Just as there are certain events that affect our lives, and we know what we were doing and where we were when they happened, words or statements are the same.
“President Kennedy has been shot” (for those old enough)
“President Reagan has been shot”
“Houston, we have a problem.”
Precise timing and movements were needed to make sure Apollo 13 made it home. One mistake and the capsule and astronauts would be doomed to outer space. Getting them home was a priority.
For some reason many don’t like to talk about the future. I’m not talking about future events (Rapture, 666, etc). For me as a Christ-follower I like to talk about my future. It is secure. I know that because of God’s promise, but I also know that because of hope. Properly focused hope gives us the assurance of a home for eternity. Now…I’m not talking about the “I hope it is nice weather tomorrow” or “I hope he/she smiles at me.” No, the hope I am talking about goes much deeper.
Take away hope and you take away a reason for living. In the case of the Christ-follower, if our hope is not connected to forever, our hope will somehow die. Living with forever in view gives us an unshakeable reason for hope.
My sermon Sunday is called Homeward Bound. I’m using Hebrews 11:11-16, 32-40 as my passage. Come join us or listen online or if you are too far away, please say a prayer for me and the folks at OVCF. Thanks.
And speaking of Homeward Bound, today, April 13th marks the birthday of my late mother. She would have been 86. She’s home.
So true, Bill. Our hope is definitely connected to forever, giving us the strength and courage to live each day until God calls us home.
Hope is everything and should be everything to us because of what Jesus did.