He’s Alive!

Written by cycleguy on April 12th, 2020

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It is not quite the Resurrection Sunday celebration we were anticipating that’s for sure.  The past few years we have had one service at a local venue (Abram Farm) that allowed us to be all together as one church family. This year was already going to be different due to the company that normally did our sound having to beg off this year. So, in spite of the graciousness of Bill & Suzie Abram, the owners of the venue, we were going to have two services at our building.

Then COVID-19 happened. Suddenly, we went from Abram Farm to our church building to a virtual celebration. But there is a great lesson here! The grave could not contain Him. What in the world would make us think a virus could? So we celebrate anyway. Virtually.

More could be said. But I’m not going to belabor the point. So I say, “Celebrate! Jesus is alive in our hearts. He is alive in our worship. He is alive seated at the right hand of His Father. Celebrate!”  I’d like ask you to listen to an old song. In my mind, one of the best Easter songs you don’t even know by my favorite Christian group of all time.


10 Comments so far ↓

  1. floyd says:

    Celebration indeed!!!
    Happy Easter! He is risen indeed!

  2. floyd says:

    Oh, and really enjoyed and appreciated your sermon today, brother. Keep up the good work and race.

  3. Christ is Risen.

    God bless.

  4. Ryan S says:

    Definitely not what was expected for this year… or what the world expected when they found the empty tomb.

    • cycleguy says:

      Now THAT is a great perspective. Wish I had though of that. As a matter of fact, did I not put that in your head? 🙂 🙂 Thanks Ryan

  5. Thanx for your visit today.

    God bless always.

  6. Linda Stoll says:

    Amen, the grave didn’t contain Him, Bill. His Spirit is on the move even as we speak during this difficult hour, consoling, comforting, convicting, guiding.

    I’m grateful …