This Sunday, in case you were born yesterday or are from the planet Vulcan, is Mother’s Day. A National Holiday. If you ask some, it is THE NATIONAL HOLIDAY!! 🙂 I know some will think I am prejudiced but I’m really not: I believe I married the best of the best, the cream of the crop. Seriously, I am not prejudiced. 🙂 🙂
Anyway, Mother’s Day brings a gamut of emotions. Happy thoughts. Sad thoughts. Reminiscing thoughts. Bitter thoughts. The list goes on.
One thought it brings to a pastor is scary: what do I say on Mother’s Day? I am a man and who am I to think I can use Proverbs 31 to tell a woman how to be that kind of woman? And who am I that I should use Mother’s Day to tell a woman she needs to be submissive to her husband (and he to her)?
So I decided to take the chicken way out…or is is the wise way out? I’ll let you decide and have your opinion. I decided to approach this year differently. No, I didn’t ask a woman to preach for me (I don’t want to get into that frankly). However, I did ask for help. I know…how unlike a man right?
I texted 10 women and asked them a question: what woman in the Bible stands out as a hero you look up to? I thought I would then take their suggestions and write my sermon focusing on them. Little did I realize that not only would all the ladies respond but they would-in many cases-give me several women. Yikes! It is Mother’s Day and I know they will not want to be there for a couple hours.
So I elicited their help. “Would you be willing to share with the church family why you chose those ladies?” Two said they would, but would be out of town, so they were willing to record it on a flash drive for us to show. Several said they were uncomfortable or not yet ready to share their story. I certainly understood and was willing to forgive them. 🙂 Five said they would, but a couple were hesitant to do it from the pulpit (fear). So I decided to do it like a panel and focus it more like a discussion amongst themselves, but obviously including the rest of us in their musings.
I’m looking forward to it. Novel approach. Hopefully a great learning experience.
We are having one service at 10:00 since I did not want to put the ladies through two services. If you are able to be with us in person, I look forward to seeing you. If not, please join us via the live stream. You can join us by going to the church website where you will see our link to YouTube and also Facebook (Look below the sermon title).
What an original idea for a “sermon”, Bill! We will be attending our church in person this Sunday, but I will certainly try to catch you later on YouTube.
I’ll decide afterwards if it was a good idea or not Martha. 🙂 I’m expecting it to be though. it is hard not to learn from the ladies who are learning themselves. Thanks for tuning in.