
Written by cycleguy on November 17th, 2022

What do you think of when you think of the word holiness? I can tell you what some have in mind. Monasteries, organ music, long prayers and religious-sounding chants all are mentioned.  Someone else said, “Holiness brings to mind thinness, hollow-eyed gauntness, beards, sandals, long robes, no sex, no jokes, frequent cold baths, fasting, hours of prayer, wild rocky deserts, getting up at o-dark-30, stained glass, and self-humiliation.” Yeah…not a great picture.

So to talk about holiness gives some people the “whilly’s.” I Peter 2:9-10 tells us we have been set apart to be the people of God and with that separation came special privileges.

The two feasts I am going to be speaking about this Sunday both deal with separation: Firstfruits and Pentecost (also called “Weeks.”) The former deals with separation based on faith; the latter deals with separation based on promise.

Please join us as we continue the series called Feasts with a Purpose. We meet at 9 and 10:45.


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