans.  Let me give you some background: 

I have been preaching for over 35 years  and for those 35 years have pretty much followed the same sermon preparation plan.  I start a new message every Monday that will be preached 4 weeks from that date.  I stuck to that religiously and have benefited in many ways from it.  The man who taught me that approach (who long time ago went to see Jesus) called it “soaking the beans.”  I cannot tell you how many times it saved my bacon when it came to vacations or church camp or bike tours or busy weeks or frustrating people (translated: it kept me from preaching mad).  I have modified it somewhat to fit my schedule so I may actually work on a message six weeks ahead and have it finished early.  So when something comes along that stirs that pot and causes a glitch it has to be a serious one, something that I definitely feel is from God.  For example, 9/11 was one.  Only two or three other times have I done that and always it happens on a Sunday morning.  But if you read my post yesterday on Who Is In Charge?  you will know some of what I have dealt with these past few weeks- starting with some a plastic anemia news then cancer news then people leaving and my bike wreck.  Well, you can read that post  it to see what I am talking about.  Then I got to the office Thursday morning and Crash!  No that is not the sound of something falling on my head.  It is what greeted me when I turned on my computer.  If your thoughts were , “Oh no!  His hard drive crashed!”  then you are absolutely, 100% right.  “Good morning to me.”  My wrist is killing me.  My leg hurts.  I am having muscle spasms galore in my left neck and shoulder that literally sap my strength in the left arm and “Welcome to your computer crashing” is what greets me.  Now…you need to know that while I was driving to and from the chiropractor’s office on Wednesday God was also pricking me with a very uncomfortable thought: “Bill, I want you to change your message for Sunday.”  “No, please not that Lord!”  “Yep, that.”  “But…but…but…”  “No buts Bill.  Just do it.”  So I had already planned to come to the office yesterday and begin working on my message.  Only now, along with everything else, I have to go back to the dinosaur age and (are you ready for this?) write it out long hand.  Can you believe it?  Fortunately, the secretary took yesterday off for her husband’s birthday so I at least was able to check my email and blog and write this blog using her computer.  But I am not familiar enough with it to use it for anything else.  She would shoot me if I messed something up!  You heard of the Wrath of Khan?  This is the Wrath of Diana!  🙂

Anyway, all that to say this:  what was supposed to be Week #6 of the “Ten” series (Honor Your Parents) will now be a message on Psalm 37:1-7 called “Trust and Be Faithful.”  Don’t feel sorry for me though.  All you pastors out there: your time will come!  🙂  And all you Camey’s out there: I think this is where “dangerous” prayers come in at.  And I would appreciate them as I also plan to have a time of ministering at the end of the message along with the people singing “God You Reign” to close out.  Thanks ahead of time for your prayers.

Have you ever had to make a change of plans?