
Written by cycleguy on September 23rd, 2019

I have been a pastor for over 45 years. In those years if I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times (and wish I had asked for $1 every time I did! I could retire and live off the interest. 🙂 ). The statement I have heard often from both nurses and even doctors is “Doctors and nurses make the worst patients.” I’ve seen cool, calm and collected nurses under extreme pressure melt when it comes to their own treatment.  I’m guessing it is one of those “I know too much” kind of deals. You know…they know what all could go wrong.

When I had my bike wreck in February of 2017 I spent 8 hours in the hallway of the Bloomington Hospital ER. Even though I had gotten there mid afternoon, I waited. It was a Friday in IU town. Although in and out of it due to pain, I was aware of the screaming person in one of the rooms due to drugs. I was aware I was put off for treatment or x-rays because a college student came in high and had an accident. And while I have my thoughts about being pushed aside for stupidity, I found something else.


I was on the receiving end of delayed treatment. I laid in that hallway for 8 hours being pushed aside for others. Broken collarbone. 3 broken ribs. Multiple contusions to my face and hands and legs, i.e. road rash (but fortunately not a head injury due to my helmet which was split in 3 places). I now know what it is like when people tell me they sat or laid in the ER for hours waiting for treatment. Been there done that.

Empathy is a great gift. It allows one to know what another is going through and to feel with them. I’m reminded of the Scripture which says, “He was in all points tempted like we are yet without sin.” Imagine that! Jesus, the perfect, divine, virgin born Son of God knows what I am going through and how I struggle with sin.  He is not some far-off or far-out dude; He is the “close by and I understand what you are experiencing” Savior.

How are you with empathy? Do you feel it when others hurt? Do you take the time to let them know you are thinking of them (without telling your whole story)? As a follower of Christ we are told to cry when others cry; to laugh when others laugh; and to feel when others feel.  How well are you doing?


7 Comments so far ↓

  1. God has given me a gracious dose of empathy in my personality, Bill, and for that, I am so grateful. Being able to put ourselves in the shoes of another, and not make it all about us, truly is a gift – a divine one.

  2. Pam says:

    I struggle with empathy in some situations, but in others my heart breaks both for the person and with them. I continue to seek God’s wisdom as to when it is best to just listen and when I need to speak up.

    • cycleguy says:

      I struggle also Pam. It is so hard sometimes to feel empathy when the person has gotten themselves into the mess they are in or is taking no action to get out. Your prayer for wisdom is the best thing to do.

  3. Linda Stoll says:

    It’s hard to believe that it’s been 2 1/2 years since that fateful day of your accident.

    And it’s a grace that important lessons keep on coming from such a difficult experience …

    Bless you for going there, Bill.

    • cycleguy says:

      It is hard to believe Linda. But I’m reminded every day of it…I still have of the hematoma I can still see. But I am grateful that is all. Thanks for the kind words. I know you are one of those empathetic people.

  4. floyd says:

    Well I’m far from perfect, but way better than I used to be.

    Of course this subject has been a point of intention with me for some time now, hence the name of my site. But for the grace of God “There Go I”.