When It All Adds Up

Written by cycleguy on August 6th, 2010

Whenever you come to the end of a project there are generally one of two reactions…or maybe even both.  There is a relief it is done.  If you have been working on something for a period of time it is so good to see the finished product.  But at the same time, there is something to be said for knowing “where you will be going.”  For example, if you are working on a project for your home and you know when you get home there is such-and-such to do, there is a certain “comfort” in that.  I sort of look at a sermon series like that.  I get excited planning them and praying about them and wondering what God is going to do.  There is a certain “comfort” knowing that when I get to the office to start that next sermon, I have a place to go.  But there is also a sense of satisfaction when the series is done, especially if it has been a longer one.  Like Funny Math, for example.  For ten weeks (all summer), I (and the people) have known where I will be the next week.  This week the series ends.  Where to with this one?

Please check out this short scene from Fellowship of the Ring first:

Together they take the next step, and the next, and the next, into dangers and wonders beyond their wildest imaginations, into a life that transforms them both.  I honestly see the life of a Christ-follower to be the same-taking the next step and the next one, one at a time.  Given that thought, I am going to be preaching about 2 Peter 1: 8-11 this Sunday.  As Bilbo says, “It is a dangerous thing just going out your door.”  Living a life that honors Christ is a dangerous thing…but live it anyway!

Thanks for your prayers.  Thanks again to Dan for the banner.   Now, let me ask you: what is your next step going to be to honor Christ?


14 Comments so far ↓

  1. Bill, I love the LOTR references 🙂

    BTW – did you get that email I sent you, RE: Love?

  2. cycleguy says:

    Herb: Awesome movies. Yes I did and read it but haven’t found time to email you. Sorry. Will do it though. Thanks.

  3. Michelle says:

    We own all the LOTR movies. My husband loves the movies and I always am intrigued by them. it’s true. Each step is unknown but not hopeless. I am finding that out facing my own fears…life being so final and moment can be our last. I fear that. But something better awaits us. Maybe not in this lifetime, but certainly in the life that is to come. God guarantees that. It’s worth the journey.

  4. Linda M says:

    Hi cycleguy,
    I’ve put my name out into the Indo-Canadian society for looking after a young orphaned 11 year old Muslim boy from Edmonton, Ab. I’m not sure I can do this, but if he doesn’t have a place to stay in Canada he will have to go back to Pakistan. His entire immediate family was killed in a terrible car accident in the mountains on the August long weekend. 6 people were killed 5 from his immediate family. I believe that if God intends for me to provide a place for this young boy to stay he will do that, otherwise, I’m free to go on as usual. The family funeral is today in Edmonton. I won’t be attending. Not enough notice. I just heard about it today.

    I had a prophecy given to me a couple of years ago in a summer convention about maybe getting back into singing. I’m still thinking about it. Not exactly sure where to go with it. I don’t have any songs ready right now.

    I have put a poster out in my community to try and find others that want to gather together for a Prayer and Bible Study once a week at my house. No response so far. The summer may not be the best time to put the poster out. I’m not that well known in my community so people are not familiar with my name. I’m trusting God to bring some people. If no one responds then I will take that as the time not being right. If the Holy Spirit wants people to come to my Bible study, they will. No ifs, buts or maybes. I have seen God do this repeatedly with my own eyes in several churches recently.

    I’m going to try and minister to my daughter with compassion. I think she is a victim of control and protectionism by her husband and his family. My son-in-law is a dangerous individual to the community. I’ve been trying to help my daughter see this. No success so far. I’ve been stopped by her from seeing my grandchildren at this time, because I have expressed to her what I believe her husband is doing to the kids. Not good. She says I’m crazy. My son-in-law has been involved with criminal activity for many years. I believe she has her head in the sand.

    I’ve been sending my sister money each month to help out with their financial situation. This is where the LORD’s money that I set apart from my income has been going lately because I have not been attending a church. Depending on how things go for them I will try to open up my home to them. Times are difficult and they are getting near retirement age. So am I.
    God is good cycleguy. He enriches our lives, makes a way and provides. I think that I am telling people this information in my reply here because I want them to know that living for Christ is amazing. We get to do the most awesome things. We do things we never dreamed we would ever do.
    I’m not perfect, everyone here knows that. I’m a believer, trying to listen to and obey God. I make mistakes. I miss the mark sometimes. But God has been faithful. This is my reply to your question of what I am doing to honor Christ.

  5. jasonS says:

    Yes, it’s a dangerous to live surrendered to Christ in obedience, but so fulfilling and worth it! The times I get sideways and frustrated are the times I’m not listening as closely or trusting as completely. I’m seeking to honor Christ by leading our church into a bigger, bolder expression of God’s love as we reach out to our community. Excited about what that holds and means!

    Thanks Bill.

  6. The bravest words ever spoken were “Not my will but yours be done”.

    I think that should be my next step.

    Good challenge bro’

  7. cycleguy says:

    Michelle: My wife has never seen the LOTR movies and has no desire to. 🙁 Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your fears. Sometimes that next step is one that involves fear.

  8. cycleguy says:

    Linda: sounds like a full plate but more than that a heart willing to reach out. I pray God will open doors for you to minister. Thanks for sharing.

  9. cycleguy says:

    Jason: It is exciting and dangerous at the same time! (Sounds like Wild at Heart). I am excited to hear that you and your church fellowship are seeking to make a difference. Can’t wait to hear some of what happens.

  10. cycleguy says:

    Jay: you put it very succinctly and better than I ever did. 😀 Thanks

  11. Ani says:

    This just encouraged me to go further than I already was. Thanks.

  12. Jaycee (E.A) says:

    Awww, the series ends this week. A beautiful journey, and God will surely bless you for it, as well as those who have participated. Thanks for sowing multiple seeds.

  13. cycleguy says:

    Glad it encouraged you to go further Ani. Thanks for dropping by.

  14. cycleguy says:

    Jaycee: Here’s to hoping the folks here feel the same way you do. 😛 Praying seeds were sown.