Daniel Hamlin and his family are five of the neatest people you will ever meet. They came to OVCF just a tad over a year ago in a search for something different than what he/they had grown up in. They were also concerned for their three children (one a teen and another real close and an adorable young girl). So he actually first heard of OVCF from living in the community about all his life, but when Daniel started searching with earnest his father told him about us. Daniel checked out the church website and then a few podcasts. Something resonated in him and a “chance” encounter with him at a local restaurant (we were supposed to eat somewhere else) led to him coming to OVCF. They have not left (that’s a good thing…a very good thing). He is a fine young man who wants to seek God with all his heart and wants to lead his family that way also. The following is what he posted on FB after helping with the Thanksgiving Dinner the church puts on annually.
Today, our church provided Thanksgiving meals to the community. At one point my family was tasked with delivering 5 meals to a local low-income motel. As we stepped out of the car I realized that we were probably not relatable to those who were receiving the food. I had grabbed my LL Bean jacket, the boys were wearing Nike shoes and shorts (yes, shorts in November), we were a clean cut family. One lady asked us to come in to her apartment. After passing through the blanket that draped the door we enter her cluttered, dark apartment. She had no kitchen table and had an aged container of Ramen noodles sitting on the stove. We delivered her the prepared meal and she became emotional, expressing thanks for the food. Amy asked her if she had any Christmas needs and she responded that she would like prayer for her son who suffers from scoliosis.
As I reflect back on this, it brings new appreciation for the Incarnation. Just as I felt that our appearance would make us not relatable to those we were serving, if Jesus had come to earth in all of his power and glory we would not be able to relate to him. Instead, he came to earth as a baby, grew up as a man, was tested, tempted, beaten, suffered loss and eventually killed. I’m thankful that because of God’s grace and his love for us, Christ made himself relatable by becoming human.
And that, my friends, is the reason for the season.
I would say Daniel has it right. Not only that…do you see any doubt he will be able to lead his family well? I don’t.
So glad that God is building your local body with families like this one.
You are right about that Larry. Them and more.
Such a wonderful good news story.He certainly gained a great insight.
Thanks Rodney. I was hoping it would brighten some lives.
This is so encouraging on many different levels Bill. First, that he and his family not only attend your church but are involved. Second, his honesty about how despite having more then those he served humbled him. Our eyes affect our hearts, and yes, what he seen and the humbleness will make him an even better Godly father. I don’t even attend your church but this blesses my heart.
that is so good to hear Betty. I know Daniel will comment and has to be encouraged by them.
Oh my. This is making me tear up something fierce. What a holy, inspired man. I am so glad that he found OVCF, and that he finds a home with people who want to reach out and help.
We are so blessed, but how many actually see concretely how that’s true?
Yes. He’ll lead his family just fine.
Daniel is a holy man Ceil. He will not say so but he and Amy exude a love for each other and a love for Jesus. I cannot tell you how honored I am they chose OVCF. Thanks for recognizing his desire to be godly.
Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing Daniel’s touching insights with us, Bill.
You are more than welcome Martha.
Thanks for the kind words. I’m a different person than I was a year ago and it’s because of what God has done in my life through His grace, your ministry, and the influence of countless others at OVCF. I’m striving to be authentic in all I do and to live out my faith. No more playing church! I’m thankful for the opportunities to minister to our local community since these are the people we come in contact with on a daily basis. I’m not looking for notoriety or accolades, but I’m wanting to lead my family by being an example..flaws, warts, and all. I want to see people, situations, the world, and my resources through His eyes. I want more of Him in my life. I’m excited to see what God has in store for OVCF!
I can see God moving in you so clearly. I love what He is going in and through you to minister to yourself, your family and then others. You are doing well in the example department. I too am excited to see what God is going to do. Thanks for being a part of that excitement.
I enjoyed Daniel’s testimony at church a few weeks back and also enjoyed reading this! God is good and what wonderful testimonies to how he is working in the lives of others!
I agree jacci. Daniel is a good example of what following Jesus means.
Wonderful story, Bill. Love it when God gives us glimpses into the impact He is having on lives. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Pam. I cannot begin to tell you what Daniel, Amy and their 3 children have meant to me.
That’s surely the best way to serve one another during this time of the year, and many others!
I am hoping it extends beyond just this season.
That’s the heart of our Father in action. It’s wonderful church, which is God’s people, you get to be a part of, Bill. I so appreciate the heart and reminder that we’re all called to be relatable for all people. He came for all of us…