Many of us can remember the old song “Count your many blessings name them one by one/Count your many blessings see what God has done.” It was especially pulled out of mothballs every Thanksgiving. And rightly so. But then again, it is sad. Why focus on blessings and saying thanks for them only when the holiday comes around?
British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, once said, “Memory is very treacherous, by a strange perversity-it treasures up the refuse of the past and permits priceless treasures to lie neglected.” I’m afraid that is true for many of us. We get so caught up in the bad of the past that we often forget the good that has happened.
Psalm 103 reminds us to “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His hold name…Forget not all His benefits.” Here are four thoughts about God’s blessings that we should be aware of and I will be highlighting this week:
- God’s blessings are numerous and varied.
- God’s blessings are beyond what we deserve. {Ain’t that the truth!}
- God’s blessings are poured out on the just and the unjust.
- God’s blessings have a purpose.
This Sunday I am going to begin a two-part sermon series on thanksgiving as part of my Q & A series. It is titled What about Being Blessed? If you happen to live near us and attend or plan to, we will not be meeting in person this week. Strictly online. You can find the links on our church’s website. Our live stream will begin at 10:45 and will be scaled down to an opening song (prerecorded), a communion thought and the sermon. There will only be 3 of us in the building-me, Jo and Ryan.
Your prayers would be most appreciated.
I will definitely be in “attendance,” Bill. Sending prayers!
Thanks again Martha. I love being able to count on that.
How true that is Bill. Been sick, in the hospital for blood pressure and it seems I have had a small stroke, but home now and we are finally living in our little cabin, it’s sweet. Hope all is well.
Hope you are doing well Betty. Been missing seeing you online. Please take care of yourself.
Oh Betty, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re been ill. May you experience Christ’s sweet, peaceful presence as you recover …
Praying for you this morning!
Thank you Linda