May, 2013 browsing by month



Thursday, May 30th, 2013

As in…



Sayonara (I’m multi-lingual)

Take me Away

I am OFF


Starting Saturday morning, the above words will describe my next 8 days.  I’m not really sure how much of a vacation it will be with a 6 year old grandson, but I will be gone!  I’m guessing I will have to come back to get a rest.  🙂

Anyway, Jo & I will be leaving Indiana and driving to Ohio, where we will meet up with our oldest, Tami, and spend the whole week entertaining a rambunctious grandson.  I know…I know…such a job but someone has to do it!  In the process, we will get to watch him twice in all his T-ball action.  But trust me when I say that this kid knows how to put some life into things, even T-ball.  Last year he slid into second base, and then in another game he slid head first into home plate.  In case you don’t know, there are no plays made at home.  He just wanted to get dirty.  😀  It was a pretty good head first slide if I do say so myself.

Like all bloggers, I had to figure out what to do about my blog. Do I just let it sit dormant?  Do I let someone hijack it for a week?  Do I go back through the archives and march out old posts?  I even thought about scheduling a post to come up every day saying, “Hi!  I’m on vacation this week but didn’t want you to forget me!!”   I chose none of those routes.

Instead I chose to ask some friends to write a post.  I gave them no guidelines except to keep it as close to or under 500 words.   I’ve put together an assortment of bloggers. Some have been faithful readers for a couple of years; some are newer “friends.”  The posts will begin Sunday evening at 8:00 and each night at 8:00 a new one will post.  Comments will be left open so you and the author can spar interact with each other.  This is the first time I have done this type of thing, so I am anxious excited to see how it goes.  I do hope you will still take an active part in the conversation.

Thanks so much to all of you for being part of Cycleguy’s Spin.  You are like family.  I value your online friendship-your give and take-in the ongoing cycle of spin.  And if you don’t mind, say a prayer for us while we travel.  And say a prayer that I don’t lose much hair after having a six-year old ball of fire around for a week.  I can’t afford to lose much more.  One good thing: I am taking my bike.  I can already feel those 3-4 hour rides.  😉 Thanks.  See you on the 9th with a brand new post from yours truly.


Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

It’s happened to you…I know it has.

You read something and it hits you so hard you feel like you were cold-cocked by a hammer fist in a UFC fight.


Chuck Norris just stared at you.  🙂

I read this and it just bowled me over in its power and intensity AND TRUTH:

Most Americans are still drawing some water from the Christian well.  But a growing number are inventing their own versions of what Christianity means, abandoning the nuances of traditional theology in favor of religions that stroke their egos and indulge or even celebrate their worst impulses.  Ross Douthat quoted in Unfinished by Richard Stearns

Did you hear that big whack upside the head?  Better yet, did you feel it?  I wrote a big WOW!! in the margin.  I don’t know who Ross Douthat is or what he believes, but Holy Gibbs slap!  I have never been to Walt Disney world, but I have talked to folks who have.  For all intents and purposes, what Ross is saying is people want to live with a religion that gives them the “Walt Disney World” feeling.

“Give me warm goose-bumps, the warm fuzzies all over.”

“Make me smile all the time.”

“Make me feel good about myself.  All the time.  Don’t ever tell me I’m going to fight a battle with the enemy of my soul.”  Then again, why should he/she?  That would ruin their life of ease for them.  After all, “God wants you healthy and wealthy… for me”  (Think of Golum’s voice as you read that).

“Don’t talk about sin being real or a problem.  Just give me the good stuff. ”

“Give me a high.”

Ross is so right.  Egos (theirs and ours) are stroked.  Our wants are indulged by a God who is “bound” to do so.  Our whims are fulfilled because, after all, I can “do and then pray for forgiveness.”  Our modern day version of Christianity is so far removed from the cost-of- discipleship-faith Jesus was talking and warning us about.   I confess I don’t know much of that myself. While I am in no way a teacher of the health/wealth (un)gospel, I must admit that I have no clue what it is like to live under constant fear of persecution or arrest.

Time to come down off my soapbox now.  I just couldn’t help myself after the 2×4 to the head.  I would like to know your thoughts though.  Feel free to share them. 


Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

I want to admit something to you all in this post.


I tend to be a very “up” person, very little gets me down.  When it does I don’t tend to stay down very long.  I think the longest I can remember being “down” is a day or two.  It’s just my makeup, my pers0anlity.



It lends itself to a “charge hell with a squirt gun” mentality.  It can also lend itself to hiding how I really feel.


It hit me vividly when I read these words by Winston Churchill:

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat…You ask, what is our aim?  I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all cost, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

He was not done, because almost two months later he said:

We shall not flag or fail.  We shall go on to the end…We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. (emphasis mine)

Two weeks later, at the end of the speech dubbed “Their Finest Hour” he said,

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’

The English turned and stood against Hitler’s war machine. Bloodied and bruised.  Knocked down but not out.  The British rose out of the ashes to continue fighting against evil incarnate.  The people refused to give in.  Led by a bulldog named Churchill, they fought the bigger dog and helped subdue him and free themselves and others from his choke hold.

Our Leader has given that same type of speech.  Our enemy blusters and blows.  We get bloodied and bruised.  We may get knocked down, but never out.  Our Leader, our King, our Commander-in-Chief, has already won the battle, therefore we need not fear the outcome.  Just fight.  Fight on the beaches, the landing grounds, the fields, the streets, the hills…but never, never surrender.

Just a little encouragement for your day.   Now…go out and have a good won.  Win one for the gipper (sorry couldn’t resist).  🙂

This post was inspired by the May 28th entry of The Uncommon Life Daily Challenges by Tony Dungy.


Monday, May 27th, 2013

I used the following story to conclude my sermon Sunday and to lead right into our observance of the Lord’s Supper:

Else Keinmann was a survivor of the concentration camps from the Nazi regime. But she survived in a most unique way.  Else was arrested  because her father was wealthy.  The Nazis thought that if they arrested her they might receive a large ransom. Else was put in with a group of prostitutes who hated her presence among them because she came from a wealthy family.  They shoved her, kicked her, and rejected her completely.  But Else fought back and defended herself.  A German soldier took her out for interrogation.  He kicked her, spit on her, beat her, and knocked out most of her teeth. She returned to her prison group bruised and broken, and also filled with fear because she knew she could no longer defend herself against the hostile prostitutes.  She said, “I was scared for my life.  I could no longer protect myself from these woman.  But when they saw what I looked like, those who had tortured me before brought me water and took off my clothes to wash my wounds. They said, ‘Never again will we do anything to you, for now on you are one of us.’  They made it possible for me to endure the time we spent in the camp.  They gave me strength to look out the window and see the beauty of the world outside and not the horror of the world within.” 

That story reminded me of several Scriptures:

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human form…”  Phil.2:5-8a

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  John 1:14

He became one of us, and in that becoming, He not only became our way to God, but also showed us God.  God revealed Himself through His Son.  We can now know the Father intimately because He did.   He identified with us.  “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”  Heb.4:15


How has your understanding of God been enhanced by this truth?   Does it make a difference how you see God? 


Thursday, May 23rd, 2013



Somehow, we as Americans, have things a tad bit twisted.

We idolize sport “crybabies” who make more money in one year than many of us will make in a lifetime.

We idolize people who live lifestyles contrary to the Bible, but who “come out” of their closet.  Suddenly they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

We hang on every word some celebrity sings or says.  We clamor for the paparazzi to give us “More! More!’

But while we do that, we often forget the real heroes.  The ones who make all the freedoms possible which so many want to stomp into the ground.  We forget or dismiss those who fought to give us the right to speak up and say whatever we want to say.

It is nothing new to any of you: this is Memorial Day weekend.

Some will be making their way to the Indianapolis 500.

Some will also be making the trek to their local cemetery to visit graves…

to visit the Vietnam Memorial…

the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor…

and countless other places to remember and honor loved ones, many of whom died in service to our country. 

This is a weekend to remember “with liberty and justice for all.”   It is a weekend to remember “My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.”   But most important of all, it is the weekend to honor those brave men and women who served this great nation.


While I am extremely grateful I live in the USA,  I don’t have blinders on.  I am aware there is a serious flaw that is gumming up the works.  It is called SIN.  Fleetwood Mac would put it another way: “You can go your own way.”  And we are a people who have, by and large, chosen to do just that.

But the answer and cure for sin is the other memorial we will celebrate this week.  Our church observes the Lord’s Supper each week.  Some can say it becomes a ritual…and in some cases, they can be right.   But if I Corinthians 11: 27-29 is taken seriously, that won’t happen.  It is a time to remember the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate price being paid for our freedom.

This Sunday, as you can probably guess, I will be preaching on Legacy and using our need to remember our veterans and remembering our Savior as my main thoughts.  Both will develop these thoughts:

  • We should never forget the sacrifice of life.
  • We should never forget the price of freedom.
  • We should never forget the need for peace.

I appreciate your prayers.  But I encourage you to take some time this weekend to honor a vet and honor the Savior.  You can’t go wrong with either one.


How do you intend on celebrating this weekend? Will you be honoring a vet this weekend?


Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

No…this is not a post about how men don’t ask for directions.  In fact, if you knew me, I would blow that whole idea all to smithereens.  I hate driving around aimlessly, especially when I can stop and ask directions.  🙂

Here’s the deal:  When we hired our youth pastor, Ryan, our goal was to have a youth worship on Sunday morning in order to alleviate a crowding issue.   But as Ryan and I looked and talked about it, we realized that the cost of the youth building was going to be more than double what was set aside initially.  PLUS, the leadership has been talking about going to two worship services in the Fall.  That alone would alleviate the crowded auditorium and parking lot.  Ryan would also offer the youth worship on Sunday night.  So we recommended a picnic shelter be built and the Building Team liked that idea.  It had already been on the burner…they just moved it to the front.  So in a week or so construction is to begin on a new 30×50 picnic shelter which will be able to be used  by all.


We need to know where the property line is so we don’t build the shelter too close to the line.  That could pose problems on down the road.  So I contacted the realtor and here is an excerpt of what he sent:

“…Beginning at the Northwest corner of said section, thence South 1 degree 12 minutes 35 seconds East 1592.80 feet; thence East 50.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of State Road #43 and to the true point of beginning…” 

Blah blah blah.  You get the point.  How in the name of all that is good and true am I supposed to find the property line with those kinds of directions?  Does it mean I am supposed to raise my temperature 1 degree and walk 12 minutes and 35 seconds East or go until I walk 1592.80 feet?  You get my drift…don’t you?  Please tell me you do.  I don’t think I can take any more feeling inept than I already do.  🙂

Those directions do me absolutely NO good.

Sort of like the Scriptures, i.e. the Truth.  Truth matters.  Beliefs matter.  It matters whether Jesus was God’s Son, and what He taught us about truth matters a great deal.   BUT WHAT GOOD IS IT IF WE KNOW THE TRUTH BUT FAIL TO COMMUNICATE IT WITH OUR WORDS AND OUR ACTIONS?  For that matter, why would anyone even be interested in what we have to say if they 1) can’t understand it; and 2) can’t hear what we are saying because our lives get in the way?  Another thing: “Truth ignored is no better foundation for our lives than no truth at all.”  (Richard Stearns in Unfinished-p.16) 

Simply put: we will act out what we believe.  It sure helps to know where we are going though.  How about you?  Do you know the directions clearly? Any thoughts?


Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Scenario #1: I woke up Tuesday morning earlier than normal so I just decided to get up, do my normal morning routine, then head to the office.  It had rained stormed part of the night, but that was okay.  Well, not quite, because when I got to the office I noticed it was pitch black, except for the Emergency lights inside.  A tree had taken down a power line. Anyway, I found my way around, grabbed my computer and a couple of books and headed back home.  Minor inconvenience.

Scenario #2: I was able to go for a bike ride Tuesday since the sun came out and with the help of the breeze, dried the pavement.  Did I say breeze?  I should have said, “Strong winds” (15-18 mph with gusts to 23).   The kind that make a cyclist feel like he is working extra hard and going nowhere.  But at least I was able to ride.  Minor inconvenience.

Scenario #3: A couple months ago I received a call on a Sunday morning at 1:00 from the alarm company.  The church building’s alarm was going off. They had already dispatched the police.  Really?  1:00 on a Sunday morning?  Do you know what I have to do in about 3 hours?  Get up!  As far as we can tell the strong winds rattled an inadequately locked door which set off the alarm.  Minor inconvenience.

Scenario #4:  (Go back to scenario #1 for a moment).  I turned on my computer and always check my email first.  There was one waiting for me from Floyd, asking me to pray for a fellow blogger (TC).  I had no clue why since I had gone TVless on Monday night.  It wasn’t until I checked the news that I heard about the twister that devastated Oklahoma.   TC and her family live near OKC.  I shot off an email to Craig Groeschel, pastor of Lifechurch, who also lives near OKC.   Floyd heard from TC; I heard from Craig.

Now you see why I called the first three scenarios “Minor inconveniences?”   What seemed such a big deal when it happened (except I will take a bike ride in windy weather and not complain), suddenly loses it sting-its oomph-when put on the scales of real life experiences.   As I write this the death toll stands at 24.  That is, of course, 24 too many.  But it also puts things into perspective.  What is a minor inconvenience of getting up for an alarm?  Least I was able to get up out of my own bed.  What is a minor inconvenience of no power for about 4-5 hours when hundreds will be without power, even a house, for days and possibly months?  What is a minor inconvenience of riding in tiring winds? Least I was able to get on my bike and ride without having to look at total devastation.

So much of what we I go through are minor inconveniences compared to the bigger picture.   I don’t know about you, but I need to pause stop and take a look at the bigger picture.   What does your picture look like? Oh, and pray for the folks in OKC. 


Monday, May 20th, 2013

Have you ever had one of those days where you just wanted to bury your head under the pillow and never get out of bed?  It isn’t a depression thing I’m talking about.  It’s about making mistakes that we have to face.

Sometimes we find ourselves in over our heads and can’t face the fact we don’t can’t measure up (in our minds) so we just “take our ball and go home.”

You have probably seen the same  information I have, but if not, then I’d like to use it to make a point.

Michael Jordan once said, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.  I’ve lost almost 300 games.  Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.  I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Babe Ruth struck out almost twice the number of times he hit a home run, yet he is still considered one of the greats.  Abraham Lincoln lost almost every political race he entered, until he was finally elected president.

Thomas Edison went through thousand of experiments before inventing the light bulb.  He was reported to have said, “Well, we know one more way it won’t work.”

When things happen to us that aren’t exactly “scripted” or the way we had hoped, it is easy to want to give up.  But that is only one way to respond!  There are other ways!!

I performed a wedding Sunday afternoon for a couple who has been together for five years and is now expecting a baby.  (Spare the judgments that could rain down).  I had a good initial visit with them and the door is now open for further dialogue.  But the point I want to make is I talked to them during the ceremony about the permanence of marriage.  About not giving up.  About not being quitters.  About loving as Christ loved the church.

I think we all need a good swift kick in the seat from time to time.  We all get discouraged. We all feel like burying our head from time to time.  But the one thing modeled for us in the Scriptures is


When the tough times hit, men and women of God didn’t quit.  Even when they felt like it (take Elijah after Mt. Carmel) God said, “Oh no you don’t.”  Example after example.  None better than Jesus Himself.


Any thoughts?  Is there a Bible or historical character who embodies not quitting to you?  Do you know anyone who needs a word of encouragement today?


Sunday, May 19th, 2013

For about the past two years, I have been teaching “Route 66,” a survey of the 66 books of the Bible.  The study I am using as a guide has it done in a year.  Aaaah yeah, like that is going to happen.  In fact, at the end of this year it will be  two years exactly since I started.  To be fair, we have taken summer breaks, as well as holiday breaks.  I am not going to fight a losing battle  of having people make choices that make them resent regret making the commitment to class, nor do I like feeling tied down during certain times.  Anyway, to make a long story short our summer break will start after this Wednesday (although they have asked to continue with a small group study in homes which is really cool).  Our “66” class will finish this session with Acts (it will be week 3 for us).

You can’t help but be impressed with the early church.  Have you ever checked out its growth rate?

  • Acts 1:14-15- 120
  • Acts 2:41- 3000
  • Acts 4:4- 5000 men plus women and children
  • Acts 5;14- more added
  • Acts 6:-17- multiplied greatly
  • Acts 10- Gentiles added to the mix

Holy out-of-sight numbers Batman!   I even found a reference that says, “History tells us the Jerusalem church exceeded 100,000  after only seven years!

My comment to the class:  How’s that for keeping the church small?  Of course, I’m sure you have heard all the arguments: “The church is just too big.” “I don’t see how anyone can feel a part of a big church.”  On and on it goes.  Someone was telling me the other day we have more megachurches today than at any other time.

My question is this: If that is so, why are we not on the cusp of a revolution?  Better yet, why are we not now in a revolution?  As Richard Stearns writes in his new book, Unfinished,

The very Son of God became flesh and lived among us.  He died that we might find forgiveness and reconciliation with God.  He commissioned us to bring this same good news to the nations of the world, yet we have failed to deliver.  What happened to the revolution?

There is certainly more to believing in God and calling it quits at that point.   That is one big factor which set the early church apart from us.  We seem to be content to “believe and quit.”   But I believe the Bible is very clear it should be “believe and act.”  That is where the revolution can/will take place.

What about you?  What do you think?  What are reasons you would give for the failure to revolutionize? 


Thursday, May 16th, 2013



Do you remember this scene from It’s a Wonderful Life?   I think of that often…especially at the age of 60…when I realize I have a lot fewer years left than I have lived.

I also  realize I WOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT WANT TO BE A YOUNG PERSON LIVING IN TODAY’S WORLD!  I mean…I have enough temptation as a 60-year old man without the seemingly unlimited exposure and seemingly uninhibited morals of our culture.  I have a grandson whom I have prayed for every day since I found out Janna was pregnant.  I pray for his heart to belong to the Father at all times.

We also hear the statement “The young people of today are the church of tomorrow.”  I beg to differ.  They are also the church of today.  Study anything about the Millennials (born after 1980) and they are a unique bunch.  But they are also presented unique opportunities/challenges I never had.  Same temptations mind you, but more blatant.

Ryan, our youth pastor, and I will  be team preaching the message Sunday.  The message will focusing on being youth of values.  I’ll be opening it with an emphasis on I Timothy 4: 6-16.   Ryan will be following it up by talking about his ideas and plans for growing the young people in their faith.  My part is simple:

#1: Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths.  [v.7a]  Filters need to be on HIGH these days.

#2: Discipline yourself for godliness.  [v.7b] Discipline in the Greek is “to train.”  Pursue spiritual growth.

#3: Model a Godly Lifestyle. [vv.12-14]  This is tough for all ages, but especially young people.  They don’t want to be left out or stick out.

#4: Pay close attention to yourself and your ministry. [vv.15-16]   The words used in these verses speak of vigilance.

Any to add?  Feel free to make any suggestions.  There is still time for me to add/change!  🙂