As I stated in my last post, while on vacation I continued to read and write (journal). The following are from a book called Everyone Always by Bob Goff.
“Those who are becoming love don’t throw people off roofs; they lower people through them instead.”
“Burning down others’ opinions doesn’t make us right. It makes us arsonists.”
“God doesn’t just give us promises; He give us each other.”
“Be. Not. Afraid. These words have exactly as much power as we give them in our lives. People who are becoming love experience the same uncertainties we all do. They just stop letting fear call the shots.”
” ‘Love one another.’ What is simple often isn’t easy; what is easy often doesn’t last.”
I’m not done reading or journaling with Bob’s book. But as you can see there are some good thoughts contained in it. I’ve continued reading; I just need to catch up with my pen. Bob is the author of Love Does. He is also a lawyer. I would trust him to represent me. 🙂
Heard in a sermon preached on 6/3:
“Why is it we think God can only walk within the bounds of our reason?”
“If God could create water, what’s the big deal about Him walking on it?”
Some food for your thought today. Any of these strike you?
These are all great quotes, Bill, but I think I like the “love one another” the best. No it isn’t easy, but we must!
This quote is one that I marked also: “Burning down others’ opinions doesn’t make us right. It makes us arsonists.” Serious words that I want to heed.
Those are awesome!!!
The last two are powerful!
I’m gonna quote these for sure!