I thought I would bring you up to date with a report about how the week went for the group that went to New Orleans this past week. You can read about it here and here.
The week went well. Other than a few minor mishaps-someone twisting a knee playing volleyball, finding some red fire ants to be pesky, the inability to go to the Gulf due to an algae that can become a flesh-eating bacteria if your immune system is low, missing out on seeing where NCIS New Orleans is filmed due to construction-they had a fantastic time. After the hard and amazing work they all did, especially the young people who went along, they had about a day and a half of sightseeing.
Their major project was finishing a shed which another group had started. Mission accomplished. They worked even through the half day they were supposed to have in order to finish the project. Meanwhile, Jo and one of the young ladies applied their sign-making skills to doing a new sign for the front of the church building. They were in the lower 9th ward, a ward affected by a broken levee. Here it is 11 years later and they are still trying to make things happen. 2nd Rose of Sharon Missionary Baptist Church I salute you!
This Sunday many of them dragged themselves out of bed to make it for the end of our first service and then stayed for the second in order to give a short “this is what impacted me the most” contribution. They were all touched by a homeless man, William, who was a school teacher but had suffered a brain aneurysm, lost about 1/4 of his skull, was now homeless but “preached” to them about God’s goodness.
I like the way one put it: “I went expecting to bless others. Little did I know how much I would be blessed by so many people.”
They got home after midnight Saturday night and were tired puppies. But they all said they would do it again. Well done Ryan E, Ryan S, Josiah, Jo, Keegan, Aleah, MaryRose, Elizabeth and Donnie. May your life be impacted eternally (and may you have impacted others as well) with the selfless giving of your time and money to go and serve.
Great to hear good news.
Yes it is. Thanks Larry.
Isn’t it so true that when we set out to bless others, we’re the ones who reap countless blessings? So glad the trip was a success in so many ways!
Blessings, Bill!
Hoping that is a lifelong lesson for them Martha.
I bet you were delighted when your wife walked back in that door!
I was glad but was mostly asleep. I did get up to carry her stuff in. 🙂
It’s very encouraging to hear how they were impacted. Isn’t this just how God works: “I went expecting to bless others. Little did I know how much I would be blessed by so many people.” I know their work was and will continue to be a blessing to others.
I was thrilled to hear those words Lisa.
From Dave: Really proud of our Church!!
I believe God has a good plan for us.
So good for your congregation to hear about the trip, maybe next time someone new will join the group. The testimonies prove what they seen and heard affected their hearts.
Hoping for more next time Betty. thanks.
You give the God thing way to much credit. It was just people helping people. If God was real, and a loving type, he could have avoided the whole mess. I give the idea of God no credit and the people who did the work all of the credit. I am not sure what blessed means but I do know that doing this kind of work makes a person feel good. And it works the same whether you are a theist, a deist, an atheist or an agnostic. It doesn’t require a supernatural explanation.
Jeff If it wasn’t for God, there would be no news of the need of the people reaching the RIGHT people.
Blessed means that it was an honor to work your tail off seeing the impact you have on people’s lives without physical/monetary payback. Yes, it makes you feel good. No, it doesn’t require a supernatural explanation, but the fact is that few people can come together ad work together for a common goal in this day and age without in interior motive.
Ed I agree there are not nearly enough people doing this kind of unselfish work for the simple satisfaction of doing what is right. And I admire people that do it no matter the motivation. I just know a lot of people that don’t need a God reason to do what is right.
I do agree with you Jeff there are people who do not need a God reason to do what they are doing. But those of us who follow Jesus do it for Him and because He Himself did it.
Having been one of the individuals there… I choose to give God ALL the credit.
Definition of Blessed:
and it doesn’t work the same… prior to me being a Christian, I was so self centered I wouldn’t even have considered a trip like this.
The supernatural explanation is the change in me.
As I said I admire anyone who finds the motivation to do what is right. Whatever imagination a person needs to get there is a good thing. I, and a lot of people I know, do similar things without imagining a supernatural reason. The what you do matters a lot more than the why.
I’m not sure I totally agree with you jeff on the motivation for doing things. Agreed there are people who do things just because. There are also those who do it for personal gain, slaps on the back, good feelings, etc. But for the follower of jesus, my motivation is to do it for Him. In that I will disagree that what we do matters a lot more than the why. I do imagine it depends on your perspective of purpose for doing what you are doing.
I think we are pretty close. I would rather someone do it because they are egotistical than not do it at all. I don’t judge people on what they are or what they believe, only on what they do. And I do judge people. Whether you are Theist, Atheist, Deist, Muslim, Jew, Mexican, Gay, Tall, Fat, Green or Yellow I don’t care. But I do care what you do and not why you do it.
Awesome! God is sooo good!
So awesome to hear the good report after the missions trip. God often uses times like these to do great things in people’s lives.
And THAT is what I am praying for Caleb. Thanks.
Good for them! I’m not a bit surprised at them getting more blessings than they felt they gave. Isn’t that how our Father works? Giving isn’t part of our nature and that’s why we get supernaturally blessed when we do it. Hat’s off to all who participated. And thanks to them for their encouragement!