
Written by cycleguy on May 11th, 2015

“Caught in a rundown” (Baseball term)

“Caught with your hand in the cookie jar”  (Whew! Not me! I never eat chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal scotchies)

“Caught in a lie” (Fits in with what I previously said about cookies)

I got caught today. No not in sin. In this.

Yep, you got it. I decided to go for a ride today. The weatherman predicted it would rain about 1:00. The radar said 2:00. With the film clip in my head I decided to trust the radar.

I was about 9 miles out when little drops began to fall. I decided it was time to head home quicker than I planned. The weather helped make the decision for me, and mine fortuitous. No sooner had I decided to head home than the sky unloaded. My goal was the church building which was about 3 miles. Figured if I made it there Jo could come get me. I made it there as Ryan, our youth pastor, was pulling away. So he turned around and took me home. I still got pretty wet. I have always said, “To start out in the rain is foolish; to get caught is a hazard of the sport.”

Should have heeded my own words.

Sort of like sin. We can be be-bopping along and not have “bad weather” in sight. Then it hits. Sometimes there are darkening skies. Sometimes the wind blows. Then comes the curiosity. The utter disregard for the “signs” of trouble ahead. Then comes the downpour. Fortunately, I had an escape plan. I got a bit wet (okay a lot) but I knew I had a place to get to for safety. I hope you can make the parallel without much help from me.

It has been awhile since I have been caught in the rain. Just when you least expect it…. What kind of escape plan do you have?

Oh…I should have listened to the weatherman. It started raining at 1:00 right on the tick. 🙁



10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    Sometimes I can see the storm clouds in the distance and that gives me a moment to strengthen myself to get past or get through. Other times it is bright one moment and dark as pitch the next and i am overrun. There is definitely no be-bopping in those moments.

    • cycleguy says:

      Those moments when you can see are like “light” in the darkness. They prepare you. Those moments when the storm hits unaware are also times when THE LIGHT hits and you can sense His presence. And you are right: no be-bopping along.

  2. Dan Erickson says:

    My escape plan is always in His hands. I just wish I was wise enough to always have enough faith and common sense to not need an escape plan. But it feels good to know I do.

    • cycleguy says:

      your problem = my problem. The moments I think i got it made is the moment I don’t have it made. But it is good to know when the way gets too tough I do have an escape hatch.

  3. I think we like to see how close we can get to danger (sin) without getting caught. Too often we fail.

  4. As soon as I see trouble (sin) brewing or it descends without warning, I turn to God immediately; that was not something I used to do years ago. My son is currently going through a storm and I’m trying my best, with God’s help, to be his anchor. Prayers for Daniel would be so appreciated, Bill.

  5. floyd says:

    I like the analogy… and since I’ve been rained on while on my bike racing the rain… I really and truly get it…