
Written by cycleguy on February 28th, 2016

We often hear “no man is an island.” That is true. I know there are people who think “I need don’t need anyone else.” I believe that person is lying or highly delusional.

I also know life is a series of challenges. To do them alone is not what we were meant to do.

I say those two things because this past Thursday Jo & I saw a movie called 94 Feet, a faith-based movie filmed in Evansville, IN. Friday night we saw The Finest Hours. I’d recommend them both but it is the latter which I’d like to draw lessons from.

It is based on a true event which happened in 1952. You can read more about it here. My purpose here is not be a spoiler or to even really talk about the movie. It is the lessons I took away from it.

First, challenges may seem impossible, and may even mean almost certain death, but meet them head on. You and I face challenges every day. Some do appear insurmountable. Some of those are our own making. Some are put in front of us by God. Face it.

Second, when you have been “called” to do something, follow through. The characters were called to be members of the Coast Guard. This story is about following through.

Third, we will face people who doubt us; who challenge us; who demean us; and who will undercut us by words or actions. Do it anyway.

Fourth, challenges are best faced with people who will support and encourage. We need each other through good and bad times.

Finally, share the spoils. It wasn’t one man who did it. It shouldn’t be one man who gets to reap all the accolades. (Spoiler alert!) The last man off the boat was the hero of the story.

I’d recommend you going to see the movie. IMHO it is much better than it is given credit for. It is intense (action-wise). There is no sex. There are a few swear words but very minimal. Oh…go to the bathroom before the movie starts. There is a lot of water!! 🙂


11 Comments so far ↓

  1. Not really familiar with either movie.

  2. jeff says:

    I hope you don’t think I am delusional or lying when I say I enjoy being single. A wife would be the last thing I would want around. I can truthfully say I don’t need anyone else. There are people whose company I enjoy. I think the Bible indicates marriage is for those that can’t control themselves. That makes sense to me.

    8 I say to the unmarried and to widows: It is good for them if they remain as I am.

    9But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

    • cycleguy says:

      Don’t think that at all Jeff. i wasn’t even referring to marriage actually. I mean life in general. i was referring to those people whose company you enjoy. 🙂 And I agree: some people should not be married.

  3. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I don’t think I’ve heard of either movie, so thank you for your review. And I love the lessons you learned, you are so encouraging! Makes me want to get out there and ignore the ‘nay-sayers’ and get on with my purpose in life.

    It’s wonderful to hear God speak through creation and the created, just as you did in these movies. That’s a precious thing.
    Happy Leap Day!

  4. Yes, we definitely need one another. And thanks for the movie recommendations, Bill. I will check these out.

  5. Sharon says:

    I haven’t heard of either movie – but the second one sounds very intriguing. I love the points that you have derived from watching it.

    I agree, no man is an island. And I believe this is especially true in the Body of Christ. Our enemy is like a jungle predator, and he likes going after the stragglers, the ones separated from the pack. Just as we need friends and family, we also need corporate fellowship.


  6. Bill,

    I like your line: “where you have been called to do something, follow through.” That’s what hit me the most here tonight. I haven’t seen those movies. Thanks for the input.

    Re your comment on my post “When You Really Want to Read past the Christian Jargon,” I agree. Whew, we need him, huh? Thanks, Bill.

    Jennifer Dougan

  7. Andy says:

    Kelci and Melvin saw it after Church on Sunday. Both were inspired by it.