
Written by cycleguy on August 16th, 2019

Talk of prison and people’s thoughts will immediately go to Alcatraz, some military prison, or some form of incarceration. When Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph of trying to rape her and he put Joseph in prison, it wasn’t a 5-star hotel. The Scripture specifically tells us he put Joseph where Pharaoh’s enemies were put. True to his nature and God’s blessing on his life, Joseph excelled. He overcame his prison life.

In truth, most people will never see the inside of a prison cell. They just live in a prison. Due to circumstances, expectations of others, guilt, pessimism or some other “bothersome” issue, they live in a prison of their own making, one without physical bars.

I’m going to focus on that kind of prison this week during my sermon. As followers of Christ we are no longer slaves to fear or to the enemy or his efforts to keep us down. I’ll be working on very short rest and am anticipating with a very tired body. I’d appreciate your prayers.

Here is a song for your enjoyment: https://youtu.be/2QigyB50yGw


After waiting for almost 8 months the BikeMS ride is this weekend in Lebanon, IN. Dave (from 3 Feet Please) is coming from Arizona to ride with me and his two adult children are coming to volunteer.  Jo and I left Thursday for Indy to spend the night in the hotel in Indy and to meet up with them. Jo plans to also help with the volunteer table for 3FP. Dave and I plan to do the 65 mile portion of the ride.  This is a fundraiser for MS and thanks to many of you and your generosity, I have been able to raise $1100 this year. Thank you so much!!  I do appreciate it more than you know but will appreciate your prayers even more. 65 miles will be double what I have been able to do (due to time constraints) at one time this year. Safety and health or my primary concerns. Thanks.  Here are pictures of the partners in crime.


5 Comments so far ↓

  1. You are most definitely in my prayers, Bill! Have a fantastic ride!

  2. Lisa notes says:

    Praying for cool breezes and wide berths as you ride this weekend, Bill! May it go well and raise a lot of money. If I had to ride my bike that far, I’m afraid I’d feel like it was its own prison. ha.

  3. Betty Draper says:

    More power to you Bill, ride careful and alert and the rest of us will pray God keep you safe.

  4. cycleguy says:

    From Pearline: (a friend from Ohio and now Texas). :Bless you for riding for MS. We will pray for y’all 🙏🥰

  5. floyd says:

    Praying for your sermon.

    And GO!!!!!!

    Praying for a safe weekend.