I’ve been largely absent from this blog this week. Okay…I haven’t been here at all, except to tell myself I ought to post something. I could shoot you all kinds of excuses but you might think I’m just blowing smoke. I don’t smoke so it can’t be that. It’s just plain being busy.
Ryan is out of the office this week. I told him several weeks ago I expected him to find a week where he, Hope and the kids can get away. No office. No media (although I have no control over his phone use). He has been working hard through this whole COVID thing trying to stay in touch with the kids. Lots of ZOOM meetings with them. Studying to make their time productive. He even had an early Sunday morning time with the elementary kids! They sang; they danced (the kids did); he taught them and they loved it. He did too. But then he would rush to the church building and be one of the 4 who were here-Jo (Power Point); Tami (recording for FB); Ryan (sound and recording); and me (preaching…I think). He took on the added responsibility of helping get our fledgling recording of the worship started and moving. He also had two weeks of Wilderness Week at our church camp cancelled (they cancelled the whole summer). So along with some frustration was some sadness. He was tired and wore out. So they went camping.
Today is his and Hope’s anniversary (#15 I think) and they decided to spend it together backpacking. Not to worry. They spent their honeymoon camping as they traveled cross country. I affiliate with strange people you know? 🙂 In all honesty, there is no underestimating his value to the team. I am so grateful that he left a secure bank job to become our youth pastor. The dude knows how to minister.
My week has been full with appointments, one that went way past my normal bedtime. Yesterday I spent time visiting some folks who would love to be there on Sunday but are being cautious because of underlying health issues. It was a fun afternoon. But when I do those things it takes me out of the office.
So…out of office…no blog. I know, I know. Makes you sadder than all get out. I love my job. I prefer to call it my calling. I love seeing people. It has been a good week. I look forward to tomorrow except for the doctor’s visit at 7 a.m. which is a follow-up to lab work from last Friday. But I get to spend the day with Jo! That’s always good.
Hope your week was good. Anything you can share about it that will put a smile to my face?
I am glad Ryan, Hope, and the kids were able to take some time to unplug and refresh. That is essential!
You are right, He knows how to minister… as do you do.
Have a great weekend Bill!
Thanks for the kind words Ryan. Hope you and Amanda have a great weekend “out on the land.”
A well-deserved break for Ryan and his family! Hope they return refreshed and renewed.
Yes, Bill, we always miss you when we don’t see you post, but life puts demands on us that we have to answer. So glad you could visit with some church folks. That’s really what your calling is all about.
I’m hoping he comes back refreshed also Martha. He is going to need it as we enter into a new season of ministry here. Glad I was missed. 🙂 But you are right: that is what my calling is all about.
Great to get caught up on things with you, Bill. I have been absent except for Facebook for several weeks. Just would rather spend the time outside. Sounds like Ryan and his bride chose well! It’s a beautiful time of year.
I have been riding a lot also Pam. It has been hot which is my favorite kind of weather to ride in. Glad you took a break as well.