June 30th, 2013

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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

One of the most common phrases is “Hurting people hurt people.”  IMHO that is a pretty fair statement.  I have been in the battle long enough to know the devastation done by hurting people.  After preaching on bitterness this past Sunday, it has come to the forefront.  There is also a fantastic story in the Bible about someone who chose not to allow critical comments to waylay her.

The story is of Mary and is found here.  It is the story of Mary anointing Jesus in Bethany.

Mary’s act was not motivated by “return on my investment.”  Mary’s act was totally an act of love.  It was an act of worship.

Judas saw it as a waste.

Judas reminds me of those cold-hearted people who see only for themselves.  Do this for me.

Mary gave it as something pure and valuable.  Judas wanted to make it something else.

Jesus saw it for what it was…a shameless gesture of love.

Frankly, there is no waste when someone gives themselves or what they have to Jesus.   Too many people are interested in doing and not in being.  They are interested in doing things for Jesus (studying, preaching, writing, even evangelizing), but fall short in knowing Jesus, or in loving Him.


Frank Viola, in his book God’s Favorite Place on Earth gives eight things he has learned when offended by others.  I want to close my series of posts on his book with them:

  1. Christians will hurt your feelings.
  2. When others hurt you, your spiritual maturity will be revealed.
  3. God intends to use mistreatments for our good.
  4. Christians often get offended by reading into words and actions.
  5. Christians often get offended with a person when they believe false accusations against them.
  6. What you do with a hurt is a choice you make.
  7. To be offended by a child of God is to be offended by God.
  8. You can live free from offense.

As you can imagine something can be said about each one.  I’d like to ask you to do something.  Pick one that stands out to you; chew on it; ask God about it; then, if you feel led, share it with others readers here.

So…which one did you pick?