None of you are as old as me who read this. That means I am as “old as dirt” to quote someone recently. It also means that I need reminders from time to time. I have noticed that I tend to write things down a whole lot more than I used to. I am so thankful for post-it-notes! 🙂
We all need reminders from time to time. Forgetting is not something relegated to older people. Going into a room and not remembering why you went there is not cordoned off for just old people. If that happens to me, I just go back out and then hope I will remember. Or sometimes I look around the room hoping it will jog my memory. “Tricks of me trade my boy, tricks of me trade.” I heard that once. Oh yeah, on MacGyver (the original).
The two feasts we will be looking at this week are feasts of remembrance. Yom Kippur (aka the Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (aka the Feast of Booths). Both feasts played a big part in helping the Jewish people to remember what God had done, how faithful He had been.
My desire this week is to show why these feasts held such a prominent place in the lives of the Israelites and how they can serve as a reminder to us of God’s faithfulness and forgiveness. I think they fit nicely into the whole idea of being thankful (which this Thanksgiving holiday is all about). I hope to see you in person at 9 and 10:45 or, if not, then via live stream at the same times.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Hey! A few of us are older, even if it’s only a year or two! Happy Thanksgiving, Bill!
Are you trying to make me feel better Glynn? 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Hi, Bill!
I looked up your name online and found Cycleguy Spin. Yes, I will try to resubscribe to this and see if it works.
Have a marvelous Thanksgiving!
Can I add that technology can be maddening?
‘forget not all His benefits.’
and oh they are so many, they flow like a river, they fill our hearts and minds, they heal our wounds.
And oh how true that is Linda. May we not forget.