Perhaps you have heard the saying, “God has promised to fill all our needs, not all of our greeds.” (Yeah…I know…that is not a word. Spell check tells me that). 🙂
Here are two sayings that I thought were pretty interesting:
“Earthly goods are given to be used, not to be collected…Hoarding is idolatry.”
“Just as a circle can never fill a triangle so the heart of greed is never satisfied. Its hunger is never filled; its thirst is never quenched. No wonder we are so often warned against it.”
When we think of greed our minds often go to misers like Ebenezer Scrooge; or corrupt bankers or some tycoon on Wall Street; or a wicked pirate like Captain Barbosa in Pirates of the Caribbean. SURELY NOT US!!
The problem with greed is that it is usually masked and isn’t that obvious. We see someone working hard and perhaps getting wealthy and we think “a man is worthy of his hire.” Little do we know that down inside that man or woman might be a heart of greed. I’m not just talking about someone in the “worldly” vein either. We get that same picture of many in the church. We think we want to be like that person, but come to find out there is a heart of greed beating down inside.
Cancer #5 is the Deadly Sin of Greed. I’m calling it the “gotta have it” syndrome. What does the Bible say about greed? Actually a lot. That is my topic for this Sunday’s message. I hope you will join me as we delve into this volatile subject that so many of us want to deny we have but…
Please join us at 9 and 10:45 either in person or via live stream. I would love to have you or see you. If not, you can always pray for us, for me. I will never turn that away!! 🙂
And by the way: Pastor Ryan has taken about 12 people to Hickory, KY for some help with tornado clean-up. Your prayers for their travel and service would be greatly appreciated.
Father, help me to be content with what I have, and to be grateful for what you have given me. Help not to try and justify my needs for things that I gotta have. Father you provide all that I need, help me to use discernment and prayer on all things I think I need to have.
That should be a prayer all of us pray Gail.
It’s one thing to amass some wealth, it’s an entirely other thing to want more than we actually need. I will be praying for you, Bill, and for Ryan and his team.
You are absolutely right Martha. And thanks for the prayers on both counts.