Written by cycleguy on June 22nd, 2014


Not as in Davie Bowie’s song. 🙂

On June 5th, Aaron Ybarra allegdly opened fire at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian school, killing one student and injuring two before he was subdued by Jon Meis. Meis used his pepper spray to subdue him and put him in a choke hold until other students and faculty members rushed to help keep Ybarra pinned on the ground. Police said Ybarra has a history of mental illness and was carrying a shotgun, ammunition, and knives, and the actions of Meis and others likely saved lives.

“I was thrown into a life and death situation, and through God’s grace I was able to stop the attacker and walk away unharmed,” Meis said. He went on to say that when he came face to face with the shooter God gave him eyes to see the shooter was not a monster, but a very sad and troubled young man.

Interestingly enough, Meis declined all media interview requests and even asked friends at SPU and his former high school not to divulge facts about his personal life. Yet, some details emerged, including his scheduled wedding on June 21. He and his fiance’ were the recipients of extreme generosity by well-wishers, which included $50,000 for their honeymoon and future. True to form, he called the effort overwhelming and asked all future donations go toward the vicitms-who were all SPU students. He also said it was hard to see himself as a hero and thanked all who helped.

What was really telling were his final remarks: “We cannot ignore that a life was taken from us, ruthlessly and without justification or cause. Nevertheless, I would encourage that hate be met with love.”  {Source is World Magazine-June 28, 2014 issue-p.16}

You have to admit: that young man is unique. Not for his act of heroism. I am willing to wager that happens more often than is reported. He is unique because he seeks to stay out of the limelight. He doesn’t seem to want his 5 minutes of fame.

There was a Bible character with that same attitude: John the Baptizer. He once said, “He must become greater; I must become less.” There is a big need for those with that same attitude today. Any thoughts?


23 Comments so far ↓

  1. jeff says:

    It was probably not easy staying away from the news hounds. As for John, people that eat bugs are already lesser IMHO.

  2. Daniel says:

    My thoughts? That young man has some wonderful qualities!

  3. Ben Nelson says:

    Great post – great story. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  4. Meekly Seeking says:

    Yes, I see your point on the staying out of the limelight. He even went a step further (like the bug eating John…love it Jeff) and deflected the limelight to others. Hey, he even deflected money to others!

    There are few situations these days…no, it SEEMS AS IF there are few situations these days where someone is both on the right path AND genuinely humble about it. He would be one of those few I’ve caught. How great if he is like this in the mundane, everyday stuff also. I probably need to do a litmus test on myself to make sure I am.


    • cycleguy says:

      there are some who just hate the limelight no matter what happens. They prefer to deflect it. My wife is one of those people. this type of thing does make one stop and take stock. Thanks MS.

  5. Kari Scare says:

    This young man has conquered an area within himself that I am still struggling with… the desire for recognition. Even though I desire it, it don’t like it when I get it. His example is a terrific one for sure!

  6. Zee says:

    My main thought, to be honest, is that there’s too many guns in the US… And what drives me up the wall is that you don’t even need a psycho check to acquire a gun. In Ukraine, it’s a must-have document. (Besides drug check etc.)

    And I’m the “devil’s advocate” a bit – by saying he doesn’t want any limelight, he gets it. Hopefully it’s an honest desire. But then, I’ve got no idea what I’d do in his place.

    • cycleguy says:

      No comment about the gun comment. 🙂 What you state does seem to be the way things work though. What you don’t want you end up getting. Crazy.

  7. Dan Erickson says:

    This one was pretty close to home for me. Jon Meis is a true hero.

  8. floyd says:

    Humility is the mark of a person walking close to our Father, especially in an instance like this. I’m encouraged.

    • Meekly Seeking says:

      Encouraged. Good word.

    • cycleguy says:

      Stories like this do give us encouragement and hope for the future. At least one man has chosen to make a difference. let’s hope it becomes his mission (as well as his wife’s).

  9. the Old Adam says:

    What a great story!

    It’s a shame that so many are seeking to make ‘ourselves’ an ‘what we do’ the focus in the Christian life. Moving ourselves to the center…instead of Jesus and what He has done, is doing, and will yet do…for full blown sinners like us.

    Thanks, Bill.

  10. Debbie says:

    I saw a headline about this when they received the gratitude gift of $50,000, but I didn’t read it then. Thank you so much for sharing the story here and giving us food for thought and an encouraging example! Dying to myself and being less is something God talks to me about daily. 🙂

  11. Dan Black says:

    The best Christians/ Christian leaders move the spotlight from themselves and onto God and His Truths. Great post!