
Written by cycleguy on April 19th, 2016

I’ll be candid: I’ve been distracted. A lot lately. I don’t believe I have ADD but I sure feel like it some days. In fact, I had someone tell me the other day that they wonder if I do. Naaah. I can settle in too easily, read for hours, and study consistently.

But I have been distracted lately. The result is the blog has taken a back seat. Last Thursday I was able to get out on my bike for the first time this year. Rode 17 miles. Rode again on Friday. Rode 19+ yesterday (Monday). I have to take a break today. I’m not young any more! 🙂

Emonda ALR 5

Distracted from my blog is one thing. Distracted from God is another. This distraction is most often a result of the enemy’s attempt to divide me. This past Sunday I called it “destruction by distraction.”  Life is so much more than FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. It is so much more than what the latest celebrity is doing, wearing (or not wearing). It is more than endless gaming, TV binging or athletic competition. We get so caught up in the trivial we forget the important.

People ask me if I’m on FB and look at me like I’m a two-headed monster when I say, “No.” “Why not?” Simple. I know me. I know my penchant for the trivial sometimes. I know my weakness for reading and reading. I don’t need the distraction frankly. I have enough issues staying focused and on task with the need to go bed early, so I can do my 4:00 wake up, without the further temptation of distraction.

So…don’t look for me on FB or any of the other media junk stuff site. Hopefully you will see me here more often than I have been. Thanks for being a faithful reader.


12 Comments so far ↓

  1. You are so right, Bill, about social media being a distraction. I try my best to limit my time on Facebook and spend more time reading blogs, like this one, instead!

  2. Jeff says:

    Ride on. You pedal yours and I turn the throttle on mine. Either way is good. Everyone gets to choose where they waste their time. You on a bicycle, me on a Harley and others on Facebook. Its all good.

  3. Lisa notes says:

    “We get so caught up in the trivial we forget the important.” Um, guilty as charged. So easy to do. Thanks for the example to stay focused on the truly important.

  4. Betty Draper says:

    We do so much correspondence through message with our missionaries for me to quit facebook. And I would miss seeing everyone children grow up. I have found my place in facebook which is to glorify the Lord. But I get your message here, I can get distracted with reading and even people. Worry about my children distracts me. I can be distracted by reading blogs and leave important things go. Each one of these test my self control and with each one I fail at times. One thing that helps me is draw my circle small of blogs I read, books I read, focus on those that lift me spiritually. Even with people I use to pour all myself into helping others but God has taught me to draw my circle small in that area too. Don’t allow others to consume my time, especially if a relationship is only one sided. By that I mean the person is all about themselves. Because of our ministry we meet with people who only want to lament and not do anything about their issue. I use to spend hours working with women who never got any further along them telling me the same problem over and over, I don’t do that anymore. I like boundaries, they keep me from a lot of frustration. Nobody else can set my boundaries but me. Others may try, the world may try but it’s my hand that turns on the tv and turns it off. For me it’s boundaries with flexibility build in it that helps me and I wish, oh how I wish I could write I have victory in this all the time…got to get off here being distracted by commenting on this great blog…that’s a joke brother.

    • cycleguy says:

      Boundaries are a definite must Betty. We will absolutely nuts unless we have them in place (and stick to them!). I don’t mind you being distracted by my blog. LIL. Thanks for the kind words.

  5. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! So now you are reading my mind my friend. I am a member of a few FB groups for writing and speaking, and subscribe to newsletters for that too. I am getting very overwhelmed lately with all the advice and offers to connect…I just don’t have the time.

    Time to unplug a bit. Do you take a day off? Like one day during the week that you don’t do any work related activity? I think that will really help me. We’ll see!

  6. Sharon says:

    I have also chosen not to be on FB or Twitter, etc. Blogging is really my only inroad to the world of social media. And I like it this way.

    Now, if God could only help me with all the distractions of *regular life living* I’d be all good…


  7. floyd says:

    I hear you, Bill. And that’s an awesome title! How true…

    Thanks for the example and wisdom to know how to keep yourself in, or out, of harm’s way.

    Oh, and the motivation to get back on my bike!