
Written by cycleguy on March 14th, 2016

If you read my last post, you know I took Sunday off. I didn’t realize how important that was to me until I woke up Sunday morning a little later than I normally do and realized I didn’t have to be at the office to study. It was nice BUT I WOULDN’T WANT TO DO IT EVERY WEEK!

I enjoy doing what I do.

We attended a fantastic and growing church-Maryland Community Church– in Terre Haute. Scot is a long-time personal friend so I always enjoy going back to hear him speak truth. Yesterday was no different. He is in a series based on Psalm 23 called “Loved23” in which he is looking at the ways we are loved. In his sermon focusing on verse 5 he gave 3 actions of God that prove we are loved:

  • He prepares a table before me.
  • He anoints my head with oil.
  • He overflows us.

That, of course, is the simple version. Scot gave some really good material to fill in the blanks. I was blessed from hearing the message.

What are ways you know you are loved by God? What did you learn Sunday? I’d like to hear.


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. This past Sunday, one of the songs we sang in contemporary worship was “One Thing Remains.” I love the chorus: “Your love never fails, it never gives up; never runs out on me.” Great words to sing in our hearts over and over again!
    Blessings, Bill, and glad you enjoyed your Sunday off!

  2. Bill, I felt loved by my church family yesterday. It was pretty cool because I had gotten to know some folks at a gun carry class and then we connected closer at church.

  3. Meekly Seeking says:

    God loves me out of lonely sometimes.

  4. cycleguy says:

    From Dave: I miss hearing you speak, however Ryan did a wonderful job Sunday. His passion for following God is contagious. He made some great examples of answered prayer in his life. I know we all have plenty to be thankful for if we narrow our focus on God and not so much the things of the world, they become more evident.
    By the way, the time change was a killer!