
Written by cycleguy on June 17th, 2022

As I recover from my back surgery God’s impeccable timing becomes even more apparent. I’m not really sure I would have been up for a normal Sunday morning sermon. Without knowing anything about surgery or a date, I decided to do something different for Father’s Day. 

First, the backdrop. On Mother’s Day, I asked several women to share in sort of a roundtable discussion what woman or women in the Bible was one they looked up to. I used the word “hero” when I asked. Seven women participated, two via video. It was well-accepted and much appreciated. They didn’t preach. They didn’t even stand in the pulpit. I set chairs up for them to sit and share their thoughts with the audience and each other.

Now Father’s Day. I decided to do something similar for Father’s Day. I asked 15 men the same question: what man in the Bible would you consider a hero…other than Jesus.  All of them got back to me with their thoughts. When I asked if they would be willing to share that with others, 9 of them said, “Yes.” I have to tell you how excited I was about that! Many consider the women the more open of those who will speak.

This Sunday, 9 men will be sharing their example, the one they look up to as one to follow. Due to space and time it will not be a roundtable. They will present their thoughts from the pulpit. I’m so excited to hear their thoughts. I have to admit men I never thought would feel comfortable standing in front of folks will be doing so. What a phenomenal sight it will be to see men lead. Another man is giving the Communion thought.

I invited you to join me at 10:00 this Sunday. One service only this week! You can join us in person or online. Meanwhile, please continue to pray for my recovery. Thanks.






4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Glynn says:

    Great to see this, Bill! We know you’re on the mend!

  2. Linda Stoll says:

    i love this creativity in sharing God’s Word with your people, Bill.

    meanwhile, please give yourself plenty of grace and space as He mends your body whole.