
Written by cycleguy on May 4th, 2020

This morning I was going through some old journals trying to find something I had copied and had used at one time. I finally found it, but in the meantime I ran across something else I had written (circa 2011).  Here is something for you and me to think about as we head into this new week:

Everyday I do something that either adds to or subtracts from another person.

Lie-Stealing truth

Plagiarizing- Stealing credit

Murder- Stealing life

Am I a giver or a taker? And adder or a subtractor?


13 Comments so far ↓

  1. Great concepts to ponder this week, Bill. Thank you!!!

  2. Ed says:

    That last one though… ouch!
    Not to lessen the other two though.

  3. That’s a sermon in a sentence for sure!

  4. Ryan S. says:

    Great thoughts Bill…
    I think the concept can be applied even further

    With each decision or indecision, I make a choice to follow my creator or to take a step away from Him.

  5. I hate plagiarism. I wish people would stop doing it.

    Would it not be wonderful if everyone was original and there was no plagiarism?

    You, may say I’m a dreamer.
    But I’m not the only one.
    I hope someday you will join us.
    And the world will be as one.

    No plagiarism.

    Thanx Bill. Great post. God bless you.

    • cycleguy says:

      I agree Victor. I think it is especially disgusting when pastors preach other preacher’s sermons as though they are their own.

  6. Lisa notes says:

    Isn’t it wonderful when God shows us previous insights that are just as helpful in the moment! You’re definitely a giver, Bill. May we each concentrate on our math today to be adders instead of subtractors. 🙂

    • cycleguy says:

      Thanks for your kind words Lisa. And I do love it when God opens my eyes to new stuff when I have read it over and over before.